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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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A chance remark by Grace on my latest topic 'How do I see other CDers?' made me think of something else that I think might be a quite interesting topic.

I know some folk here have put pictures in their private gallery showing themselves in 'man mode'; I must confess to thinking it might be interesting to do that, but I'd love to know whether others would do this (perhaps you already do).

Would it destroy the image of femininity that we have carefully nurtured, not only for others, but for ourselves as well, or would it serve to show how far we have come in our transformation from male to female?

Do you have pictures of your male self in the private gallery? Would you put any there or would this be a complete no-no?

After consideration, I'm not sure I would put any pictures of male me there, mostly because I don't want to see them myself. This is a bit one-sided because I'd love to see what others look like 'not-dressed'—or would I? Hmm.

I'll stop posting for a while now Silence  


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I don't have photos of my former self posted in my private gallery.  The only way I'd consider it would be as a before/after photo.  But even that is unlikely.  Seeing pictures of myself from that time often causes a strong emotional response.  It's hard to explain.


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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@lizk Do you not miss anything from your previous life? I only ask because we each present as women for very different reasons and for someone like me, whose cross-dressing is merely an interesting pastime, understanding why someone would permanently become the opposite gender is quite hard to understand. This, of course, is a completely separate topic and would benefit from a thread all it's own—although I suspect TGH is full of things like this—and quite out of the scope of Crossdresser Heaven.




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Not really Becca.  Living as a guy was a constant struggle to fit into a role that felt awkward and unnatural.  I couldn't relate.  Deep down, I always knew I was a girl.  I've known since I was three years old. 

Crossdressing was the only outlet I had for decades.  It was the only thing that gave me a small respite from the anxiety I felt.

As I got older, I came to understand the anxiety and depression I felt was gender dysphoria.  Living full-time....helped a lot.  It became so much more than just the clothes.  I needed to be me.  My first dose of estradiol (HRT) sealed the deal.  I knew within three days that it was the right decision. 

I don't regret my decision at all.  My life has never been this good despite the many trans-related challenges I've had to overcome.

I have immense love and respect for my former male self.  He persevered through some incredibly tough times to get me to a place where I was able to discover who I really am.  And then he graciously stepped aside. 

Things could've gone much differently.  I'm very fortunate.

Yes, I agree this could be a completely separate topic.  And it's more relevant than you realize.  Some of our members are trans or think they might be.  My Inbox tells me that several times a week.

Liz xx

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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@rebeccabaxter Absolute NO NO!

Not because someone might recognize me, but because that's not who I feel I am inside and I don't even like having my picture taken that way. 

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
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@rebeccabaxter - when I look in the mirror or look at myself (en-guy) in photos I just think how boring I look. Why would I want to share my boring photos with anyone? Much more fun to see my other side and to see how clever others have been in creating their feminine ideal.

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@rebeccabaxter I'd be hard presses to find a "Man Pic" of myself.   I've known for a long time that it wasn't the real me so I have always shied away from having my picture taken.  I'm into photography so I'm usually the one taking the pictures anyway.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I deleted my private photos, but none of them were of me en-homme, nor would I even think about posting any.


Anna xx

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@annaredhead Don't think I would, but never say never. I suppose the fact that I have no private photographs is due to me only wanting to show myself as I am seen in public as a woman. If I had any dubious private photographs, they would almost certainly stay on my computer. I only want people to see me at my best—such as it is—no one, not even me, is going to see me in a frilly negligee (not that I have any)!



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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@rebeccabaxter There was nothing dubious in there, more of showing a lot more leg than I normally would, or photos of my fancier shoes.

I've never posted any of the dress off photos.

Anna xx

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Honorable Member     Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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@annaredhead  Neither would I because facial recognition software is too good. Best, Marlene.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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I started crossdressing to get away from what I had been doing decade after decade. 😉

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Becca i don't think i want to put up pictures of me as my male persona, I just want to put my Femme pictures up, 

Hugs Roz X 

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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I wouldn't Becca as that to me isn't what it is about but if others do then that's perfectly okay. But not for me.

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 J J
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I would have no problem doing except I am limoted to 5 photos, so I am not wasting them on drab photos.

