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Mike is a lovely guy. Big, genial, softly spoken and friendly. Over the years he has done many jobs for us, mainly in the garden, and has always been utterly reliable. He has become a friend and tells me that, of all his customers, I make the best mug of tea (odd, since I only ever drink coffee). But for some inexplicable reason he has been the one person around here that I have dreaded coming out to.
That all changed one morning a few weeks ago when my wife and I were about to get in our car to go shopping; as usual I was fully crossdressed. Mike was just coming out of the estate (our house is at the entrance of the estate) so he stopped to say hello and chat with us. His first words to me were “You look really good”. There was no further discussion of my dressing over the next couple of minutes, but his last words to me were “You really do look very good”. I had known that Mike would eventually see me at some stage because he is often in and out of the estate, but when it happened I was taken by surprise, especially by his reaction!
Fast forward to yesterday - Saturday morning. Mike was due to arrive early to replace a fence post for me. My wife and I would be going out shopping and I would be cross dressed as usual. No apprehension on my part now, but I was running a bit late. He arrived, I greeted him at the door, chatted briefly, said I already had the kettle on to make a mug of tea while he unloaded his van. Then I realised - Oh hell - I looked a mess; hair in a scrappy bun and a badly positioned Alice band to keep it out of my face while I was still only part way through my simple make-up routine 😱 .
It struck me that this was probably just like any other lady who is running out of time trying to do too many things at once. I can’t always be well presented all the time. I guess that’s just normal life!
Rebecca I'm so pleased that your coming out to Mike was such a pleasant surprise! I know what you mean about presentation sometimes getting the better of you at the wrong time. But at least you got the good impression in the first time 🙂
Fluff xxx
Lovey to read such a wonderful form must ask is there a weight lifter off your shoulder know also did you relationship change in any way one of my biggest fear is one finding out and the impact it has afterwords
Rebecca -
What a lovely story. How nice of Mike to compliment you, I'm sure it made your day.