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Hi girls! I need some advice and encouragement. I am eager to use one of these pro transformation services advertised here. Mostly, I would love the photoshoot!
I'm nervous about doing so, but there is one locally that has good reviews.
Any advice, experiences, encouragement would be helpful
no experience. However google the company and see if any distasteful reviews come u?
Jenny, I've only had 1 pro make-up session at Ulta Beauty and it was enjoyable. The advertised pro transformation services are worth the personal investment. It is their business to welcome and accept you without judgment. They can help you with sizing clothes and shoes. They can teach you make-up. The ultimate service is photo shoots and most offer them. If you wish to take that step, you can see how beautiful you are all put together.
thanks so much brittney! i want to do this so much -- i need to just muster my courage and go make it happen!
In the DC/Maryland area there are two very good Makeover experts. One is Elizabeth Taylor in Takoma Park, Maryland, and the other is Darrell Simpson up in Havre De Grace, Maryland. I went to Darrell Simpson when initially being outfitted and he did a wonderful job. I know both Beth and Darrell and they are very knowledgeable and caring and either will take good care of you.
Each has a variety of packages available for makeovers and photo shoots. Darrell can be found at transspa dot com, and Beth Taylor at elizabethtaylormakeovers dot com.
Tell them Leah sent you! 🙂
Message me if you want more details.
thanks so much - eliz is the site i was looking at. she gets great reviews - i'm nervous, as i'm sure all her clients are. but now that i have started thinking about doing this, i can't stop LOL
i will message you! thanks again!
Hi Jenny,
I have done a makeover with photoshoot. I went to TGMiss located between Milwaukee and Chicago in Midwest. It was a fantastic experience. I highly recommend doing it. Some of my photos are from the photoshoot and it is amazing how good you can look with professional help. For me, it was life affirming letting me see my self as feminine. The TGmiss website has many testimonials including mine. Plus many resources to help should you have one. I think every one is nervous for the first time. Simply it is just so much fun.
You won't regret it. As others have mentioned, check the reviews!
Sounds so much fun!
Got my first booked for Saturday - can't wait!!
Just relax and enjoy it - that's my intention.
Love Laura
awesome! can't wait to hear about it. mine is likely about one month away 🙁
Dear Jenny, Have you decided which service you are going with? Here is a suggestion if you are needing a courage boost. Leah Santini recommended Darrell Simpson at Transspa. The Transspa service is a private room inside a lingerie boutique. The makeover and photo shoot are by private appointment, so you are the only client. Only the staff will see you during the transformation and photo shoot and they are there to support you and make you look your best.I would say Elizabeth Taylor does hers the same way, but I've never seen her website so I can't say for sure. Hope this helps, send me a reply if you like.
Jenny, I had one scheduled last Thursday, but the lady had to cancel and we are trying to reschedule. I was so disappointed but will look froward to my new date. I think you should go, as I know it will be a great, fun experience. You will get a professional makeover plus photos, so much fun. Make sure you tell us all about it after you glam appointment.
I've been to Beth Taylor before. No need to be nervous. She is so easy to work with.
Cynthia - thanks for the comment? may i ask, what package did you get?
i'm very curious about the fantasy offers - i really realy want to do the wedding fantasy shoot haha.
Jenny - A wedding fantasy sounds like fun. I wouldn't mind doing one myself. I love wedding dresses. Its been a long time since I've worn one.
I did a 3 hour fantasy feminization package. Its a good package if its your first time. I have pics but I won't post them on here. They're not family friendly.
I did a makeover/dressing session a few months back, she did a great job with the makeup, which was a very shocking look , as well as trying a few different wigs and having my nails done. She also took a few pics Over all, great experience woudl be fun to try it again