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For the last two months I have had a miserable time with a dental abcess.As eating can be painful at times I am only eating soft fooddAs a result I have lost quite a bit of weight.I wore one of my summery skirts and it was hanging on me.I said to my wife yesterday,I will be soon dropping my skirt size from 16 to 14.On the upside my legs are quite slim and I look even better in tights than I normally do apart from my slightly dimply knees.As I dress as Roberta much more than I ever have before,I have made a concerted effort to keep my weight down to manage my figure.I have cut down considerably on drinking beer at home.I feel that it' s worth it to keep Roberta in shape.I must say though that at the moment I am a little too thin.Luckily I will have my offending tooth out shortly and can resume my normal diet.The on and off pain has been so bad it has put me off dressing enfemme some days.This is not like me.
Girl I know how you feel I have lost 130 lb in the last 14 months and what has kept me focused is to fit in smaller dresses and pantyhose lol whatever works girlfriend
What annoys me is I can lose a bit of weight (eg. 3 kg) over a few weeks and then one small cake seems to add it all back on... The usual way I lose weight easily is when I am very stressed, which like being in pain isn't the ideal method by far. I hope you get that tooth sorted soon Roberta; eating is a rather useful activity!
I really need to gain some volume around the hips though, as they are starting to look too narrow compared with my shoulders. If only I could move that fat by willpower.
[postquote quote=197510][/postquote]
Thanks Jasmine.
Hi Ladies. I too have lost weight over the past year. Finding out I have diabetes, medication, and heart issue have seen me go from 260 lbs to 167 pounds. It is funny, that knocking off alcohol, fast foods and sugars/salt and any tinned food that is crazy with salt and sugar.
My body certainly has changed....all in the desire to be more female. All the objectionable spots can be foam filled. We are getting there by good diet and will power.
I wish you all luck in you quests and if I can help.....my door is always open.
Dame Veronica