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So the days draw in, it’s so cold when I ride my Motorcycle and generally we look forward to the summer. Although it’s not as bad as other locations, the British winter is regarded with a sad sigh. So what’s the upside ?
Jillian loves it and I am sure you will understand why and even know what she means below
I wear shorts from May to mid September ( I do not have a date circled on the calendar proclaiming that it’s time to ditch the Longs). During this time, I do not shave my legs and even though I cycle and could get away with it, don’t like my pale legs for the first week or so. They do tan up quick but not ready to show out my bare legs and guess it’s just vanity. Going on holiday is another reason. I know I could false tan and just tell folk that I cycle but sure as hell do not have a torso that would be enhanced by a crop. it seems that I am holding back a ceremony for when winter arrives.
I will explain:- Mid September comes, first thought is not “ oh no there goes summer” - Its “ Brilliant - here comes winter”. So it begins and the excitement is hard to hold back.
Yes I can fully shave my legs and torso and do not have to explain why I do it ( or lie to them as to why )
What a joy to be smooth again, really love the feeling and far less irritating than being hairy. My hose looks fab and proper ladylike. Just like the real thing and love the look. Being honest, I dress so often during winter to take advantage of my body. I tend to hold myself back as I DO NOT EVER want to get used to the feeling I get.
Now that winter is getting older, I have to gauge when to stop the hair removal ceremony so that when May arrives, I will be the typical hairy man with limited groom bestowed upon himself.
I am no spring chicken and it is far more common for the male to groom nowadays but feel too old to jump on that wagon. I got a few more weeks before I “grow” again but always feel sad to let go of this heightened state as it’s like the last few days of a great holiday…………
So long live winter and here’s to hassle free smoothness.
Jillian XX
The more that you wait, the more people will see your hairless legs in the spring. The more that people get used to seeing them being hairless, the less it will matter.
I'd been doing my legs so long even before Fiona, that there was already not a lot of hair left below my knees. Everyone has indeed got used to the state of them and scarcely a word has ever been said. Last winter I did my arms for the first time in early January, for the same reasons that you're doing your legs now. But this year, ironically Fiona's first winter, I've really felt the cold and not been inclined to do anything. I'm looking forward to doing my legs again in Spring and spending lunchtimes tanning them in my back garden instead 🙂 What I'd really like is to have the nerve to do my arms at the same time ... but that would entail conversations that I'm not ready for just yet.
I've had this dilemma of arms and hands - I have dark thin hair but a lot of it - I procrastinated for ages and then just did it - not one question. Even from my beautician daughter who never misses a thing.
A few partners have asked me to shave.
if I were asked I would say easier for drying and skin care.
As you say, younger people have led the way on the grooming front and a high percentage dilapidate. I see scaffolders and builders with shaved legs and torsos, and a very high % of shavers at gym, so I wonder if anyone cares anymore.
I do id with your ceremony tho'
Hi Jillian
Yes i totally agree with your sentiment's, as i also live in the U.K. i know the feeling of frustration that summer brings. Winter also give me the ability to venture out with less chance of being noticed. fortunately my body hair is at a minimal so the feeling of tights/stockings can be felt throughout the year.
Take Care
Jillian, I do the exact same thing. I keep shaving up until March. The hair is less prevalent in April, but I have never had any negative comments yet.
My only issue with winter is that being cooler I have less opportunity to wear sundresses.
As for hairless legs, I have been hairless for the better part of 35 years and it just is not an issue. I am in shorts nearly every day and am outside a lot, so I always have some tan. I understand the fun of the first shave of the season, but don't feel the need to not shave during shorts season, since nobody cares.
Spot on and just as I should have described it myself. The feel of nylons on a smooth freshly moisturised leg is sublime and I never tire of it. Plus as mentioned, there is almost a subconscious countdown for when I can be smooth again and find it exciting.
You are right, we are our own enemy and I know if one of my mates said “ I shave my legs because I crossdress” ( even if I was not one myself) I would shrug my shoulders and start to discuss my favourite teams defensive issues, not as a deflection but as a “Don’t care” reaction. Because people do not care- got their own issues….
I guess it is because we have had to LIVE through this so called taboo. It’s my new way to get living in this century and not the last one where all of the negativity was bestowed upon us.
We take ourselves waaay too seriously and this is why I like this site - because we have all been there, not got the tee shirt but have a nice Bodyshaper instead !
Jillian XX