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Hi girls,
I was at a festival this weekend and I found myself looking at all the women there. This might sound strange but let me explain a little. I’ve recently come to accept who I am. Still in the closet but working on letting out the girl who has been locked away for a very long time. Back to my original point. I was looking at all the women but not in any sexual way. It took me by surprise that I was looking at what they were wearing and all the different shoes. Getting ideas on how to put things together and wondering how I would look in some really cute summer dresses. How many of you look at what other women are wearing and wonder how it would look on you?
Hi Angela, I find myself checking out fashions and styles all the time. In a way it is doing research in seeing how clothes, shoes, accessories work with each other and what styles will intrigue you.
Hello Angela !
I would have to say not much....... Provided constantly can be categorized as not much.
Shoes blouses skirts dresses capris jewelry hats boots stockings....... All of it.
I have been doing it exactly like you for about a year now I am changing I believe I need to
Same here Angela. I always find myself studying how women look, their makeup, nails, clothes, shoes, etc., and would that be a good look for me.
That's why I love Sundays. I go to a church where women and girls are required to wear a skirt or dress, so I get to observe women and girls of all ages in their Sunday best. Sadly, I would have no problem wearing a dress or skirt, but I don't think they would understand, so I am stuck wearing my drab male clothes.
Peggy Sue
I too also check out women and what they wear but I also wonder if my lingerie is prettier than what they have on!
<p style="text-align: right;">Hi Angela I do it all the time, but like you it's just to look at the latest fashion, i also like looking at the store's to see what the new fashion's and colours are, thanks for sharing your thoughts with us xxxxx</p>
All the time, darling, it's part of being a cross dresser!
The best time to admire women's outfits is when you're out en femme, and you can tell them you love the outfit and ask where they got it!
Or, at least, that has been my experience so far - none have run off screaming, but you do need to judge the moment!
Love Laura
I started doing that around 13, seeing what girls I went to school were wearing and so wanting to wear what they were wearing. I would rush home, slip on my pantyhose and often spend may hours thinking of them. I would also see girls and women on TV I wanted to be like.
I would look through the Sears and JC Penney catalogues seeing all the pretty clothes and wishing they were mine. I had the pantyhose but I wanted the heels, short shorts and miniskirts too. I spent a lot of time in my pantyhose wishing and fantasizing.
At 17 I wore pantyhose out with guy shorts and guy clothes. Soon after I bought some short girls shorts and wore those out. Soon after came platform wedges. A year later I was fully fem. My main inspiration, nerve and desire was Daisy Duke. I wanted to be her and look like her. There was others too including girls I knew, but most of the time when I bought or wore something it was based on, would Daisy wear this?, or how would Daisy look in this.
I do it all the time.Especially so in the office where I used to work.Worked with a lot of attractive ladies.Often wonder what their clothes would look like on me.I remember one time ai used to stand at the bus stop waiting for my commuter bus to work.Every day I saw this young lady wearing black high heel shoes with black tights.I wished I was her.Going back to the girls in my former workplace.Checking out what they were wearing at the staff Christmas parties was a very frustrating experience.