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Has anyone every required immediate medical attention while partially or fully enfemme? I enjoy having painted toe nails and occasional underdressing but wonder about the consequences of the aforementioned, especially while traveling.
Some would say I need medical attention permanently but you would go mad waiting for a psychiatrist in England (only a joke!).
Tiff when I read your reply I thought who are you trying to tempt with those tattoos, then I read it again and it says TEMP. See what I mean, Nurse!
I'm with Tiffany on this one, away from home it would be embarrassing but I could deal with it.
At home a different thing.
I don't paint my toes during my work week as there's always that possibility of foot injury's at my job.
That would mortify me to take my shoe off and have painted nails at work.
Although I did risk it the other day
I work at a very open company( policy wise) but it is a mainly male dominated field and it would be very difficult to stay if discovered I believe.
Unfortunate trip to the ER one night while wearing thigh highs, panties and bra. Toes were painted bright red. Mascara and lipstick too. Anklets and toe rings, also a cock ring. The nurse that attended to was very professional, not to mention drop dead gorgeous!! As she took off my shirt all she did was smile when she saw that I was wearing a bra. Off came the rest my clothes, anklets and rings. All she did was smile the entire time. A cat scan later and was able to leave. She brought my clothes and asked if I needed help dressing. I said no that I was only putting my jeans and shirt. She told me not to be embarrassed that it happens more then you think. As she was handing me my clothes she said that I had good taste in lingerie. Sort of made everything feel alright.
It has happened to me several times. Either painted toe nails or stockings on, or both. The first time I was laid out and the EMTs had to be called, I had nail polish and pantyhose on. The EMTs were very nice and didn't really mention it at all, the nurse at the hospital was okay with it and told me she would remove the pantyhose once I was asleep. It wasn't as bad as one might imagine. The painted toe nails was worse, they didn't take it off for me and when I had visitors I had to make sure they were covered. Remember what your mother told you about wearing clean underwear. LOL
Well I had a planned trip to the doctor and to my dismay he wanted to check my feet. Off comes the socks, gasp, and there they are! Ten pretty toes with pink colored nails. Of course I tried the “oh yaaah that was my niece “ ! I don’t think he bought that one, they were perfect! At this point in my life I really don’t care about what others think and I also think so much of this behavior goes on that most people don’t notice or care what you do anyway.
So what , the doctor goes home and tells his wife and in the back of her mind she’s thinking “ I wish you would be more adventurous “ Tehehe
Sapphire, Sounds like we all have a story to tell in this area. Yours reminded me of the time I went in for a procedure. The prep nurse said " I'm glad to see you removed your polish". I was speechless wondering whether or not my fingers and toes were completely free of polish, or whether it was a joke. I now always coat clear before polish to prevent color transfer and scrutinize my nails for residue with magnifying readers. Don't need any issues in a small town.
Hello Mina, Luckily I have not required medical treatment [ fingers crossed ] so far when underdressed, so it has not been a problem. But I am informed by a nurse friend, that they see a lot of underdress & sometimes fully dressed femme girls. But now a days it seems quite acceptable, & they do not take much notice. I think I would be more worried about my injuries than worry about my clothes that I am wearing, as long as they give them back in one piece. love, Helenmarie
My family doctor, who I had only seen once before, had me come in for the results of blood tests. I also had an infected thumb from pasta getting jammed in there. She examined my thumb and there were some remnants of nail polish. Hadn't cleaned them as thoroughly as I thought. She asked if I had used iodine on it. I said no. She wondered what it was. I fessed up. She giggled. She then informed me that my PSA was high and wanted to do a rectal exam. I wasn't prepared for this! Anyway, down came the pants revealing silk and lacy pink panties. She said nothing and I couldn't see the expression on her face naturally. But, I wondered what she thought especially since this was my only my second visit. Inadvertently outed but what do you do?
Helenmarie, Ultimately, as you say, the injuries are the primary concern. Thanks for pointing that out. We frequently feel alone as to who we are and what discovery may bring, but your post proves otherwise. Maybe we need to balance the reward vs what may come of discovery. Courage to us all as we balance these risks.
P.S. I want my stuff back as received also. HUGS Mina.
Rachel, That is a hoot! Can't imagine what I would do. Being a stinker (NPI) but, how was the rectal? Mina.
Ladies thank you for your contributions to this topic....I had an experience whereby I was embarrassed in the hospital...for a week I was having terrible headaches and vertigo problems and yet, to satisfy my strong feminine feelings .. I put on the sexiest red toenail polish, silk black panties and camisole...after an awful night my wife wanted to call 911... I convinced her I was alright, hoping to take time to change and remove the polish...I managed to remove as much as I could before she took me to the Emergency Room .. Too make a long story a little shorter. I had a "body" inspection before Being admitted to ICU... The 2 physician Assistants complemented on my pink toenails...I am very grateful to their professionalism and keeping my toenails a secret among ourselves!!
My back therapist is fully qualified and gives excellent treatment, but started small, and has continued to offer "exotic" services via other therapists she hires.
We have a great relationship as I've been going to her for 10 odd years since my back problem was diagnosed (I have a bubble of fluid in my spine).
She has offered me her other services, but I always refuse, as I have a wife for that sort of thing, lol!
But one day, she offered me the service of her latest recruitment, who is Trans.
My immediate reaction was "No thanks, Shelly, I'd rather wear the dress myself!".
She laughed loudly, in her Kenyan way, and said "If you turn up wearing a dress, I'll give you a 10% discount!".
Well, what would you do :0) ?
I obliged, and, after her initial shock, she told me I looked beautiful, and should do it more often, and I told her a condensed version of my story.
Since then, she has addressed me as Laura, and always says she can't wait to see my outfit for the next appointment, which tends to be every couple of months or so, or whenever my back locks up with pain.
This makes my treatments among my greatest pleasures. I certainly don't need "exotics" when I can be Laura in company!
I recommend coming out to your medical practitioner!
Love Laura
I never had any unplanned visits to the hospital en femme so far. However I have made several visits to my physiotherapist fully dressed as a woman. Neither the first one, now home with a new born, nor my present one have had anything to say about it. Tomorrow I am going to contact my care center to set up a first meeting with a psychologist to discuss my gender issues and see what path I will take from here.
Hi ladies,
I have had a chronic lower back problem for as long as I can remember and two years ago, when I attended "Transformal", (The Down UNder equivalent to "Sparkle" or "Southern Comfort", of course the inevitable happened and it went out on me.
So not only did I miss out on what would have been a great CD afternoon, (bra fitting, fashion parade, etc etc,) I also had to find a chiropractor open on a Saturday afternoon.
With some helpful assistance from the hotel staff, I rocked up to this chiro's rooms about an hour from my hotel. Complete with stuck on false nails, (was never gunna take them off), blue "I'm at a convention wrist band" and what I thought were some unisex panties.
So I lay tummy down on his adjusting table, he pulls down the back of my jeans to adjust me and says, "wow the undies"...
But after that not a word was spoken about it by either party. And I made it to the "formal that night as "Scarlett O Caty"... That was the whole reason I wanted to attend.**
I've also mistakenly left panties on with other chiro/ physio appointments, but have never had to have them show..I know they would not care, especially my current chiro, but its all based on the "need to know". So I just wear "male civvies" to those appointments
Happy dressing
** This absence from home is why I work on the DADT with my beloved. I was away for four days and sent many texts. She did not answer a single one..
So anything I have done as/for Caty since, I've not said a word... Hate all the lies etc.. But what other choice do I have??