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Many of us CDs have this conundrum of wanting to dress, yet trying to keep the peace with our SOs. Sometimes, we can do both in isolation. Sometimes, the urge to dress forces us to the brink of a conflict with our SO. Do you ever feel this way?
I'm lucky to find some girl time for myself most days, and even venture out in semi-girl-semi-guy mode, all without my SO involved. She is tolerant, but not supportive, and not sure you would say she is accepting of my CD side.
There are moments when I want to underdress, or subtly dress, but get worried about making her sad or angry on that particular moment. So I don't, and deep down, I might sulk for a few hours. An example is a recent party we were getting ready for, or a day she was in a really happy mood, or birthdays, anniversaries, Mother's Day, holiday, vacations, you get the idea.
While I have my need to dress, I remember that it's mine, and at those special times, her sense of happiness truly matters more in those moments. So I avoid my feelings for those short times. This must what they call doing something out of love!!
Oh My Gosh! Lea, I just spoke to that in Evie’s topic not 2 hours ago. I said:
I’m in the same place kind of. My SO doesn’t want to talk about it, but she does want to stay with me. so my price for keeping her in my life is that I have to do this without sharing with her. Thank goodness I can share everything with all of you!
She respects my needs and I respect hers but the two will never coincide it seems.
Talk about being on the same wavelength!
Lea, Thanks for posting this.
You, Josie and Sheryl and myself are in very similar situations when it comes to our spouses and crossdressing. I have been married for 40+ years, began crossdressing about 6 years ago and wife not too happy about that. She tries to understand, but it is difficult. I understand where she is coming from. But for me, I need to be happy too.
As Lea said, it is a conundrum. I do tell her everything, even if she does not want to hear it. I feel she has to know as well, it is only fair.
The saga continues, Staci...
I can relate to your situation. I've been married for 19 years. She has known since we were dating about my love of girl clothes. As time has past her participation in my dressing has gone from finding it fun to just allowing me to do it and being annoyed if I get stuck in the dressing mood. She still likes to shop together but sometimes when she finds I'm wearing panties under my drab clothes she goes a little cold. My advice is to talk and be honest. And I mean saying what you mean. Don't assume she understands your desire to dress. You got to explain in details. Apparently women need lots of details.