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Well some asked for a follow up on my night out this past Friday.
Friday morning I tried on a few outfits and asked wife’s opinion on them. We both selected my new gray sweater dress with black pantyhose and my black over the knee boots.
All day I was super nervous and had second thoughts about going out. My wife kept encouraging me to go through with it and pushed me to go. Shower , full shave , apply some lotion and start my makeup . After completing my makeup I got dressed then it was which wig do I go with , again with wife’s help we picked my shirt black Bob style one. Now ready I realized I would have to leave while it was still light out and once again wife said “ just hold your head up and walk out there and get in the car. “. She was a big part of me going through with this event. Once in car and on my way I settled in and drove to the city which was crazy traffic. I pulled in to where parking garage was and was shocked to see a sign saying garage closed due to construction. Yikes now what do I do. I turned around and went back out in street to find some parking and went about 2 1/2 blocks down to find street parking. Parked the car and now the nerves set in again that I have to walk the distance back to the pub. So I got out of car, paid for my parking , placed it on the dash , put my purse on on my shoulder and started the walk down the very busy sidewalk. Like most say ,people are in there own space and no funny looks, smirks or anything g as I made my way to the pub . Walked in and met the hostess and asked where the Xpressions group was sitting. She directed me to the table and I introduced myself to all the ladies already there. After that drive there I ordered a drink ( just the one as I was driving ). Amy wasn’t there yet who I was considering my contact person as I had mentioned I was coming . Chatted with a few ladies , was asked about my story and where I’m at in my journey. Once Amy showed up we had a great chat about everything and ordered our meals. I had the fish tacos which were absolutely delicious. While the evening went on I noticed that all the other patrons didn’t show any signs of disapproval and I think one man actually checked me iut as I walked by. lol. Anyway all in all it was a great experience for me as I do many functions like this. Another new girl was there and we chatted for a bit and as I was ready to go she asked if I could drop her off on my way home we I did. So now we walked the 2 1/2 blocks down the street, our heels making the sound I enjoy with not a care in the world. Just 2 girls out on the town. Thanks so much to Amy Myers for having me with the Xpressions group and I hope to do this again soon.
Ashley -
Thank you for sharing, what a wonderful evening for you. Hope you have the opportunity to have more experiences like that.
I loved your story. How fortunate you are to have a supportive wife, that even pushes you to expand your feminine self. Your stories bring back memories when I was much younger, and I would go to a hotel in a different town, than I lived in. Unfortunately, back then there was no internet, no supportive people that I knew and I was always alone, but the thrill was still there, taking a bath, shaving, then putting on the panties, bra, pantyhose make up, flared skirt, and blouse, and wig. Now as I'm older, I wait anxiously for the few times, my wife travels, and I can spend the few days, getting dressed at home. Reading stories like yours, keeps me inspired for my times alone, to be enfeme.
"...once again wife said “ just hold your head up and walk out there and get in the car. “. She was a big part of me going through with this event." ("She nearly pushed me out the door"👠) What an encouraging woman your wife is!! 🏆I know that you know that. Just emphasizing. 🌹
Another girl who has a wonderful partner Ashley. A lovely evening too, thank you for sharing.