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I have seen other CD in the wild and always been to scared to approach them so this time I decided to not to that again.
I was in a thrift store and did see one looking at some shoes. I did look around at some also and then asked "found anything good?". She did show me some and we talked a little about how hard it is to find right size.
I did go to check some other things but felt I could do better so I did then go back and introduced my self. We started talking and in the end exchanged some info to meet up online.
I know it exist other people like me but never managed to really do much of a meeting with anyone here around (had to go to keystone for that). Now I found out how to hopefully get in contact with more rainbow people that I may have something to exchange with.
It's never a bad idea to speak to strangers (now that we are adults 😊). Strangers are friends we haven't met. Good for you!
I've encountered some ladies (CD a TG) in the wild. Never had the nerve to say hello. What we need is some kind of secret handshake or something like that.
I agree, it is so fun to meet new people regardless of background, or maybe because we get exposed to alternate backgrounds. The world is full of too many new, neat, and interesting people to not open up to them.
If I'm shopping for womens clothes in-person, I'm en femme. I've never encountered another crossdresser while doing so, as far as I know. I don't pass well, so it's not a case of "is she or isn't she" but it doesn't bother me if someone approaches me. On the other hand, if I saw someone shopping en drab, I would never say anything. If they were crossdressed, I might comment on the item they're looking at, nothing more. Honestly, though, I'm in my own world when shopping and barely take any notice of others at all.
I was at the theatre a couple of years ago and saw someone en femme in the audience with, I presume, his SO. I wasn't even considering cross-dressing at the time but I was impressed with how good they looked (although one could tell they weren't female). I was tempted to say how good I thought she looked during the interval but thought of a load of reasons why I shouldn't (and didn't):
1) They might not want attention drawing to the fact that someone clocked they were male.
2) They might have thought they were so good at passing that someone commenting on how good they looked might have been an affront.
3) They may actually have been transitioning and my commenting, however well-intentioned, may not have been appreciated.
4) They may have thought I was taking the p*** (English expression, perhaps).
So I said nothing. If it had been me [now], I think I would have been quite pleased with such a comment, but they were not me so discretion was the better part of valour.
Should I have commented or did I take the right course of action? It's quite a quandary.
Would YOU have liked someone to say something complimentary in that situation?
I have to say I agree very much with what Fiona Finlay said v and especially how she said , !!
Quoting Her : Fiona Finlay
Maybe an opening such as 'Ooh, I like your coat' might have worked? It says as much about you as it does about your having noticed them, and not in specific. It allows for either a polite thank you from them to end the exchange, or a response that invites a little further conversation if they're happy with it. Or a warm smile could only impart positive vibes, surely?
Beautifully Said , Well.Put
Something we could do !!
Thanks for sharing this story. I have never encountered another crossdresser ( that I know of ) when out dressed. I have spotted a few at other times. I have never had the nerve to speak to them. Perhaps I will next time thanks to your encouragement.