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‘Manly jobs’

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Noble Member     Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Joined: 4 years ago

I'm a farmer / Jackie of all trades..   😉

My chiropractor suggested I wear pantyhose for leg, lowerback support. Years before I was triggered to start cross dressing again. ( after a 27 year absence.)

I worked with a hungarian carpenter, who painted his nails bright fluro colours. His eyesite wasn't the best  and had

once nailed a finger to some skirting board...he said his wife suggested it, and he always knew where his fingers were when using the nail gun and circular saw.

I like wearing a dress when constructing buildings on the farm. The only hassle is no pockets. I have a denim skirt which is great, but sometimes when the umbilical hernia is causing grief, the dress causes less irritation.

My only concern is snakes. So i often wear jeans as well.

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Honorable Member     Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

Hey JP, you may have already found this, but here is the forum thread I referred to:



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Honorable Member     Pataskala, Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

Im in construction as well. Started wearing vanity fair panties about 3 years ago periodically and gradually worked into 24/7/365. I also wear fleece lined leggings when its cold.  I find the panties more comfortable and supports the "boys" very well. Leggings also for comfort. Do t really consider it "underdressing"  just me being me.



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Noble Member     Alberta, Canada
Joined: 5 years ago

While the industry i am in is not 'manly', it is dominated mostly by men.

I am in the IT industry, and while my place of work has a good mix of men and women in IT, usually in this field it is mostly men.


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I work for a cell phone company, at the remote cell tower locations. I don’t climb but I maintain the radio equipment at the base of the towers. Much of the time is by myself but sometimes I work with other techs or have to go to the office/meetings... all the while wearing my stockings, garter belt, and corset under my work clothes!

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 5 years ago


I work in a mostly men job and I also wear my femme things under my clothes. Panties, bra, camisole and pantyhose everyday under my male work clothes. I enjoy the feeling and the fact that no one has a clue what I have on underneath is a bit of a rush as well!


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Reputable Member     Pennsylvania, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

JP, thanks for asking this question, you are most definitely not alone!

I too am in a ‘manly’ profession and though I have not underdressed to date, I do sometimes keep a lipstick in my pocket. I’m also finding it more and more difficult to keep my ‘two halves’ separated at work (which at a deeper level is probably impossible, and a bad idea anyway).

Over this past weekend I did just get an unexpected ‘exposure’ that might both assure, and (hopefully) amuse you at the same time.

I was stick welding a bunch of schedule 80 pipe outside (a tolerable but unpleasant 25F with snow on the ground) and ran out of welding rod. I was checking out at the store with 25# of fresh welding rod and when I hurriedly pulled the cash out of my pocket to pay for it, the lipstick that I forgot was in my pocket comes out and falls to the floor, of course rolling right over to the foot of the elderly GG cashier. I could have crawled right through that concrete floor with my bare hands! She was a dream about it, picked it up and handed it back to me with a “not to worry sweetie” and apart from me being red-faced with embarrassment, it was over as quickly as it began (thank goodness there was no one else in line behind me!). So much for the ‘manly’ facade of my tasking that day - I’m still cringing thinking about it!

Perhaps one day Carhart will make a nice heavy canvas work jacket and coveralls with a few small zippered compartments sized for the safe keeping of our makeup essentials.....?


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Reputable Member     ZIMMERMAN, Minnesota, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

So in other words all of you girls who work 'manly jobs' are just a bunch of tough broads.

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Reputable Member     Vegreville, Alberta, Canada
Joined: 5 years ago

Like has been mentioned. We all do it. Well almost. I say this sitting here on my lunch break wearing a bra and panties. Being a public works worker has its challenges. Welcome and no your not alone.



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Active Member     Stafford, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 4 years ago

It seems there are many like us in the heavy industry sector JP so I'll stand up and be counted too. Alone? I think not!

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Hi JP,
I work as a plumber. Theres no way I would ever underdress, although in the winter I do wear leggings (gloria vanderbilt glo). I think if I got caught my boss would fire me. He's nuts. I think everyone else would be really uncomfortable. Also I ride a motorcycle and most of the time I won't even wear panties just in case I crash.
PS. The other forum post on jobs (referenced below by Clara) was great. So many different jobs. We are everywhere.

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Active Member     Michigan, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Is a crop farming a "manly job"? I occasionally sneak out after dark while dressed up to get some more field work done.

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Noble Member     Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

I ride a bike too, Gold Wing GL1800, and it won't stop my underdressing. In cold weather I'll add pantyhose to panties for extra warmth. If I get creamed out there, well the EMTs and nurses have seen it all already, and I probably will think it's the least of my worries. All The Gear All The Time!


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Noble Member     Pampa, Tx, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I work in hospital security, which is not too exciting most of the time.  I am underdressed in bra and panties most nights at work, but since we wear body armor, an underwire bra is just not a good idea, so I wear a sports bra, which the tshirt, armor, and uniform shirt hides any evidence of the straps.

Most shifts are pretty uneventful until the night of payday, think booze and narcotics.  It's not too big of a deal even on those nights, unless we have what a couple of the night ER nurses call a rodeo.

I got called to the ER one night and directed to one of the rooms, with the warning "He's not cooperating." from the ER Doctor.  In the room I found one nurse trying to keep a teenage asthma sufferer on the bed and he was fighting her.  He weighed about 250lbs, was still in his fast food work uniform, and having a violent reaction to the crystal meth he has smoked before even going home and taking a shower,  and the odor of hamburger grease, old sweat and meth residue was thick in the exam room (15ft x 20ft) with little air circulation.

Before the sedative cocktail took effect on him, we ended up with me, 2 cops, 3 firemen, 3 nurses and the doctor trying to hold this kid down so he wouldn't hurt himself.  The temperature was very high in the room and 10 people were using the available air very rapidly.  This was about 3 weeks after I had come back to work from my second cancer surgery, so I was not 100%.

Once he was sedated, I walked out into the cooler central hallway, and immediately went to my knees from the temp difference.  The next thing I realized, the respiratory and radiological techs had drug me to the side and were in the process of removing my shirt and unstrapping my body armor.  I was very rapidly aware that I was wearing a sexy pink sport bra under the tshirt which was under my body armor.  It took me a couple of minutes to get those two ladies to stop trying to get my shirts and things off to cool me down, but they eventually stopped just before my tshirt came up and off.  I do think she felt the shoulder straps of the bra and stopped the rad tech.

Sitting there on the floor and being the attention of the ER doc and one of the nurses, with the cops and firemen looking on and everyone asking if I was okay, would have been VERY interesting had those two techs gotten that tshirt off.

So girls, underdressing does feel good to do and is sort of exciting at times.  Please be aware of where you are doing it and the risks that may arise.  I only wore panties for a couple of weeks after that night, but eventually got back to panties and a bra again.  You never know what may happen quicker than you can do anything to keep your secret safe.


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Noble Member     Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

We had a guy in a similar situation several years ago. There had been a spill of some contaminant into the deck, and a guy i worked with had stepped in it before he knew what it was. When a control area was set up to get people out of it, they had to take his shoes. Then they found it on his pants, and had to take those. He wasn't under dressing... at all. So there he stood with socks and a short t shirt, and a great deal of red on his face. I think I'd rather be in pink panties than naught at all.

Your mileage may vary...


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