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For decades, one of my “New Year’s Resolutions” was to stop crossdressing…or at least forcibly pause it for as long as possible. I’ve always been a bit ashamed and embarrassed by this lovely, but “odd”, hobby of ours. Well, I just wanted to say that 2024 was a year of discovery and acceptance for me. I experienced TWO public outings in safe spaces with some of you ladies. I found this group and began opening up about myself. So for 2025 I no longer have that resolution that I’ve had for the last 40 years. It obviously never worked anyway! I’ve made it as far as March or April, but I never stopped @…and I shouldn’t have to.
I guess what I am saying to the group is “Thank You”. Life is sooooo much better when you don’t face it alone. Happy New Year to everyone. Now…time to pick out my NYE outfit for tonight! I think I’ll go with the sequins…
The only resolution I ever kept was to stop making resolutions and meet life face to face.
I started 2024 determined to find out why I've crossdressed all my life and to stop beating myself up about it.
Well, I've completely surpassed any expectations I had and I, literally, have never been happier than I am now. That's as much down to this amazing bunch of girls as it is to my own efforts and as an added bonus, I'm now part of the team that help to keep CDH the safe haven it is for us all.
If I have a wish for 2025, it's that more of our sisters can find the happiness and peace of mind that so many of us already have. Well, it's either that or hope for world peace and to work with children, as I tearfully accept the bouquet and cheque for winning Miss Alpha Quadrant, Stardate 4323.7 😊
Allie x
it's not really a resolution, but this year i WILL tell my wife about my dressing. And hopefully work up the courage before the end of the month.
Hi Danni, I stopped making that new year's resolution year's ago when i finally accepted that I'm a crossdresser and that I'll always dress up every chance i get,
My new year's resolution for 2025 is to attend a venue somewhere soon, i achieved last year's resolution 2 weeks ago when i finally got to have a makeover it only took me 12 months,
Hugs Roz X
@dannydior301 Hey girl, good for you! I bet that feels amazing to know you accept that part of you, and it's no small hurdle. We had a fab time meeting you at the gala and hope to see you again soon! xo Mel
Hi Danni! That's wonderful, look at you go!! I think whatever outfit you pick you'll look fab in it!!
BTW, why not make a different kind of resolution? Instead of not crossdressing, why not resolve to crossdress more and explore this wonderful side of yourself? Who knows, maybe this time you'll keep to it 😉
Happy new year ladies, hope to see some of you this year.
But more importantly, happy new year to all of my online sisters
Hugs, Tamara 💋
Happy New Year to all you lovely ladies at CDH. My resolution is to dress more often.
Happy New Year to all -
I'm not much on resolutions, with that being said I'd like to get out in public dressed. I think this may be the year that will happen, maybe not a dress or skirt but at least androgynously in jeans and female top.
Danni - The more time I spend reading posts on CDH, the more I come to think that crossdressing is one of the most harmless activities that one can participate in. If anything, one should have a New Year’s resolution to START crossdressing. We might just have a lot more mellow citizenry on our streets if that were to happen🥰.