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So I was at Target again today picking up something in androgynous mode: pink ballcap, sunglasses and sneakers, short gurl shorts, and a purse (no makeup, no hose). And I bumped into Troy again, who had previously admired my yellow, and pink, shoes/outfits.
So I show him a picture on my phone, my profile pic, and public photo here: https://www.crossdresserheaven.com/photo/pretty-in-pink-24/
I asked him if he recognized the person in the picture and he said no! Then I looked at him really close, and he exclaimed "That's you? You're something else!"
And he kept flirting, asking me if I'd be in again this week, telling me his schedule, LOL. He may be a shameless flirt, but apparently I'm a shameless tease 😉
Then I went to Kohls to pick up a necklace I'll be wearing on a (platonic) lunch date in a couple of hours, another good excuse to dress. Anyway, there were 3 associates in the pickup area, and the one male went and got my order, and when he came back he told me that one of the female associates complimented my legs. To which I responded:
"And I'm not even wearing pantyhose!"
I feel that trips to Target and/or Kohls en femme may be in order soon 😉
You go girl. Have a great time.
I love it when women compliment me on my femme appearance - it genuinely surprises me every time, and it does happen quite frequently!
I look in the mirror and can always see a dozen things or more to improve, especially my face.
But if women really like what they see, I'm really happy.
The last thing I'd want to do is offend someone by my chosen appearance - people do get offended by the oddest things!
Love Laura
Sweet! glad you're having fun!!
Revel in the attention !! 👠🌠
When I began going out in my androgynous mode, I went from wearing pantyhose with guy shorts and clothes. To show my legs better I bought some short girl's shorts and platform wedges. I had some teeny shorts I couldn't wear out over my pantyhose. I enjoyed wearing them in the house though with my sheer to waist pantyhose.
I also had some long shirts I used to wear with pantyhose at home and to bed. It looked like I was wearing a short dress.The shirts completely covered my teeny shorts. I got the desire and eventually the nerve to wear the shirts out over the shorts. I loved the look.
I began wearing that outfit when I went clothes shopping. It was fun and exciting buying pantyhose and trying on shoes while dressed like that. Then one day while picking out some pantyhose to buy, a girl asked me if I was wearing pantyhose. Fear overwhelmed me. I put down the pantyhose, hurried out of the store, got in my car, drove home and swore I would never do that again. After thinking about it, I put on the same outfit and went back the the same store and bought he pantyhose I left behind.
The next time I got asked about my pantyhose, the same fear rushed over me but I didn't flee. I talked about the pantyhose I was wearing and buying. I even got a date out of it. After that I would look forward to someone noticing my legs and pantyhose. I often got looks and occasionally would get compliments on having nice legs and getting asked about pantyhose. Once I got past that initial fear it was fun.
I too have had compliments on my legs.
I think that is one of the triggers that started me crossdressing, rather than just wearing lingerie at home. I love the compliments, and wearing hose just enhances the look.
I'm one of the "lucky" ones who don'tt have to shave my legs. What used to be an embarrassment is now a plus.
D, what a great story, and timely!
Last night my SO and I went to Target and a person next to us was just leaving and getting in "her" car. She (he) had long hair, just wearing a t shirt and some femme looking jogging short and sandals. She had completely smooth, and just luscious looking legs! Oh I so wanted to go talk with her! I keep coming across people and it is always when I am not alone! So frustrating!
I'm hoping to run into "her" again!