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"Me" time for the holidays

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(@Anonymous 97944)
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Now that the Christmas visits are complete, all the kids have returned to their homes and jobs far away, I'm confident there will be no surprise holiday visits.  It is an opportunity to spend New Years Eve quietly and fully dressed in a sweet ladylike dress, pantyhose, my favorite heels, makeup, and hair.  I'm happy.  I like being a woman.  It's not erotic, it's not titillating.  Its just quiet feminine contentment and deep affirmation.  And so happy almost to the point of tears.

I was lost and wandering for all those years.  Struggling with stress and could not figure out why.  2024 was the year of Dani discovery.  I understood - finally.  I am a woman.  In the morning as I awake, I immediately feel the glorious material of my nightgown.  I lounge for a while, then later, calmly dress myself, and with every garment or item of makeup, love surges throughout me.  It's so wonderful.  All day.  The identity is honesty grounded.  A woman.

Maybe it's the relief.  Aren't I supposed to be stressed about something?  Should I be concerned that I'm not stressed?  For those of you who know what I mean, it sure is wonderful, isn't it?  There aren't any emotions competing with each other.

Is it like that for anyone else?


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Estimable Member     Acadiana, Louisiana, United States of America
Posts: 59

@danikiss22 Go You Dani!  While not completely stress free, taking the past 1.5 weeks away from the daily grind has been wonderful.  I've been dressing almost all day, every day and have been happy & stress free.  I look forward to the day when I can be myself freely everyday.

Posts: 319
(@Anonymous 97944)
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Joined: 6 months ago

No better feeling when you can dress how you like and been stress free 

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Dani -

Very happy for you, enjoy your time. 

I would agree that there is no better feeling than being able to dress as you like and feel stress free.


Posts: 2166
 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

I am glad you have found your happy place, too few of us do. I had an interesting experience early in 2024. I was dressed and walked by a mirror and saw my femme self in full glory, and was so happy I startes to cry. It was an amazing feeling. While I came to accept myself en femme long ago, this was the most emotional response I had ever had.

Posts: 319
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(@Anonymous 97944)
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Joined: 6 months ago

Bless you JJ.  I felt a rush of emotion as I read your reply.  Its seems day after day within me the upwelling of joy continues!




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