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My dream

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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Hello everyone, this is my dream, hopefully it will become a reality. For a while now, I have been playing with the idea to fully pack my luggage, only Carla things, get myself dressed, take the train somewhere at least 5 hours away, check into a hotel for a few days, and just wonder the city fully in femme, it would be such a wonderful experience. I hope to make it a reality. I remember years ago I used to dream of just stepping out the house fully dressed ( I was scared back then, must say) anyway it is my dream, I hope a some of you have similar dreams and they all became reality.

Hugs and kisses to you all.


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(@Anonymous 95235)
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@carlafirst11 Hi Carla I still have to open the door to let Samantha out and to be myself. I'm going to Paris in May and if i haven't done so by then I promise you I will be 100 percent having a bottle of wine in a parisian bar and will post photos to show it. As we say here go gal and have a wonderful time sweetheart xx

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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@samanthaxxxx ❤️ love the idea, I have done the train ride from London to Paris, it would’ve been lovely if I was in femme .

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Estimable Member     Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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@samanthaxxxx that sounds really fun! Definitely post some photos if you can as it should be a great adventure

Amy X

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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
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@samanthaxxxx Samantha, I love that phrase: “ open the door to let Samantha out..”



(@Anonymous 95235)
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@christineth thank you sweetheart hopefully not long now xx

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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Best of luck to you Carla. Going out fully fem for 2 to 5 days is the best. My first  time I went to a city a couple hours away and packed my men's jeans shoes and shirt in my trunk. 

2 years ago I went to my HS reunion as Cassie for 3 days. It was the best. It was in small town Iowa, population about 2500.

Once again, go for it Carla. 


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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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@loneleycd Thank you ❤️

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@carlafirst11 I had lots of dreams and fantasies. But often they were put on hold by being afraid to leave the house Many of these dreams and fantasies, I manged to fulfill after going back to them over and over. But others I just gave up on because I just couldn't muster up the nerve.

Hopefully you will be bolder, more confident and braver then me and live out all your dreams.

Duchess Annual
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Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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@carlafirst11 I share your dream too.

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Carla, that's one of my dreams too, another one of my dreams is to have a professional makeover and photo shoot wearing a white wedding dress,

Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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@rozalyne ❤️❤️

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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
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@carlafirst11 Carla, I so am envious of the idea.  I like the idea of not having the option to fall back to drab mode, by taking only Carla things. I am sure you will have lots of fun if/when you do it.  You really will have to send us up dates of your adventure ….and lots of photos.  



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(@Anonymous 95235)
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@carlafirst11 as I'm still yet to step out the house never mind another city...which will be put right very soon I always play David Bowies Rock n Roll suicide ..if you see  the clip on you tube when he did it live on London you can see how the words and rhe performance resonate 50 years on ..the inspiration from you and others on  this site is the same xx
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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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@samanthaxxxx   I will check it, thank you ❤️

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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@carlafirst11  Not to brag, but I've done that. 11 years ago I went to a TG conference and the only "male" (or unisex if you will) items I had were a few tee shirts and sneakers to be able to work out on the treadmill. I wore a skort as my bottom. This trip was about 5 days.

Last year at Keystone, I had no male or unisex clothing with me. This was a 6 day trip.

Both of these were drives (the first about 3 hours from home, the second about 2:45 from home) rather than train rides, but that is immaterial to the discussion.

Both trips were fun with no fallback possible.


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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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Hi Alison, I bet they were, my hope is to do it soon. The problem is time away from my SO, she is unaware, also explanation for credit card charges, she does my book keeping. 

Thanks for sharing 


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Noble Member     Reno, Nevada, United States of America
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@carlafirst11 This sounds like an absolutely wonderful dream! Go for it and share your story!

Hugs, Jill

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(@Anonymous 95235)
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I had similar dreams when a lot younger (in my teens) of staying in a small town and spending the week enfem.  I probably may have passed in them days of youthfull looks.  Personaly I don't belive I look plausable as femail now, photos hide the real look.

But wonderful dreams.  Nice post.

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(@Anonymous 95235)
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@elaines  You look great Elaine see you in the Philharmonic!! Xx

(@Anonymous 95235)
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@samanthaxxxx The pub or the Hall. LOL.  Thank you

(@Anonymous 95235)
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@elaines Pub first !! We can even use the gents !! My  favourite part of Liverpool I grew up just off prince's avenue x

(@Anonymous 95235)
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@samanthaxxxx You know what I have been past many times but never gone in, some things need rectfiying LOL.  I was a North Liverpool child from Kirkdale but senior school not from your old area.  Moved away from Liverpool city when married.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Oh Gosh Carla. Dreams can come true, I can testify to that. All I wanted to do was dress as a girl when I was young. Once the realisation I was more a girl than ever was a boy the dreams started and years later they came true. 

