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A reminder, I know we all hear about this every day, but keep it off of here.
This is NOT a political debate/discussion site.
This site is a haven from political commentary. As reasonable as your opinions are, someone else may disagree. As this site is a haven for inclusion, political commentary is to be discouraged and will be removed by the appropriate staff as necessary. We are not here to have a debate on a council member or an act of any legislative body, we are here to support and help each other with our feelings and personal issues.
While I feel it is important for citizens to vote, discussing it, issues surrounding it, and the candidates involved, keep your vote and your opinions to yourself.
Kindly take it elsewhere.
Willa Jay
Managing Ambassador
Hi Willa Jay ,
There is enough politic's in the outside world without bringing it onto here, thanks for reminding everyone that this isn't the site to discuss it,
I come on here to chat with the girls about my crossdressing life nothing else, especially does my bum look big in this, lol X
Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗
hi, I use this forum for the support and love I receive AND to escape the onslaught of political commentary and concentrate on my feelings about my personal life and desires. There are more than enough other forums for political talk.
Yes totally agree, l come on here to talk about my life as a crossdresser and also if possible to help others through my own experiences.
I must just not look at the correct posts because I have not seen any political comments…
From Susan. I agree with you all l just like a normal chat.
From Susan Hoskins. When I realized l was a Cross Dress. I mostly Stade inside. It was just a small country town. Now with this chat room l am more relaxed in myself. I do go out-side a bit more.