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Makeup and heels

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Eminent Member     Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Do you have more female clothes and makeup and heels than your significant other and or wife 

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Mathematically speaking, I have infinitely more ... but only because I don't have a significant other or wife 🙂


  • my female clothes = a
  • my makeup = b
  • my heels (and other footwear) = c
  • All items belonging to SO or wife = d (which is equal to zero)


Then my calculation is:

∑ (a+b+c) / d = ∞


Ellie x

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 I am the same as you Ellie- Hypothetically and mathematically.....

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I LOVE having a hypothetically infinite wardrobe ,,,

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 Oh I am at infinity and beyond!

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Booth Lightyear.

Baroness Annual
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Reputable Member     Fairfax , Virginia, United States of America
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@ellyd22 😅😅💐

Duchess Annual
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Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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@ellyd22 🤔 It works for me too. 😄

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 I'm loving the maths

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Do you have a mathematical equation that will turn one of my plastic boxes of clothes in the loft into something like the Tardis?  It would prove very useful.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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And if you get a room in Hibert's Hotel you'll hve an infinite number of wardrobes to keep it all in.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Presumably though I'd have to book every room in the hotel in order to do that, presuming there's only one wardrobe in each of an infinity of rooms?

What I need is for someone to come up with the paradox of 'Hilbert's Wardrobe' (a single wardrobe containing an infinite amount of storage space) and then to do a similar thing with 'Hilbert's Chest of Drawers'.

Duchess Annual
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Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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@ellyd22 I think it can be done. To save infinite outfitsts you must be able to save one first. Then two. And so continue hanging them until infinity. Similar to Zeno's paradox. Works for me.


(@Anonymous 95775)
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@ellyd22 With d in the denominator there is no answer, but I love formulas and gals with lots of clothes!

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Reputable Member     Lincoln city, Oregon, United States of America
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@monique1234      Clothes no, she has many more years to accumulate them than I do, but I have many more bras, panties, tights, pantyhose, and makeup. She doesn't wear or use them but I'm beginning to catch up on dresses and skirts. Maybe someday!

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Hi, Monique, I have more dresses, heels and tights/stockings because my wife prefers leggings or jeans and tops. She hasn't been able to wear heels for a long time due to arthritis but she was never a big fan anyway, she has always gone for sensible shoes, often to my dismay🙄

In fact, I have said to her that Allie is more girly than her, ha ha!

Allie x

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Noble Member     Cathedral City, California, United States of America
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@monique1234 Yes, I have many times more of everything.

(@Anonymous 95775)
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@monique1234 Not really, but I do repatriate the ones she "trys" to send to the charity shops (LOL).  As far as makeup goes its her drawer/box/bag is were I keep mine.  Seems the safest place to overt attention from others.  I oftern get asked by her what have you put in there now?

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@monique1234 makeup...yes. Tights, petticoats, shapewear yes. The

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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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@monique1234 I have more lingerie, dresses , skirts, but she has more tops and slacks.  Neither of us wear heels, but she has lots more shoes.  I lead in nylon stockings  10 to 0.  Makeup items she has a slight lead.  Jewelry , about even.  Wigs, I lead 4 to 3.  Finally aprons Lorraine 1 SO, 0.

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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When it comes to clothes I think we're about even, and we also borrow from each other as we're similar in size, both lady's size L.

When it comes to makeup, I am the clear winner, I easily have twice as much makeup and skin care items.

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Estimable Member     El Segundo, California, United States of America
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Clothing = no, she has more than me.

Panties = Yes, my collection out numbers hers. 

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(@Anonymous 95775)
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My wife and I are about equal, when it comes to the number of heels and clothes we own, as well as the amount of makeup we keep on hand. 

Our children are long grown and have left the home, so we are an empty nest, and the home is all ours to spread out our female things in.  The home definitely shows a female touch, with so many effeminate things out and about. 

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Noble Member     Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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I have more make-up. But. Whats mine is hers. I don't have heels. But do have boots.

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Prominent Member     Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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My wife has way more clothes and shoes than I do but it's the exact opposite with makeup. 

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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Clothes - No, she has more, but then everything she has is women's clothing.

Heels - Yes I have more, though if we expand it more generically to's probably close. She has sneakers and work shoes and rain boots, etc. and I have none of those.

Makeup - I easily have more, but to be fair mine has to do a lot more work lol

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Noble Member     Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
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We were about equal until my wife quit dancing and performing and now I have the larger part of the equation.  Marg

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Upscale lingerie, definitely. My beloved is a thrifty lass. Formal Mother of the Bride, Ball gowns and cocktail wear. Yes,.lots more..

Plus she's not into formal period dress either. "Scarlett O Caty" and "Marie Antoinette" (but I still have my head).

She never wears skirts or stockings/panty hose/winter tights and I have lots... of those.

She wears PJ's all year, I wear silk nighties in summer

Other casual wear would be line ball

Happy dressing




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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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As to clothes my wife has more than I do but I have more dresses and skirts. She is more of a jeans, leggings, shorts and top, t-shirt type of gal. I on the other hand love to wear dresses and skirt/blouse combos. Most of the dresses I have were hers that she gave to me as they no longer fit or she didn't wear them. Lingerie I think is about even, although I have more stockings, pantyhose and tights than she does. It's funny we were going out recently and it was a rare time that she wore a dress and she asked me if she could borrow some pantyhose. We do share clothes at other times as well. The one place I know I have more than her is jewelry - I have more earrings, necklaces and bracelets than her. She just commented the other day that I have more earrings than I could ever wear. I told her there are a lot of them I don't wear out of the house but do in the hosue she just doesn't see it when I do. She has borrowed a couple pair in the past. She has commented that I am more girly than her and calls me her fashionista when we go shopping.


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Reputable Member     MPLS, Minnesota, United States of America
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I definitely have more dresses, skirts and slips/shapewear. 
I have more heels. 
Probably about the same amount of makeup. 

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Clothes in general no, but I’m working on it.

Bras and knickers, definitely yes!

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Prominent Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
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She has a lot more clothes than I do, and shoes? Good god she has a lot of shoes. She used to work at a high end shoe store with a generous staff discount, then helped friends with their fancy boutique where she was paid in clothes. If I ever approach her volume of either, we'll need to move to a bigger house. I have about as much makeup as she does, but she borrows mine more than I borrow hers because I tend to be more glam (I have a glitter COLLECTION). She's taught me everything I know about skincare, and we share that stuff.

The one thing I have more of, though, is lingerie. Foundation wear, play ware, you name it. She doesn't borrow any, but she gets to enjoy it all the same!

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Estimable Member     DFW, Texas, United States of America
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My wife has more clothes than I do, I have way more shoes than she does. I guess I'm luck that we wear the same size in a lot of things so she shares her closet with me like girl friends do.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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My wife's feet are size 3-4, mine are size 9 -- we obviously do not share shoes! We do a little clothes sharing but our styles are different so it doesn't happen often, mostly with jumpers if we do. I am 5'10" and she is 5' therefore we do not share dresses.

We share makeup though and jewellery. We both like hoop earrings and certain necklaces although I tend towards more dangly stuff than she does -- anything that breaks up my size and shape.

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