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Long time friends met Cerys

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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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I have friends that I have known for 20 years. They live 100 miles from me. We are very good friends, and meet up regularly. They knew of Cerys, but had only seen photographs and seen posts that I share on social media. Cerys isn't a secret, so I often post photos etc.

Today, I had reason for going to their house. They were storing something for me, and I needed to collect it. We arranged that today would be the day. I phoned them yesterday to say that I would be driving up as Cerys, and asked them if that was Ok. They said it was. My wife and I left the house fairly early this morning and drove up. We stopped along the way at a motorway service station to have a coffee and use the toilet, and carried on.

We arrived at their house around midday. My friend opened the door and invited us in. This was our first meeting in quite a few months, and the first time they had met Cerys. Not a word was said about how I was dressed, we just carried on as normal. Over a cup of tea, I asked their honest opinon. The wife said " I hate you! I've been a woman all my life, and you look better than I do!". I replied that she doesn't need to go to all the effort that Cerys has to go through, and that getting Cerys ready to meet the outside world can take an hour or so. My friend doesn't have to shave, nor does she need make up to look female.
We had our, and my friend decided that we need to go for a drink. This meant a visit to his local pub. I wasn't expecting to be visiting a pub, especially a small pub that is popular with locals. We walked to the pub. Sunday afternoon, it was busy. My friends were welcomed by the bar staff as we walked in. we ordered drinks and found a table. A local Sunday league football team came in. All typical "lads". It's a mall pub, it's starting to get a bit full. Nothing was said. No one pointed. No one laughed.

We had a few drinks (non alcoholic as I was driving home) and then headed back to the house. We sat and chatted for a while, another cup of tea, and a bite to eat.  I asked if they were OK to be out in their local pub where they are well known, with an obvious crossdresser. They had no problems at all. They never felt embarrassed in any way. They also said that compared to some of the women that frequent that pub, I was one of the better looking ones 🙂
We loaded the car with what we went to collect and we headed home. 

All in all it was a great, and uneventful day. My friends met Cerys, and were perfectly happy and comfortable. To be honest, I needed this. I have been a little low lately, and somewhat nervous about being out as Cerys. This outing today, has boosted my confidence. It's still not at the level it used to be, but it's not far off.  We're away at a country show next weekend. A long weekend away in the motorhome at a show we exhibit at. The way I'm feeling at the moment, I won't be taking any make clothing with me. There will be a lot of friends that haven't met Cerys yet at this show. If I don't take male clothing, I can't chicken out.... We'll see 🙂


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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
Posts: 5214


Cerys ... this post was utterly, totally *consults Thesaurus*, absolutely and completely wonderful.

You describe it as an 'uneventful' day, but that was what was so marvellous about it. You were out all day as Cerys. Your friends accepted you. Everyone in the pub accepted you. The sky didn't fall.

Nothing happened.

And it was wonderful.

Ellie x

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Trusted Member     Michigan, United States of America
Posts: 31

@dazzler Sounds like Cerys had a wonderful first visit with long time friends! It would be wonderful if everyone could have this type of experience with friends, relatives and everyday strangers in public! This is the best ever outcome for the start of a new day with so many variables. I too know what a boost this type of experience can do for one's confidence and happiness! It can be off the charts! I'm very happy for you being able to experience this and I hope you have many more like it! Thank you for sharing your happy day with friends.

Hugs, Steffanie


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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2192


That's brilliant, Cerys! I've said it before, I LOVE reading such heartwarming accounts,  they are indeed true friends.

Onwards and upwards 😊

Allie x

Joined: 1 year ago

    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1458

@dazzler What a fantastic day 🙂  So pleased that you were accepted as Cerys by everyone, even the total strangers in the pub.  Reading this sort of account is an absolute pleasure and it must surely give such hope to all the girls out there who might be worrying about being a laughing stock in public. 

The upcoming show really sounds like an enjoyable challenge!  Best of luck hon and I look forward to hearing all about it 🙂

Fiona xxx

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Reputable Member     Fort Collins, Colorado, United States of America
Posts: 159

@dazzler Cerys, many many thanks for sharing such a wonderful story. It's terrific that you have been accepted by so many. 


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4016

@dazzler Living your crossdressing life as normal, as we all should be able to do.

I am sure your show will go fine.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1828

@dazzler what an uplifting post! Brilliant, so glad it worked so well for you.

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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What a lovely day out Cerys. I'm so happy for you. We'll be waiting to hear what you're wearing at the show xx. 

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

These are what you would class as true friends taking you as you are with no judgement. A great day out and nice to hear that it has boosted your confidence. I love your friends wife and her comments, it is often true we dress better than a lot of women, mind you that isn't too difficult at times!

Cerys appears to be back with a vengeance and hope your next trip is just as good.

Posts: 2108
Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Cerys -

What a wonderful day out with friends. Hoping you have more experiences like this in the future.



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