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I was a drummer, but attempted , badly to play the 6 string acoustic. I just flat out love all kinds of music and wish I could play the piano.
I was thinking "Transeveland."
Better to have played an instrument than never to have played.
Brandi XOXO
In grade school, I started on the recorder. I was then in the band, playing trumpet, but moved to baritone horn and eventually tuba. But I haven't played a brass instrument in 50+ years.
In the 80's and 90's, we started a recorder club at work. I started out on the soprano recorder (the one I learned in grade school). But over time, I bought a sopranino, alto, and tenor recorder.
The tenor recorder is twice the length (and therefore one octave below) a soprano recorder. The fingering is identical, but you have to stretch your hand to cover the holes. The bottom hole needs to be closed using a key. Since the low c# on the soprano requires covering one of a double hole, the tenor can't do that with the key. Some better models have a double key to allow the one extra note.
The alto recorder is 1 1/2 times the length of the soprano. While the soprano and tenor are "C" instruments (all holes closed will give you a C), the alto is an "F" instrument (all holes closed gives you an F). It is half an octave off between the soprano and tenor. The relative fingering is the same, but the notes produced are half an octave off from the soprano and tenor instruments.
The sopranino is half the size (one octave higher) than the alto. It is also an F instrument. The holes are very close together and the pitch is very shrill. The sopranino is where the recorder got its name. They used to teach different types of birds different songs. By repeating the same song to the bird, they would "record" the song in the bird's memory and could identify the bird by the song they sang.
I don't play as much any more, but will occasionally pick up a recorder and just play by ear.
Hi Lorraine,
I once told my dad I wish I learn how to play the piano.
He asked me why and I told him that I could be the hit of the party and maybe steal a few hearts (female).
Hi Kris,
The bass guitar, the one I still have the ambition to learn to play still to this day.
Brandi XOXO
Hi Alison,
So musically talented, jealous (in a good way).
Thank you for some in depth on the recorder.
Hi Samantha,
Thanks fot your reply.
Again, ladies that can play multiple instruments - music to my ears.
Hi Brandie, I was in church and school choirs through middle school so I understood music. As we reached 6th grade out mother gave us the choice of piano or tap dancing. Determined at that young age to keep forcing myself to keep a male image I chose piano...because nobody would really know if I kept quiet. I didnt go far but I learned to read music and even today I'll get some sheet music and learn some songs. I also took lessons on the mountain dulcimer and I'll get that out and play on it a little. All 3 of my now adult children were involved in music through high school and 1 into college a little. We've had a mezzanine grand piano for a long time and for awhile we also had an older player piano with a lot of rolls.
Hugs ChloeC
Hi Chloe,
Thank you the reply.
Actually growing up, we had a piano.
Sadly, was left sitting there. Would play but tinkering around but never learned to play. Opportunities missed, lessons taught, but never learned. To busy playing sports outside with my friends. Know to keep up the male image all to well.
Hello I'M Jenifer And I was a professional Drum set-Percussionist for many years. I just joined and its nice to chat with Femme musicians,
I picked up bass guitar in high school. Though I don’t play nearly as much as I used to, I’ll occasionally pull in out of the case and play.
At one point I owned 2 acoustic guitars, 2 electric guitars, 1 acoustic bass (at my parents house in FL), of course the electric bass I still have with me today.
I use to play Irish traditional music on pennywhistle. Perhaps you have seen me about twenty years ago on public access in Pittsfield MA. Arthritis has taken it away; I don't play anymore.
Hi Brandi. Definitely sounds like we could put a band together!
I trained classically on piano and was head chorister at the local church. Played oboe and french horn in the school orchestra.
Taught myself bass for my teenage rock band (45 years ago!) but have always played keyboards in bands since then. Currently playing with four bands, a function band that's been together for 25 years, a Fleetwood Mac tribute band, a blues band and a thrash metal band (I can't actually believe this!)
I'm retired now and music has been one of the highlights of my life.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
Hi Chrissie,
Great to see your instrumental skills used to make a living (sounds like).
Hi Madeline,
Did not see you back then.
Very impressive.
Brandi XOXO