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I always dated at least 2 or 3 girls at a time. I had a love of women -- their looks, clothes, makeup, hair, etc. I loved everything ABOUT them so much that REALLY got into crossdressing! Due to meds (spiro.) I started to develop breasts and loved it. Started taking estradiol to help more. My nipples and breasts are sensitive to the slightest touch now, and it feels great.Now I know why girls get in trouble!
I have no desire to transition-- I love both my male and female side. My problem, though, is that both sides still want to be with females. I'd love to be "lesbian-ish", if there is such a thing.
Are there women that would go for this and enjoy it???
Staff note: When writing responses, please be aware that any overtly sexual content will be removed. In other words, please keep it clean! Ellie x
Sexuality is one of the most fluid things in the world of you ask me. Im bi so yes. Do you also feel attracted to men or just woman?
I know exactly how you feel Bobbie
Many many long years ago I was in the Merchant navy at a time when I had no desire to dress, But some how you have just jogged me mind to something I heard back in those days some 50ish years ago
One of the crew announced he was going to become so gay he was going to be a lesbian, for some reason that comment stuck in my memory and today that is pretty much how I and I guess many of us feel
Hi, Diane,
So are you" lesbian-ish"? Do you go out with females that know about you? what's their reaction?
I was attracted to girls because of what they wore because I knew that's what I wanted to wear. I am also very much hetero, it's in my D.N.A. as it were and probably yours. You do not change as a person so you feel the way you do all the time, it doesn't change you. if you wish to take a label then go ahead but it is you being you at the end of the day.
There are those that dress who have other preferences and those that sometimes question themselves as one comment to girls 'coming out' is the they must be gay or Bi. It can cause confusion or make an individual wonder, it's a societal observation.
It is sometimes difficult for individuals to understand the reasons they dress which leads to the questioning. Releasing that feminine side within can also release a denied sexuality too.
In answer to what do real girls think of there 'man' dressing well these pages are full of married partners reactions and some with unmarried partners too. It is a varied response from acceptance to absolute abhorrence so no one answer fits all.
No problem, I love women too!! Especially my beautiful wife. Just a hetero guy who enjoys wearing gals clothes and being pretty from time to time.
I do not want to be a woman, but I do want to dress like one.... Simple.
Have fun, Staci...
I love all things feminine whether in guy or girl mode. If I was a woman I would be a lesbian. But I have no desire to transition I love my wife to much. I enjoy my male and female side.
There is a key for every lock.....
Some locks have more keys duplicated...
Some locks might only have 1 key.....
But yes, there are women who find CDH ladies attractive and desirable. Probably just not as many as would buy a hot hunky fireman calendar.
Bobbie, it’s interesting that you bring this subject up. I think to the casual observer, it might get very confusing, because they really don’t understand us or our desire to be female part of the time. I’m so happy when a male finds me attractive, because it reaffirms that I look attractive as a woman, and as a crossdresser, who doesn’t want that. However on another site, which I’ve since quit, I would get propositioned and that was just not anything like I’d ever consider or do. I’m entirely heterosexual, but when I’m dressed I believe I’m a lesbian who is still attracted to women. If I could ever find a GG that was attracted to me enough to want to put up with crossdressing, I’d be so happy, I don’t know what I’d do. But unfortunately, I really wouldn’t know where to start looking and would be scared that I’d fall for someone and not want to lose them and try to give up crossdressing or hide it, and I just can’t do that. So I’ll just keep being me, both male and female and for the time being, I’ll just be my own girlfriend, I really like her anyway, she’s just like me!
I have always loved women and the female form. As a trans woman, my feelings haven't changed at all.
Myself has always loved females in both mode my SO would never go for me being dressed and intimate probably due to she’s non supported and also attracted to men not women I do have a confession tho there is an adult entertainer who’s a TG her name is Aubrey Kate I always found her highly attractive she also been my idle to look like a women when dressed a course she probably spent 10s and thousands of dollars to get where she looks no desire to transition just enjoy looking feminine at times TC
I love women. And also love being one! I’d definitely be in a lesbian relationship if I had transitioned.
I'm quite surprised by the amount of - and I hope you will forgive me if this comes across as sounding over-critical - of what sounds like rushing to fly the flag about how heterosexual we are 🙂
Personally, I would describe myself as such - I am in a long-term, very loving relationship with a real girl who accepts me as a tv/ crossdresser/ whatever and have only been with females in the past. However, I have always found other tgirls attractive, and I just know that now, were I single, I would look for the company of someone similar to myself.
And as for reincarnation... if I could have my time over, I'd still be a transvestite, although I'd like to be a little more petite, with smaller feet and a prettier nose.