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Need some help gurls.

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Active Member     san antonio, Avon, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi yual l this is Steffany,  I have a big problem rite now, I got a text a few days ago from my sister that I don't get along with telling me that my brother Rosco is dying of cancer and I don't know what to do,  he lives in Hawaii and I havnt seen him in years , I talked to him a couple years ago but nouthing since then. What I need some guidance with is if I should go to Hawaii to see him or remember him how I last saw him , it's really bothering me i can't sleep or eat or even leave my camper that I stay in I've been in it for days now scared to leave thinking somehow I'll miss a call from him , please help me , thanks , steffany

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Estimable Member     Mississauga, on, Canada
Joined: 9 years ago

Hi Steffany,

A Number of years back My Sister Had Cancer. I went to Visit Her While she was in the Hospital and Receiving Treatment. It was Five Months after that She passed Away. I did not make a return trip for the funeral. But I was glad that I went to see her while she was still living. Do what you believe will make you feel Ok with in your self after every thing is said and done.



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Reputable Member     Middlesex, New Jersey, United States of America
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I'm sorry to hear about your brother, Steffany. The question you ask is difficult to gave a direct answer. but I can give you an example of how I feel. My sister and I are complete opposites, thus we don't get along very well. My mother is very old and her health is slowly failing. I know she won't be with me much longer. I love my mother, and I want to be with her as much a possible before it's too late. Therefore, I tolerate my sister to be with my mother. If you love your brother, then you'll do the right thing, darling.

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Steffany....please accept my condolences for your brother. I lost my brother-in-law and good friend to cancer. I missed seeing him and saying...see up there bro by 4 hours! That was 2 years ago. I still hate myself for this happening. There are many if onlys and what if now!  He is your brother....irregardless of family must go. You will hate yourself if you don't. I pray for God to give you the go and see him feeling.

Hugs....    Dame Veronica

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Honorable Member     CAMBRIDGE, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Steffany, I'm very sorry to hear your story.

When my mum died of cancer, I was there, but my brother and two sisters were not. I had, not only to deal with the shock (it's always a shock, even though you know what is coming) but call my siblings, they lived in various parts of the UK.  The three of them immediately headed of mum's house (London) I had to meet one sister at a station in central London, when she left home, mum was still alive, I had to break the news, my brother and other sister arrived within hours. All three of them were so upset that they were not there for Mums last moments.

I feel you must go, you will probably regret it other wise. Your family, no matter how remote from each other you are, is your family, you don't get a second chance , go , it may be hard, but go.

My Mum died over 20 years ago and in writing this I have found myself crying, It was a difficult time for all of my family, this is a very emotional time for you, I know the feeling, believe me. So from the bottom of my heart do the thing you think is right, you know, deep down inside what that is.

If you want to chat PM me any time.


Andrea x

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I am truly trying to help. If your brother is a veteran they will fly you to him free. God Bless!

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Trusted Member     LONGVIEW, Texas, United States of America
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I think you should see him if you can. You won't want to regret it later on.

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Active Member     san antonio, Avon, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Thank yual l for the concerns , you have me in tears right now , hard to believe how great yual l are and carring. I finally got a reply from his friend there he didn't have a phone, I sent a short video yesterday telling him I love him and will come over there now if he wishes and I got a reply but it was second hand from his friend but he is going to make me a video tomorrow I was told so I will know his wishes, thank yual so much you just don't know how it makes me fell that somebody cares. Love yual ,Steffany

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steffany my brother died suddenly last year when i was on vacation and i never got to say goodbye and that still hurts. for yours and his sake go to him, it will help with the closure afterwards. my deepest sympathy and condolences to you and your family. i hate that filthy disease, i've lost to many friends and family to it.

take care, heather.

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Gurl you have to go see him. He is still himself. If you don't, you will be asking yourself what if this entire time. If anything you need to set up skype with him. Let him see you, the sweet, kind, and gentle soul that you are.


My .02

rock on



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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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Steffany   thats  wonderful,  good  news  and soon things will become clearer and plans can be set. Hope all works out despite the circumstances and the best ahead. Oh by the way it wouldn't hurt to text back your sister and just reach out a little thanking her for passing this along, just a little tidbit of appreciation, support can work for all and maybe heal old memories. 🌹

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Will you regret it if you don't see him?

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Reputable Member     Ft Lauderdale , Florida, United States of America
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I'm so sorry for the terrible news. My prayers are with you and your family.

Please go see your brother. If you don't, you will regret it later. I watched as my father wasted away from Parkinson's disease. It wasn't easy to see the strong man I so admired become an invalid in a wheelchair who couldn't even go to the bathroom by himself. But despite seeing that, it's not how I remember him. I remember the tall, handsome man with a beautiful wife on his arm. And you will remember your brother at his best as well. But go be by his side. There won't be a second chance.

Hugs during this very difficult time,



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