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love my stick

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Estimable Member     Florida, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

The only 'stick/manual/standard' transmission car that I drove was a VW Fox, 4speed.    It frequently lost the reverse gear bushing.    Idrove my friend's 5speed  a few times, but had a hard time with it.

I got pulled over one night after a couple of beers.    The policeman said, "sir, you're making a lot of tire noise leaving the red lights."     My answer was "my clutch is slipping", so I don't think I was drunk.

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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In the mid 80's I learned to drive in my friend's Ford Pinto Pony. It was a stick.

30 years ago I owned a well used 74' Pontiac Ventura (basically a version of a Chevy Nova) and it had 250cc straight six and 3 on the tree. Was just about the best handling car I ever owned. In Jan-Feb 94 it seemed to snow almost daily. I used to pass the snow plow on my way to work regularly. You ain't really a driver unless you can smoke, drink coffee, and roll down the window to spit out seemingly all at the same time while shifting gears 😉

Once a long haul trucker friend of mine came to visit. He couldn't park in my neighborhood so we found him a secluded safe spot. When he went to leave his Semi wouldn't start. We tried jumping it with my neighbors old station wagon with a 400cc+ engine.... not enough juice. He was on an incline facing down hill. Not sure if it would work we tried it and were successful. Got her rolling down the incline in neutral and popped the clutch to get the semi started. No one mentioned popping the clutch. I just had to.

Living in a commuter hell that is a suburb of NYC.... After 40 years of driving, commuting and taking road trips I believe I am gaining on a million miles of driving experience. A stick is fun when you aren't stuck in traffic. I have been stuck in traffic with a stick enough to prefer an automatic transmission.

Hugs to all!

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Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
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Hey Briana,

After college I drove a VW Rabbit.  It was a manual.  After that car I drove a Subaru with a stick.




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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
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cars are going to be driving there self soon. so we are creating more dumb drivers. remember no power steering, power brakes, power windows, vinyl seats, able to smoke the tires, able to fix your own car, light button was on the floor, no cruise control. you knew you were a good driver when you could drive in a snowstorm. most kids these days don't even get their license til after high school or later. i remember in the 80's if you didn't get your license by the time you were a senior, you were a loser. 

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Noble Member     Warner Robins, Georgia, United States of America
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 That's probably why I like old cars 🚗. 

 Real old school truckers complain about the steering 'wheel holders' on the hiways today. 🥰

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(@Anonymous 98283)
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Best thing about driving a stick, popping the clutch. Not nearly as fun on an automatic. The car I drove when I started crossdressing was a stick. They're not as common as they once were, and that's really too bad. I believe that all cars should be available with a stick, including electric ones.  

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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Reading this thread it strikes me that no matter what we’re wearing, dudes love to talk about cars.

It made me recall buying “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” at least 3 times on 8-track tape back in the 70’s. My cheap 8-track stereo would always eat those double albums eventually. And GYBR was close to $20 even back then. But you had to have it in your car. Otherwise, you would be a “LOSER”🤣😆

Then “Caribou” came out and I think that one was even more popular in our little California town.

What were some of you future ladies popping into your car stereos over and over when you were cruising the boulevards?


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(@Anonymous 98283)
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@gracepal America's Greatest Hits

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Posts: 960

@buildoe Had that one for sure, and Alice Coopers greatest hits as well.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1252

@gracepal AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Beethoven, Frans Liszt, Hawkwind and lately, in between my metal and my classical, I'm into Patty Gurdy, Tove Lo, and Dua Lipa.

Oh, and Rammstein.

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Posts: 1483

@gracepal Rush, Pink Floyd, Foreigner, Bruce Sprinsteen, Bon Jovi, The Who, AC/DC, The Cars, Bob Seger, David Bowie, Van Halen, Dio, ZZ Top, 38 Special....... the list goes on

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
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I've seen Styx, Foreigner, Journey, Aerosmith, Kiss, Boston, Bad Company, Joan Jett, Heart, Cheap Trick, Godsmack, 3 Doors Down, Bowling For Soup, Poison, Shinedown, Eddie Money, Goo Goo Dolls, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Nickelback, Warrant, Scandal, Joe Walsh, Bryann Adams, rod steward, Charlie Daniels, Rick Springfield, Def Leppard, Dam Yankies, 

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