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Baroness Annual
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I would never post pics of my male self. I do not have gender dysphoria but have socially transitioned and live 24/7 as a woman. I hope to never again appear as a male. I have never even told close trans friends my male name and would never appear as a male with them - I just want everyone to know me as a woman.

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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Never really thought about this I don’t think even private pics I could post male mode I don’t have to hide that from anyone lol here on CDH is a blessing to be able to share are feminine side and hide are pics from are SO lol 😂 

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(@Anonymous 99924)
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Not me

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"No way Jose!". 1/. I agree about facial recognition being too good these days and 2/. Who ever would want to see a photo of a baldheaded old geezer with a bit of a beer/wine gut **and more lines on his neck and face than a major!! city rail junction?



**But at least the wine is very good stuff from "Oz".

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(@Anonymous 99924)
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@ryanpaul I agree with you Caty

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Duchess Annual
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So far I've only posted pictures of Gisela and it never occurred to me to post my male photos. I don't know what effect that would have on my private gallery. I'd rather share my female photos here. I doubt I'll change my mind.


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@rebeccabaxter I was in the chat once when Vanessa Friends posted a couple of photos of her guy self in the chat. It wasn't that there was anything wrong with it, I was merely quite surprised that anyone would do so. But I gave it some thought: Did I have any compelling reason not to follow suit? Was I ashamed to have my male self associated with Melodee?

All the answers came back 'no', and in fact only found reasons to follow Vanessa's lead. By posting photos it felt liberating to not only not feel like I was hiding, but to pull the curtain back entirely. I'd note that I did give fair warning to anyone present that it was coming and if they wanted keep the mystique of Melodee (if one existed) to look away. lol

I have a couple of side-by-sides that I'll post from time to time if the topic arises.

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After some thinking, I'll confess that there is a small bit of glee when people look back and forth between the two images and display a little amazement. 🙂

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Noble Member     Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
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Even though I'm out and open I have very few pics.  I wouldn't post any pics of the old me and in fact I rarely post any pics of the new me.  This is because I really don't like any pics of myself.  I think my face is aged to the point of passing as a Rolling Stone's Grandmother.  My old self hid as a man with a woman's body shape and long light brown-gray hair.  My new self lives as an intersex person with the same face and body as before but with longer blonde streaked hair.  I have a strange dichotomy between my tired face and my feminine body.  They are conjoined twins who squabble.  So while I won't totally abstain from pics, I do try to avoid them.  Also I never worry about people ID'ing me as my old legacy (dead) self and my current intersex self.  Those two live together productively and peacefully.  Additionally, I'm brutally honest with myself and don't adjust my pics other than to crop.  What I see is what I am.  I'm at peace with myself just not with my photo.   Marg   

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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I would not post male pictures of myself here. First of all, I rarely take any male pictures of myself. (In the past 2 months, I haven't taken many female pictures either, partly from not having the opportunity for medical reasons, and when I do, I don't want to spend the extra 10-15 minutes setting up the camera, framing, posing, and taking the photo, and put things back; I just want to get on with my day.)

I don't think I look all that different in female mode. I wear a similar color and length wig to my hair. Yes, my hair has gotten shorter over the last year due to chemo, and the wig is fuller and darker, and has bangs (fringes) to hide my male-looking forehead, but it doesn't make me all that unrecognizable.

I'm not that interested in the "image of femininity." If there is a particurly nice photo, I might post it here. The majority stay on my camera or get loaded to my computer.

The male me isn't the subject of this website. I'm not going to post pictures of the male me any more than I'd post a tourist photo, floral display, or any other non-CD subject. I posted a few scenic shots here, but only because there was a forum specificly for that. As for other photos, there are plenty of other websites for that.

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I have done it, not here but on another site. A number of persons I knew had done so and I decided to do it as well. I guess I was interested in seeing what folks thought of my transformation, especially since I thought at the time my male self did not resemble my female self very much. That response was kind of underwhelming, and upon seeing the two pics side by side I realized I still have a LONG way to go before I can truly say my transformation is seamless - WAY too much of my male self showing! In short is was kind of a slap in the face of reality for me - good in a way as it got me on the road to improving my presentation. I probably won't do it again until I am sure the contrast makes for worthwhile viewing - and I can deal with diminishing  the fantasy  myself!

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@krisburton I did the same, and got less responses than others. Actually, I don't think I got any. LOL

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