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Maid Outfit

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Estimable Member     Georgia, United States of America
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When doing housework I usually wear a pair of short shorts or yoga shorts and a bra with spaghetti top. It makes housework more enjoyable and I thought why not increase the fun level a little so I ordered a nice Maid outfit. It also includes the tulle underneath skirt. I know it's ridiculous but it just seems like it will be something fun to wear once in a while. 

Do you get to wear some of your girly things while doing housework or yard work? 

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A wise woman once said:

'In every job that must be done

There is an element of fun'


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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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@ellyd22 Yes, but too many spoonfuls of sugar isn't good for your figure.

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To trick is to use just enough to make the medicine go down.

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Trusted Member     Florida, United States of America
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@pantyloverguy I love wearing simple dresses and low heels when preparing food or baking bread. I also do full makeup for these occasions.My disapproving wife doesn't know that most of her homemade bread and many of her meals are generated by Josie.

I can't get away with yard work though I would love the tanning opportunities!

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@pantyloverguy I do own and wear a maid outfit. However, I have 1 whole day each week en-femme and that is spent doing whatever I've planned for the day but will include cooking, working from home, studying and hobbies. Our garden is quite overlooked so I only venture into it if I am sure the neighbours are out.

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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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@pantyloverguy  I bought a white frilly full apron to wear when helping in the kitchen. ( see my public photos). My wife thought it over the top but good sport she is tied the back for me.  I would love to wear a French maid outfit, but I think it would be in private.  That would stretch the bonds of matrimony LOL

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IDK.  I guess I have a different perspective.  Chores are necessary tasks.  They steal time from what I'd rather be doing.  I want them done as quickly as possible.  That means dressing in comfy clothes that can get dirty.  Leggings and a t-shirt work great.  A maid outfit would prolong a chore.  I don't want one.  Well....maybe on Halloween!


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Honorable Member     Queensland, Australia
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@pantyloverguy l do housework with my wife and sometimes for my wife, we have a maid outfit and when my wife requests me to do housework,  then l am only allowed to wear the maid outfit

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
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@pantyloverguy I always enjoy house work much more when I’m dressed femme. Some weekends I’ll clean the whole house, do the laundry and make dinner while fully dressed.

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Honorable Member     Queensland, Australia
Posts: 314

@pantyloverguy l mentioned to my wife l want to do the housework in a maids outfit and she said she thinks she has one that she purchased years ago from an adult store, so she looked for it and has found it, so that's how l am doing the housework today xx Jane

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@candycross Life goal 😭

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Estimable Member     Tlajomulco de Zuñiga, Jalisco, Mexico
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Hi, in my case I have a weakness for maid attire, I remember having seen in my childhood several scenes in different cartoons of male characters wearing them and they always caught my attention so I bought one some years ago and currently I have two in my collection, one as a French maid and the other as a maid in the style of Japanese anime because yes, I am also a big fan of anime haha, and although they are obviously not as practical when doing housework as other more comfortable outfits, like the one you mentioned (yoga shorts and a bra with spaghetti top), they definitely add a great touch of fun, especially if you wear them with heels haha.

Greetings and greetings to all girls. 

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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Up till now I've done my 'life admin' like washing & ironing on a regular night at my own house, away from my OH's place where we live.  Naturally, Fiona did those jobs and it was indeed more fun.

I'm now living at my place as Fiona 24/7 for the summer.  So during this time any piece of housework I do at all will be en femme 🙂  I'm sure the novelty will wear off!

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Trusted Member     Florida, United States of America
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@finallyfiona I hope the living arrangement is a positive, not a negative. I've thought quite a bit over the years about what I would do if single. I believe I would go full-time female domestic though I would also continue my male life as necessary.

I would prefer to be Josie nearly full time but I have family issues that impact that decision. Every decision we make, whether we like it or not, impacts others. None of us live in a vacuum.

Look into your soul. What works for you? What works for your family?

It's damn complicated!!

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@josie21 Thank you hon, yes I have my OH's leave of absence while I find where my head and my heart are at with my emerging femininity, how far I would like/need it to go, how little I can manage with.  Only once I know these answers can the future of my relationship with my OH be determined.  So far, a few days in and I'm absolutely loving spending all day in a dress with my full girl on.  Even if the circumstances never come together again to repeat/continue it, I'm sure this will be a wonderful life experience to have had when I look back in the future.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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This week, I have been doing a lot of stuff en femme as my wife is away on holiday -- not that she needs to be but it is still quite freeing to be able to do what I want, when I want. Although my garden is not generally over-looked, the entrance to it is up a long footpath past two other neighbours gardens so it is only late at night, when taking the dog for a last pee that I can walk up there dressed. Its seclusion is such that, during the day, once there, I can put on whatever I was unable to wear on the way up and during the summer can pretty much wander around en femme to my hearts content. Different matter in the winter as the leaves fall off the trees and it is easy to see into the garden but on the upside, once it is dark, I can leave the house en femme because no one can see me and they probably wouldn't be out there anyway in the cold. 


I do like doing chores around the house while dressed and I can honestly say I have no idea why, it's just nice.

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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I don't dress specifically for housework, but if I'm dressed I'll do it dressed. I've been known to go out to pick up the mail even if I'm appearing as a male in female clothing (no forms, wig, makeup, etc.). There is no houses across the street, and one side is completely blocked from trees, but there are still cars passing on the road in front of my home (not steady, but not deserted either), and people I know in the neighborhood who might pass in front of my home.

