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Good morning all,
Have you found that your feminine side still comes out when you’re dressed or not? The way you sit and maybe cross your legs, or put your hair behind your ears, the way you walk, the way you bend at the knees instead of at the waist. Anything you do and or changed from the early days. I’ve found the way I walk when doing groceries has a little sway in my step, my wife had mentioned on a few occasions my walk and the way I bend at the knees to get something from the fridge while making dinner( which I love even more while dressed). She did say one day that I may not want to fix my bra straps while underdressing as someone may pick up on it. So any ladies find these are just a part of everyday living now?
Sometimes I do feminine mannerisms, but they are usually intentional rather than ingrained. I may walk with a more erect feminine posture. I sometimes cross my legs like a woman, especially after losing a significant amout of weight last year (due to illness). I'll sometimes squat instead of bending at the waist just to practice my squats. During some of my Pilates moves I may try to be a bit more graceful.
But most of the time, these are conscious efforts on my part.
I have found myself doing some feminine mannerisms on the rare occasion in drab. If aware I quickly auto correct if it is too overt.
Yes , my feminine mannerisms and movement’s can show up when I least expect it and at times when I don’t want them to show. I’m sure it’s because some of theses mannerisms are a part of who I am and have become so ingrained they can’t help but show up. My posture, how I hold my hands, how I sit all of these can look very f at times. How I sit and hold the steering wheel while driving has become girlyish ( probably not a word) developed it while watching other women drive during my commute. I have to remind myself condone when driving with others in my truck. Because of back issues I’ve been bending at the knees for years, but how I do it has slowly become more women like and less like a guy. I can sense it while it’s happening. I’ll admit I enjoy when it happens. It helps me feel closer to my feminine side.
Ashley -
Funny that you ask this. I was just noticing this morning that I'm walking a little more femme without even thinking about it. I cross my legs at the knee (female style) and have done so even before coming out. I'll also sit on the couch sideways with my legs tucked up. I do pay more attention to my posture as well. The way I loop shopping bags over my arm or the dogs leash.
Thanks for asking and bringing this topic up.
There is a scene in the French film "The New Girlfriend" where a crossdresser has to quickly revert back to drab to host a visit from relatives. Dressed in male attire he gracefully takes a seat, crosses his legs, and with a flourish rests his chin on his palm in a very camp manner for a man but a perfectly natural manner for a woman. His nascent girlfriend glares at him and he realizes what he's doing and snaps out of it.
I need to remember the bra adjusting thing while underdressing. I've been guilty of that a few times ... at work, no less.
I absolutely do have an entirely separate set of behaviors when dolled. However, I find that most of them come from the attire. My hands, for example - when I'm wearing the long, press-on nails, my hands are simply forced to interact with the world differently. Using my phone, opening doors or other objects, just picking something up off a table, etc. I'm not certain if my brain is driving my hands or my hands are driving my brain, but the presence of those nails changes everything. The same goes for heels, and jangly bracelets, and all the other accoutrement.
Hence, for me, being in guy mode those behaviors don't kick in because the triggers for them are not present. Now, I will say that after Keystone last year, spending 4 straight days in girl-mode, there were a couple of lingering mannerisms I noticed, which was really, quite a delight. However, they faded away on their own.
Absolutely! In fact it's such a thing that when I came out to my daughter she said she had suspicions because of some of my mannerisms, but she didn't elaborate. My mannerisms sometimes lead my wife to say "there she is!" when I'm in drab. I think it's mostly how I sit and how I carry myself; my back is a wreck, so I'm constantly working on my posture. I also use my hands when I talk, and there's probably a bunch of subtle tells too. I do consciously work on my walk when I'm at the grocery store etc. so that might figure into it as well. Don't care!
Maybe the way I walk in the grocery store is why that lady asked if I was wearing a bra. lol.
in drab mode i'm pretty much your stereotypical male, man sit, fart, belch, .... all of the above.
In Wendy mode, i'll admit it is no better. I try to be concious and walk abit feminine though, but I still man sit. As I like wearing above the knee skirts, when you man sit well, it exposes pretty much everything. Thank goodness for my wife who provides me constant reminders like "how are you sitting". Still working on that one too.
About the only thing feminine I do when wearing a wig is brush the long wig hairs around my ears. Yeah, I have a looooong ways to go.
I just saw this post, and have to reply before reading all the other replies from my sisters as I'm off to a meeting tonight.
I am intersex, I was born that way and inherited much of my mother's physical and facial features. I knew when I was a young and small child that I was supposed to be a girl. I have always identified as a female, and it was always apparent to others that I was very feminine. In school I was often targeted for ridicule, bullied and teased because of my feminine mannerisms. In my later years my own daughter would point out and complain about many of those mannerisms. The list is rather extensive, I am evidently guilty of the following: I talk, sit, walk, stand, hold my fork or spoon, hold or tilt my head, fold my arms, do hand gestures, laugh, giggle, throw a ball, run, cross my legs or ankles, and eat and drink....like a girl!
I believe that my feminine mannerisms are a natural and biological result of being born an intersex female. They weren't something I learned from other females, I've always been that way. Even when trying to do my best to hide and act masculine it was obvious that I was feminine. Where I now work, as a woman, one of the ladies I work with asked me one day where I learned to be so feminine. I told her I didn't learn, that is who I've always been and now I don't have to hide it!
I have to tell you that being free to be me, in every possible way, able to let those mannerisms be on display for all to see, is such an enjoyable experience that words don't begin to describe it!
Hugs girls, big hugs,
Ms. Lauren M
On more than one occasion, I have introduced myself as "Peggy Sue" not realizing that I was in male clothing. Sometimes I will catch myself, while other times the odd expression on the other person's face will alert me to my female "ooops" moment that I have blurted out my female name by mistake. So what do I usually do? Make a lame excuse, like, "Oh, I was thinking of a lady I know."
I was always effeminate to begin with. I had to learn how to act like a boy upon adolescence as a means of self preservation. Always constantly wondering: is my stance masculine; is my handshake firm enough. Now that I have rediscovered my true feminine nature, I don’t worry as much about how I cross my legs when I sit, or how I walk or bend over to pick up something. Of course, I’d rather be dressed in my preferred attire when I do those things, but understand my limitations when it comes to my women’s clothing.
I enjoy and feel comfortable walking, sitting, bending and toileting like a lady and no one has ever commented on that. As of late, I find myself interacting with women in a much more feminine manner. I compliment them on their looks, their clothes, their shoes, ask about their families, etc. I help my wife browse through catalogs and pick out outfits and which clothes to wear for the day. I've even done her nails for her. This is new for me. I enjoy my male side but Michelle is definitely becoming a more dominate part of my personality.
Es todo curioso, ahora no soy muy bueno con mi esposa, ella no entiende mi travestismo. Hablamos hace poco, ella imaginó algo. Una de las cosas que me reprochó fue que no soy varonil, y que cuando éramos novios alguien se lo contó. Y hasta ahora siempre me he comportado como un verdadero hombre. Pero estoy pensando y sí veo movimientos de manos, mi voz débil. Mire siempre la ropa de mujer en las grandes superficies. Sentir tacones en los pies me recuerda mis ganas de estar con botas de fútbol, mis botas camperas.