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Most gentle ways to introduce full femme look?

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Ohio, United States of America
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Over the years my wife and I have gone up and down on crossdressing overall. I’ve mentioned in posts before how it was DADT, then things progressed to underdressing and nails etc. Most recently she’s seen a full face of makeup but all drab clothing. That’s been great for me you know, slow steady exposure over time. As we’ve talked about it more and more over the years, she’s said she thinks she’ll be ready but not sure when. So, while I wait I keep daydreaming about how that looks?

Those of you lucky enough to share this side with you SO, how was your experience? Was it full glam, classy, sexy, comfy? Just want to think about that balance between looking great without being over the top ya know? Obviously every woman will be unique and not a one size fits all situation, but maybe hearing some experiences can give me ideas for when that day comes!

Love, Rebecca Heart

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@rebeccaoh Rebecca, it so much depends on you and your wife's lifestyle and where you intend to go for the first time 

Are you going out shopping together, are you going to a movie together  ,are going out to eat together. If you are going out to a fast food place or a more fancy establishment???

ALWAYS dress as most GG's don't dress like you are going to a formal dinner while going to McDonald's.  Most women don't wear 4 inch heals while grocery shopping. 



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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Normally, I don't dress en femme, so while I wear women's fashions all of the time they aren't blatant and in my wife's face.

Therefore she tolerates how I dress. She still calls me weird, though. 😇

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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For your first 'full dress', I would go for a 'considered restraint' look. Since you've spent years with a slow, steady exposure, coming into the room looking like a tart from a street corner that screams 'LOOK AT ME, HERE I AM! is probably not going to go down too well. Coming out fully-dressed is a big step but it needn't be one you trip over.

My own personal method was to wear, firstly, just a skirt with a male T shirt. I wore this around the house in the evenings for a few days and my wife started to suggest things which, over time, progressed into full CD mode where we could go out in public. Why, just today, she bought me a pair of earrings and I'm wearing them now even though I'm in full male mode.

It's like crossing a bog, one wrong step and you are up to your ears in '**it', but with care, testing the ground as you go, you can make it across and into the safe arms of an accepting SO.

Softly, softly, catchy monkey.



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Estimable Member     Oxford, Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 69

@rebeccabaxter love this response Becca, thanks. I was kind of thinking if I DO end up full femme, to tone it down to maybe something simple. Something like a romper or maybe some cute jeans and a simple top. I agree, I think pulling out the stops with an evening gown and stilettos, while a great look, might come off as too extra for a first meeting haha.

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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My SO don’t support but tolerate it all I get from my SO is laughing and that I look like a stripper or what corner am I working tonight other then that she don’t really speak of it lol 😂 glad to hear tho with the small steps she’s seems accepting 

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 69

@erinb well that kinda stinks doesn’t it, sorry to hear that. Hopefully just in a joking sort of way at the least. I see you’re in Ohio, same here!

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 1119

@rebeccaoh indeed I am gota love the 2 season winters lol 😂 

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Trusted Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
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My wife and I explored my fem side initially many years ago over a game of billiards. We were discussing fantasies and “role reversal” came up. We planned a future night and that’s how Pandora’s box was opened. It was very sexual (lingerie, heels, etc.) at first. Fast forward about 10 years and we work together from home post-pandemic . So I slowly introduced full-dress to her. It was “dressed to the nines” at first and I received some comments from her like what the hell do you call that look?  but now we have fun with it. I let her describe a girl/look she wants me to achieve and I try my best to put it all together. My presentation has improved and she honestly has admitted that some days I look “really put together” to the point that she will say, I’m going to steal that top, dress or leggings from you sometime. My best advice is ease into it with an everyday GG look at first and ask for honest feedback from her. Good luck 😎

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 69

@kat9476 Thank you! That sounds honestly dream come true. I work from home and she might be headed that way at some point I hope soon. Being able to wear a cute pencil skirt and blouse “to the office” with her would be so fun. Jealousssss lol

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It's never good for a CD to outshine their wives with how they dress. That sometimes results in wives being turned off or upset and can sometimes change their minds about being supportive. Just go slow and easy until you find a place where you are both comfortable. 


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