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Honorable Member     Iowa, United States of America
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I have one dress in particular that is kind of my homemaker outfit. But, I think a maid outfit would be fun! I bought a cheap, costume quality one a few years ago, but it looks and feels really cheap. A high quality French maid uniform is on my wish list though! Perhaps I would be more motivated to clean if I had a beautiful uniform to do it in. 🙂


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Reputable Member     South Central, Indiana, United States of America
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@birel I also have several dresses that I bough specifically for housework.  The are much like a 50's dress.  I looked for maid's uniforms but never found one I liked.

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Estimable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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A maids outfit was one of the first outfits I ever bought.  I've only worn it at home and I would be willing to wear it to a costume party.  Finding a good one is a challenge.  Most of what you see on Amazon is just cheap quality.  Getting the correct size for me was difficult too.  I ended up getting mine from Xdress.  Its slightly higher quality than a normal maid costume.  They don't have the Black and White colored one anymore but they do have a light blue and a pink.

Highly recommend getting the petticoat to go under it.  Gives the dress much more volume and makes me feel like I have feminine hips as it makes the dress flair out a tad.

I would love to have a Playboy Bunny outfit sometime....and maybe a costume party to wear it to!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @jessicacd289

Finding a good one is a challenge.

Do a search for "high quality maid uniform". There is quite a variety of good ones.


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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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I've never owned a maid's outfit, just been photographed in one at a dressing studio in London UK about 40 years ago.This photo and few others "acccidentally" ended up in my hold all when I left the place. Kept the rest of the shots, but eventually did not like myself as a maid, so I burnt it.

Was an early CD fantasy, but obviously that wore off. I have cooked few times fully dressed, the last one did not end well. AKA "She came home early" and we all know how that story ends.




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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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After I was made redundant and I took on all of the housework and domestic chores, I realised I had all this time on my hands whilst the 'Other Half' was at work in which I could start dressing again. So I would always be dressed in skirts, tights, heels, makeup etc. when I was doing the housework. That of course was when I was still lurking in the closet, so I was happy to wear any of my female clothes. And yes, it always made the work seem a lot less of a chore 🙂

Fast-forward to now, I dress most of the time around the house, and as my partner is still the one who goes to work, I now assume the traditional role of 'housewife' - although I have yet to find that perfect 50's/60's cliché outfit with huge petticoats and conical bra! And yes, it has become 'normal' for me to dress en femme, but I still enjoy the housework a lot more than when I am not 'me'... but then, I enjoy everything less when I'm in drab.

As far as a maid's dress goes, I wouldn't mind one to be honest - the other half has said 'if you want one, get one' - but I just can't help wondering whether if I did get one, would I end up not wearing it - not least because I might feel a bit silly in it. 

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@caroline2k I have several 50s cut A line dresses and several petticoats. There is a great shop in Arundel that does them called Retroesque. Another in York called Angela Bares. Both very CD friendly and I have visited both in person.

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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@annaredhead Thanks Anna, I shall have to have a look.

Is that red/black one you are wearing in one of your photos from there? It's lovely. You look lovely in it too btw 🙂

I have a Hell Bunny dress and a petticoat to go with it but it's a little too large, a 'little' too short (almost 'French maid' lol) and has a tied, halter neck which always requires a cardi to hide my bra straps. Not that I object to cardigans (they are a staple of my wardrobe) but it would be nice to have the option... and a cleavage lol

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@caroline2k Thanks! The red / black dresses in my pics are both Dolly & Dotty. They do a huge range of retro-style dresses and can be found online as well. I think one of them came from York, the other online. They're quite consistent in sizing. The good thing about the 2 shops is they're fine about you trying items on. x

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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@annaredhead Thank you for the info Anna 🙂

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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I don't get much opportunity to now but in the past have done housework dressed. I have one dress with patch pockets that I wear when I do housework that has a black and white print. I do laundry, vacumming and one of my favorite things is changing the sheets on the bed. I don't have a maids outfit but that does sound like fun (especially if it has the tulle underskirt.


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@cdsue Thanks for reminding me of all of my honey-dos. 😄

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Estimable Member     Dayton, Ohio, United States of America
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The closest I have gotten to a maid's outfit is a frilly and flowery apron I wear when working in the kitchen.  Initially I was motivated only by the desire to keep my dresses free of grease or flour, but I do find wearing it adds a little boost to my girly feels.

Perhaps I'll reward myself with a maid's outfit after losing some more weight.  

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Well i do all the house work around our house, but unfortunately i don't get to wear any of my Fem clothes, 

Sometimes i wish i could wear a maids outfit or a nice dress 👗 whilst I'm doing the cleaning 🧹, 

Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗 

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@rozalyne understand - I don't always get to dress but when I have the chance I do


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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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That's the same for me Suzanne,  I'm hoping I'll be able to dress for a whole week in June, you know what they say when the boss is away the girls will play, I'm hoping to have a professional makeover and photo shoot too, there's a salon that caters for crossdresser's not far from me so I'm thinking of booking a session with them, it's just far enough away so no one will know it's me X 

Hugs Rozalyn X 

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@rozalyne sounds wonderful - hope it works out for you - you'll have to let us know how it goes


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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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If i have my makeover I'll upload some pictures to CDH, 

I'll let the girls decide how i look X 

Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗 

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Trusted Member     London, Ontario, Canada
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For housework I’ve been wearing bra panties femme slippers and a very femme frilly apron  


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Reputable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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First of all I am amazed at the number of responses you have to this post! I often dress when I am home alone doing housework, whether cleaning or in the kitchen.  One of my fantasies is to have a cute french maid outfit to do housecleaning - it definitely would make things more fun. Actually I was talking with my wife a couple weeks ago about "maid" duties at home and she jokingly offered that maybe I should consider an outfit.  Hmmmm....




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