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Makeup evening and bringing up the subject of going out en femme

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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This evening, at the behest of my wife, she did my makeup and we took a few photographs which (after moderation) should appear in my profile. We both agreed that for a first attempt -- me at having it done, and her, for trying on someone else -- it went pretty well. She likes the idea of some little jobs doing makeup for other cross-dressers in the area -- although quite how we would find each other I'm not sure. I could even be there en femme, if required, so as to give a prospective customer reassurance.


She kept looking at me afterwards as she couldn't believe I was actually her husband as I look so different, even I had double-takes when I glanced at myself in the mirror. We have agreed, that with a few more practices at the makeup and improving my walk, that we would go out as ladies together into the local city to do a bit of girly shopping and have lunch somewhere. Our only worry is getting from the house to the car, which is parked on the road outside, without anyone we know seeing me dressed; it would not be a good idea to be seen around here as a cross-dresser. I'm sure we'll find a way even if it is to put the wig on once away from here.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497

I love this! Your wife is a treasure for supporting you so enthusiastically. It sounds like you both had a great time, and the fact that there's the germ of an ambition for bigger things is brilliant for you both!

(@Anonymous 93000)
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Posts: 121

@rebeccabaxter I am happy for you Rebecca that you wife is so supportive.  By the way, you picture looks great!

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 2157

@rebeccabaxter So happy for you, Becca.  Hope the 2 of you will be able to go out as girlfriends.  Also hope down the road you will be able to be 'partially' out in your nieghborhood, so will not have to sneak to your car as much.  Took a while to come for me.


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4015

Posted by: @rebeccabaxter

Our only worry is getting from the house to the car, which is parked on the road outside, without anyone we know seeing me dressed; it would not be a good idea to be seen around here as a cross-dresser. I'm sure we'll find a way even if it is to put the wig on once away from here.

This is a common problem for many CDs, including this one. It would be helpful to collect ideas from other CDs on how to go the first 100'. There is lots of imagination and experience out there.

Where I live there are video cameras, so, in the middle of the night, I once slipped out of our building wearing light clothes in warm weather and a dress stuffed into an armpit. I knew of a dark, secluded place where I could change into the dress and I walked around when I thought that it would be safe. I quickly found out that there is no safe time in a big city that gallops 24/7. 🤬


Duchess Annual
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Reputable Member     Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 186

@rebeccabaxter I am very happy for you to have such an excellent relationship and accepting wife. You look great and very feminine. Enjoy your future experiences!

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Prominent Member     Mesa, Arizona, United States of America
Posts: 604

@rebeccabaxter Wow,I am so happy for you that your wife  helps you.She is a treasure.People are usually too busy to notice whats going on around them unless their attention is alerted to the fact.Perhaps you and your wife could pose as girlfriends for the walk to the car and sunglasses  might be an option too.

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
Posts: 1742

@rebeccabaxter Becca,

I went to a woman's home for my first makeover. She ran a transformation business from a converted sun room in her home. She not only did makeup, but had a selection of clothes, breast forms, shoes, and wigs. She could also teach feminine deportment, from how to hold yourself to how to walk in wigs. And she would take photos of her clients with their camera, or with hers and transfer the photos. She also had parties at her home on occasions (including giving a few makeovers before the party) for those who were seeking to enjoy the company of other CD/trans folk, or their supporters.

It was a doable business, but she definitely needed to do not only makeup, but picking out the right wig and clothing for the person's body shape (sometimes they had their own clothes, but it may not have been the best clothes for them). And she had to study a bit of photography to get the best shots of them.

It wasn't a full time business, but she did enjoy it very much.

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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That's so great for both of you! You'll have a fab time out. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks - what could you do about it anyway? 😉

Posts: 3436
Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

What a wonderful evening and what a lovely wife Becca. I am sure you will find a way out for the evening and look forward to the post all about it.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Becca -

Happy for you and how wonderful of your wife to help you. That is nice that she wants to spend time out and about with you.

My wife helps me with my make up (when I get the chance to wear it) usually touching it up after I get done with the initial application. As to going out, that is something I don't think is going to happen but it would be nice.


Posts: 32
Trusted Member     Colorado, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

How wonderful, Becca 😊 I think it is so great that you and you wife get to experience that.

I always look forward to the nights where my SO and I can get dressed up, play with different makeup and looks, or just do spa/skin care type things. She didn't do much of that sort of stuff for herself before, so she is just as excited to have someone else to do that with as I am. 

It really can be such a great way to slow down, have some fun, and reconnect too.

Going out for lunch and shopping sounds so fun. I get a bit stressed going out so we do a lot at home. But, I'm hoping to go out more this year. 

Posts: 121
(@Anonymous 93000)
Estimable Member
Joined: 1 year ago

Your so lucky to have a wonderful and understanding wife. What a fabulous date to look forward to. Hope you have a great time out as Becca. So jealous.


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