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Random question that came to me just a bit ago and had me curious..🤔
does the music you listen to change when enfemme or in your “man-drobe”
i know mine doesn’t really change much so far as I listen to almost all genres as it is..
Hi Tonya. I would not say it changes much. I love everything from classic rock to Classical. I do hear the voice of Stevie, Shania, or Carly in the air more when dressed tho.
And I will confess to my sisters - don't hate me girls, I'm just being honest - I have listened to Barry Manilow when dressed 😟🤪..... I DO NOT do that when in drab...
Nothing wrong with a bit of Barry Manilow on occasion ❤️😎
Hello Tonya.
I don't change what I listen to at all...I love my music, but it's all the same stuff whatever I wear.
All I do differently en femme....I have one or two songs I play as I'm just getting ready to go out...sort of " get grace fired up anthems"....and Barry manilow is definitely not among them.....( Love you really Stevie xx)
Grace 🎶🎶🎶
I like the idea of having a get fired up music I’ll have to try to find something that fits that for me if you don’t mind me stealing your idea 😅🥰☺️
If you don’t mind me asking what are those songs?
I've always enjoyed a lot of what some might consider "guilty pleasure" music, but yes, when I am out as Laura, the feelings the music awakens are much more of genuine, happy excitement and the taste of freedom, than the feelings of a deep yearning, tinged with melancholy that I feel in drab.
In fact, as Laura, I find it hard to listen to anything heavy - I just don't relate to it.
In drab, heavy is my go-to - but is changing. I now find that in drab, both metal and disco are things I can openly enjoy - I feel no shame in listening to, for example, Barbra Streisand, Louis Prima, Mel & Kim, then Megadeth, Rammstein or Cradle of Filth.
I don't really listen to Classical any more - I listened to absolutely loads until I was awarded my degree, then wrote like I was possessed for many years and stopped because a family and full time job doesn't offer the luxury of time in which to compose.
There are few famous works that I am not deeply familiar with, and I've always preferred songs - musical snacks rather than banquets.
That said, I have never managed Wagner's Ring in one sitting.
(Wonders what jokes Steph and Grace will come up with for that last comment...😁😍😘
Love Laura
I'll add "I'm Coming Out" by Diana Ross to whatever Grace says - that song is a fire-up anthem!
Love Laura
Music and passion are always in fashion...
I have those guilty pleasures myself although mine are newer than older mostly, Halsey,Selena Gomez, I love a beautiful voice.
A good tempo helps when doing kickboxing and other martial arts training I’ve found.
I’m not the best of musicians and have never written anything myself... I’m a bass player in the lowest of the terms lol I barely play... haven’t had a bass in years...
love to sit and listen to classical music occasionally though especially if I just want to sit close my eyes and clear my head
Love it 😊
I've tried for many years to deny my vocation as bass player - I started out in bands on bass because there weren't many about and it was thus easy to join a band, and I play guitar like I have 2 right hands.
I played piano as my main instrument for my degree - but felt such a fake, as I found reading music easy, and I could just hammer out the notes. I didn't feel very musical doing it, and I could never play from memory or improvise.
Guitar is similar - I watch videos until I'm note perfect and it's muscle memory, but improv beats me!
Bass is different - I just play what I feel, and it seems to work. I have no idea how I do it - I hear the chord progressions, and the bass lines write themselves in my head - and change as I play.
Music is a curious thing!
Love Laura
Glorious by Andreas johnson ( written for me..haha) and why do you love me by garbage
That it is my friends and I when we get together all play something and honestly believe it or not... there are times when I’m requested to play.... a bucket... I can’t play an actual drum set for the life of me.. but a bucket... a 5 gallon plastic thing... I can make sound pretty good lol but I love bass especially playing blues. That is where I can just let go abs get into the music
Don’t know if I’ve hear Glorious... but I am a fan of garbage their music is amazing.
I had my teen years In the 80’s,’and that’s still pretty much all I listen to today, all the 80’s hair bands ... they don’t make music like that anymore 🤣