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new wardrobe on its way. old wobbly tummy and turkey neck

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Eminent Member     Queensland, Australia
Joined: 6 years ago

so ive just ordered the start of a new wardrobe inc shapewear a couple of dresses and the best bit some bresat formers as well.....yay no more flat chest for me 😀 sadly i have a bit of a belly and turkey neck plus my cycling legs are less then attractive just wondering has anyone got an suggestion on how i can blast the belly fat and turkey neck and slim down without putting on too much muscle definition please to assit the shape wear i have giving me the hour glass figure id love to have instead of looking like a bean bag.


look forward to your suggestions... ally xo

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Hey, plenty of women look wobbly, and it doesn't detract from their beauty!

Shapewear can be really lovely - enjoy it and the shapes you can create.

You can work on your body at your own pace - no-one is perfect.

I cannot change my 6'4 height or masculine face, but that won't stop me going out en femme when I get the chance!

Love Laura

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Reputable Member     Homosassa, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

<p style="text-align: left;">i have lost 30 pounds and dramatically improved my belly (according to my wife) by moderate dieting (I use a phone app to help) and exercise but I concentrate on core muscles and legs (I backpack) and cardio.  I avoid upper body work because I don’t need or want a ‘masculine ‘ chest</p>


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