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Hello girls, today I wanted to tell you about an important moment in my process of recognition and acceptance of my femininity, where I began to understand my passion for the feminine and it was decades ago watching a TV commercial about women's underwear, it was so intense that I always wanted to watching that commercial because I imagined myself wearing those clothes and moving like those women who wore them, they were tall and very beautiful women, delicate and glamorous, as I wanted to be in my fantasies, even today I remember it very well and I recognize the impact it had on the formation of my personal and wonderful identity, the good thing is that now I have my own bras, panties and women's clothing and I move like they did, I suppose you also have memories like that and it is good to be able to share them with you
Felicity -
What a wonderful memory. I can remember looking at the lingerie section of the Sears catalog and the lingerie adds in the Sunday NY Times magazine wondering what it would be like to wear some of what I saw. Even though I only started dressing on a regular basis the last few years there was something germinating in my mind a long time ago, just took awhile for it to sprout.
I have similar memories Suzanne. The Sears and JC Penney catalogs and Sunday newspaper inserts were godsends. Even before I had\took the chance, I knew I wanted to wear those beautiful, feminine items. As Felicity mentioned, those women were so gorgeous and the lingerie so mesmerizing I knew I had to experience it. All these years later, those feelings have not gone away, so I must have been onto something 😊
It was catalogues all those years ago that fueled my imagination as to the girl I wanted to be. The models were indeed beautiful and it wasn't only girls like us imagined looking that good, real girls did too. Now it is my reality but still will never look as good though.
Seems like the catalogues that came to the house were our internet back when I was growing up. I looked at all those photos and couldn’t wait to try those things on and be all female.
It was a nice memory, Felicity. I have my own too. I was a child when I often created female characters that I wanted to be when I grew up and advertisements like Leonisa the bra that does model (El brasier que sí modela) and others similar made my imagination fly towards an improbable, but fervently desired, future. I remember I wanted so bad to have those almost perfect breasts in my body when I grew up.
The sears catalog was my go to growing up. I would imagine myself in all those lovely clothes.
I think most of us started with the catalogs before the internet but for me it wasnt so much looking at lingerie but my sister had cosmopolitan and teen girls magazines around the house and I just adored the fashions and hairstyles not to mention the articles. This started my fascination with it all. I just wanted to look like them.
Thanks for sharing your memory, Felicity. It brought back my own memories of looking at lingerie ads when I was young and wondering how the clothes would look and feel on me. Another memory is the first time I saw an ad for the Michael Salem Boutique and realized that people my size could buy those kinds of clothes. I wouldn’t have the courage to buy such clothes for many more decades, but I continued to think about their look and feel.
I remember waiting for he sears and JC Penny catalogs to look at all the lingerie around the age of 6. I did not think much about why I enjoyed it so much as I was only dressing in panties only
Ah yes..Sears Roebuck catalogue. While all the other boys were sneaking their dad’s Playboy magazine, I was under my bedsheets with a flashlight slowly turning the pages of all those glorious bras!!!
We’ve come a long way, huh girls?
And what age was I when I graduated to Victoria’s Secret? I remember that one was socially acceptable because all the boys were looking at that one! I just had different reasons!
Besides the catalogues I remember looking at at playboy/penthouse/hustler and liked the models wearing lingerie more than the totally nude ones. Seems like all my friends liked the nude girls more. Thats when I started thinking at a young age if there is something wrong/different with me.
What a wonderful topic! This brought back so many memories from earlier years, particularly the memories of a young boy in the 1950s & 1960s.
Thank you Sally for mentioning the Michael Salem Boutique, and I believe that business may have also published a small catalog, nothing like the huge Sears or JC Penny catalogs but a small catalog, nevertheless.
Yes, no internet then, so woman's magazines and the huge Sunday edition of the newspaper were some of the few sources for a young boy aspiring so earnestly for information on how to be a girl. Fortunately, I had female mentoring early in life, so for me, I was always searching for information on how to improve my female self.
Wow, this entire thread is like walking down memory lane. Thank you ladies. All of the responses bring back some kind of memory for me.