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Cathy -
Thank you for sharing your story.
What a different way to look at it. As I read it I wondered how many times in my life I had the same type of experiences. How would my life have been if I had asked myself "Why not me?". In therapy I have talked about what if, I had acknowledged my crossdressing and followed my heart and/or I had acknowledged my sexuality and followed my heart. Unfortunately I can't turn back the hands of time and have to accept that. However, going forward I can acknowledge and accept my crossdressing and sexuality. As far as dressing is concerned I do what I can when I can and how far that will go is yet to be seen. Regarding sexuality, I can accept that part of me, it is something I will probably never act on but if I've learned one thing over the last few years never say never.
I wish you well with your new career and hope you find happiness.
Thanks for sharing your story, Cathy.
I dress because I love it. Everything I have done in my life I have tried to do with passion. Life is hard, bitter and heavy, a poet told us. But I have put my best effort into making mine as pleasant as possible. I think I am happy.
Hello Cathy, I really appreciate your thoughts , many of us duel too much in the past or the ifs, I am glad you’re living your life to the fullest and doing what makes you happy, I wish you the best in the years to come.
Your friend,
Carla 😘
Has it not been said that many very successful people dwell on the what ifs? They have achieved all they had imagined but realise they have missed out on some very basic things in life.
What makes life exciting is the opportunities that come your way and you take the ones that seem a good idea at the time. Sure we have all imagined being something that in reality is not attainable - or is it? Now what if.......
As a kid it was wanting to be a pilot, a princess, a dog, a cat and even a girl. Tell that to your peers and, well we know the rest.
So I was never gong to be a cat or dog, a pilot, academically improbable. A princess, born into the wrong family but a woman, put that on the back burner as out of everything this was something I could aspire to but wasn't sure how but knew this was pick of the bunch.
Life then goes on and work choices are made, relationships come and go while this person evolves and eventually every decision that has been made starts to see this woman develop, slowly at first but it started to gather momentum later in life until the day it all came together and Angela was out into the world.
There have had to be some sacrifices and even regrets and the what ifs are just that as taking another decision may have forwarded my progress but equally have defeated it. I may not be rich or famous but I have had a life and achieved quite a bit in my world of reality but the end result is I am the person I always wanted to be.