Pack your bags and take the dream train....

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(@Anonymous 95235)
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@ab123 lovely reply xx

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@ab123 ❤️❤️❤️

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Reputable Member     Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States of America
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I truly hope it comes true for you Carla.  I make that dream happen a couple of times a month, except I drive to the out of town destination, no trains here.  I travel from the house and back in full girl mode, all part of the fun for me.  Usually time my trips for when the groups of girls I know are having a night out on the town.  Stay 3 or 4 days, shop, dine, Ulta, clubs, and visit thrift store or two.  Always a great time.


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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Many moons ago, (as in say, mid 90's..) I stayed overnight at the wonderful Juliette's Sophie's Dressing service in Bath UK. Lovely day and evening as Caty, photos in my CDH "publics"

Next day, with her making me up and making me look "presentable", I drove from there down to what I thought was a CD friendly B and B in Cornwall. I clearly remember the "conundrum of the drive".

I was too scared to be seen in public, but also wanted the "world" to see me. So I stopped at a layby or two did two laps of the car and jumped straight back in. (Chicken Caty, now where did I just lay that egg!!)

It all went pear shaped when I got to the B and B. A scary character in full S and M regalia greeted me in the driveway and the walls of the (ahem) accomodation, were covered in S and M posters_. From memory  I'd booked two nights but was "outa there" like a rabbit down a burrow next morning to a conventional hotel.

It wasn't funny at the time, but I get a "girly giggle now"...

Later years I've "driven dressed" many times, but the longest drive would have been from a dressing service here in Melbourne to my then rural home about 2hrs out of Melbourne. (Once at night and I ran a red light... No cops... No collision.... "Lucky me"

Happy dressing(and driving)



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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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@carlafirst11 Good luck Carla!

My partner took me away for a couple of days shortly after I told her about my dressing. We drove to Leeds - a city about 90 minutes from where we live - and all I had in my suitcase were my girl clothes. She had me spend the entire time dressed. It was terrifying at first, but then absolutely incredible. Such a high! I doubt I would have dared do that alone though, and I am in awe of all you girls who do that.

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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I've done this many times and it gets easier every time. The first few times had some anxiety attached but i soon learned that its no big deal to others. So now i just go whenever i can get away. Ive taken many car trips but have also gone by plane & trains. I have even taken a couple of group tours.

Don't let fear hold you back, its an amazing experience that you wont regret.   

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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Hello Roberta, yes indeed. You are my inspiration as I have seen your trips through your photos, I always made that assumption, and I was correct.

Thank you ❤️

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Estimable Member     Barcelona , Barcelona, Spain
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Beautiful Carla, may you soon fulfill your dream.

I haven't been to the beach in 2 years 🏖️, and now I would love to go for a weekend like Carla to Sitges, a town that is very friendly to us. I'm obsessed with putting on a colorful bikini and going to the beach. Step into the hotel and shave, paint my nails, put on makeup, put on a wig, my sandals and go out, and walk around the town.

Kisses from Carla

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(@Anonymous 95235)
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@carla66 i was in Calafell last month for 2 weeks  and went to Sitges a couple of times its such a lovely place and such a vibe.There were carnivals all down rhe coast with some amazing floats .And of course fabulous weather !! Bon dia Carla xx
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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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@samanthaxxxx Love it😘😘😘

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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@carla66 😘😘😘

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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Some dreams can easily become reality if you just make it happen. Other dreams are only that, like flying, or my favorite, breathing underwater.

Just oack your bag, buy a train ticket and have an adventure. Let you "Tookish part" take over and leave the dell for a while.

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(@Anonymous 95235)
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@jjandme lovely reply JJ x

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Prominent Member     Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Hi Carla. Your dream is a wonderful one. It is one I was lucky enough to have come true last year. My partner was away visiting a friend and I not quite sure why but I decided go and play a round of golf at a course I had always wanted to play at that was in a country town 5 hours drive away. I planned to stay two nights at a motel before driving back home. I was already planning to have lots of Olivia time on the trip but then I had the crazy idea to get dressed as Olivia at home and only pack female everything so I would have no choice but to be a female 24/7 for the three days. This was both scary and exciting at the same time. I realised with this plan I would also have to play the round of golf too as Olivia.

What a wonderful three days it was. One of my favorite parts was hitting off the ladies tees. I did have an anxious moment on the first night when it was time to go out and get something for dinner knowing I had no choice but to do it as Olivia but I had no issue getting my take away meal and just enjoyed the whole experience from then on. I just kept telling myself talk, walk and act confident like you belong and no one even if they did suspect I wasn't a natural female seemed to bat an eyelid. 

I hope Carla you get the opportunity to make your dream come true and if you do that you have an amazing time.

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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Hi Olivia, what a wonderful experience, it is so nice to read all these recollections. 
Thank you for sharing.




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