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My first big decision

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Reputable Member     Buffalo, New York, United States of America
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I knew it was inevitable, but my male persona is due for an eye exam and has been challenged for visual clarity in recent months.  He has worn glasses since grade school, but now has a big decision to make.  Because Charmagne shares those very same eyes and will need to see just as clearly if she ever hopes to venture out into the world.

So there's two possibilities.  One would be to consider switching to contact lenses.  That would kill two birds with one stone.  But I often fall asleep with my tablet in hand late in the evening, and that would be bad for my eyes.  The other would be to consider two pairs of glasses - one for him and one for CharChar.  And since there's no such thing as a pair of glasses under $500 these days, we're talking a grand at least.  That's almost as much as I've spent on CharChar's wardrobe to date.  Plus there's the little matter of the fitting session with the optician.  No question I'd have to reveal some rather personal details and hope they'd be professional about it.

I've been told I'm too old for lasik surgery (mid-40's is about the limit) and I'm too near sighted to be functional without glasses.  What to do!

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Estimable Member     Long Beach, California, United States of America
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Wow, 500 dollars! I thought they were expensive where I live, but mostly they are about half that, for good frames and progressive lenses, anti-glare coating, etc.

I'm due for new specs myself, and here's my plan: I'll order a good pair for my boy self from the fancy ophthalmologist and pay full price. Then I'll get a copy of the prescription and go to Zenni Optical online. I can take a picture of my Lori face, upload it, and "try on" lots of cute girly frames. When I find one I like, I'll place the order. The prices are ridiculously low. I might even get a couple of pairs.

I'd provide a link to this online store, but on CDH it's a tossup whether my entire comment will be instantly deleted if it contains a link. Just google it, luv!

Hope this helps you,
Lori 💋

PS: I'm planning a "boyfriend look" outfit - white shirt, men's necktie, etc. Bet I can wear my boy glasses with that!

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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
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Charmagne, I chose a more gender neutral pair that work in both modes.  So could go that way as opposed to getting 2 pair.  Got the same problem with lasik, yay wearing glasses for 40+ years ugh.  When I apply makeup and dressed they work pretty well. When in non Michelle mode, I just look more stylish than I have previously.  Hope that helps. - hugs, Michelle


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Noble Member     Brighton, Michigan, United States of America
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I'm have also been thinking two pairs. I do wear contacts, but always prefer my glasses. I have special requirements for my glasses, both lens and frames, and haven't spent more than 200 dollars since I bought my last pair of sport goggles. Due to the cost at most optical shops, I have bought my glasses at Costco for the past 20 years. Always been happy with them, and have never spent a lot.

MacKenzie Alexandra

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Reputable Member     Buffalo, New York, United States of America
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I will probably go Mackenzie’s route.  I have a rather strong prescription and going to a traditional optician has just gotten too expensive.  Even Sears has gotten too rich for my blood, but they’re closing anyway.  We don’t have Costco in New York, but BJ’s Wholesale has an optical department that might be reasonable enough for me to get two pairs.  I’ll do some more shopping around.

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Oh wow! Can’t believe glasses can be so expensive over there... there is a local (regional) eyeglass business and just yesterday they ended one of their periodical sales promotions... two pairs of prescription glases (frames and glasses) for $49.00

yes, that was the two pairs for 49 for both pairs, not each. Limited frames selection, yes, but still. May be even worth it flying in to get them!

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Reputable Member     Buffalo, New York, United States of America
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Places like America’s Best used to advertise two pairs of glasses for $69.  But those lenses were nothing more than a magnifying glass.  And the only frame selection looked like the ones Michael Douglas wore in “Falling Down”.   Any type of prescription added $150-$200 per pair, then transition lenses because they try to talk you out of bifocals.  Then tinting to protect your eyes from UV rays.  Then a protection plan.  It’s nothing but one big upselling job.

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Charmagne I can feel your pain. I wear bifocals and my prescription is about $400. My solution was to find two pair of frames and “suck it up” for the first year. I chose a ladies frame that wouldn’t go out of style. That way it would last a couple of years. I wish you the best.


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Hi Charmagne,

I have a very strong prescription and my glasses normally run close to $600. I can usually find one of the national chains in the US that has a 2 pair for the price of one. I get my daily pair and sunglasses. My lens are so thick that I have to get optical plastic to reduce weight and the type of frame is limited to oblong shapes. Fortunately, they are somewhat generic. I'd love more feminine frames but I haven't been able to find anything that can hold the prescription.




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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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I just got a pair of bi-focals for nancy (purpleish/pink) for $140 from glassesusa dot com  I've only worn them briefly and they are correct.  Can't wait to wear them out later this week.


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