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Sunday will be the annual Remeberance Day Commencement. The day we should all remember those gentlemen who Fought for Freedom in WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam and Middleast. Leave us not forget The Civil War,and the Independence War for Freedom from British rule.
Many wars have been fought for so called Freedom. Freedom is such a fleeting commodity...once the war is over....other people start coniving to enslave us all once again and hence another war starts. More Glorious Wars have have fought down thru history, killing of patriots and non patriots all for the Glorification of Governments and the Generals....for the common man who did the fighting....nothing but death and life long injury and suffering. All hail the winners...the Heros who are forgotten the next day. It makes me sick to see these Government illegitimates placing the wreath at all the Cenitaphs all over the world and saying we owe our lives to them. Yes they do. But were is Veterans affairs when it comes to benefits and health care???? My Dad landed at Normandy on D-day....he fought the Germans for 5 years and sustained a few minor injuries yet was given nothing but guff while fighting for those benefits My mothers uncle was returned from France WW1 and dumped on the dock in Halifax in a wood box. My in-laws had to collect pennies from others in Saskatchewan to be able to take the train to Halifax to Recoup the body for burial in the Family Plot. I volunteered for Vietnam for 3 tours of gut wrenching physical and mental torment as a medic with the Cavalry and MACV-SOG. Sure, I got a couple of medals, big deal. 58,000 plus didn't get a medal.........they were reserved for Westmoreland, Abrahms, Nixon. Johnson. Kennedy and other Government ilk. Incompetents who put generations of Americans in debt for Vietnamese drug dealing and black marketeering.
This year I don my Uniform and go to the Alter to remember my Uncle, my Dad and my thousands of brother and sisters who died for Freedom. I remember all those who died in wars down thru history for Freedom. After the services on Sunday......we all go home and forget for another year. Trudeau, Trump and Putin will all head for a fancy banquet hall to have a Royal Dinner while many soldiers will go home to can of tuna....too poor and ill to afford good housing or food. A soldier I saved at Dak To and lost his leg...spent his last remaining years in South Carolina under a bridge in skid row. He died this summer from pneumonia.....no one helped....no one cared..... except for me and a Transgendered Girl who saw him cremated and ashed scattered over a sacred Native buriel ground .Peace has found you Jim Gibbon of the 173 Airbourne, RIP.
This year will issue in a new kind of "Freedom".....one where Transgenders, L. G. B. T. and Cross dressers will be declared open season upon. They tell the media what to print and broadcast...lies to suit the Govt., build fences to keep out Mexicans....import middle east terrorist so it is easy to prey upon the Patriots....same in England, same in France, same in Italy. We need "documents to go anywhere now....Judges free the criminals and jail the innocent. How come these terrorists won't ask to go to Russia or China?????? I ask you all to remember Trudeau.....giving 10 million dollars compensation to Kadar for killing an American Patriot Soldier. Salute our flag....like hell I will.
Did all our Veterans die in vain for Freedom? It would appear so and I am saddened beyond believe over this. I know..........I was there...........it don't mean nothin!.
November 11th.....say a silent prayer for the true Patriots of the world and history....don't pray out load.....you'll be arrested as a racist cause it offends some foreigner.
Dame Veronica Graunwolf - Knight Templar LT. Graunwolf 1st US Cavalry Damn Proud Freedom Fighter.
Well said Veronica "Lest we forget "
Thanks Veronica, A relevant and poignant reminder of those who have needlessly died.
As a 65 yr old I am reminded of the Vietnam War and the needless deaths when as someone so young it would leave me with the big question, why do we do these things to one another. Still I have no idea why. But one thing is perfectly clear to me and that is when we remind ourself of our past follies it offers some hope that we can rise above our lesser nature. Leslie XX
Thank you Veronica for your service. I myself am a USCG vet who served 5 years and I see a lot of vets come into the store that I work at and I always thank them. I wear my poppy from the VFW proudly and give money to the DAV and the Wounded Warrior project who have helped out many vets of my generation. But the sacrifices made by yours and other generations made it possible for us and for that I say again Thank you. Like you, I don't care for the ilk that is the current administration. Change needs to happen again and soon. Harmony and Serenity to all of you and if you can thank a Vet tomorrow or any time you see one.
DC3 Selyne Phoenyx USCG
The human race will never learn and that will be its' downfall. Someone said....supose they gave a war.....and no-body showed up? Well that happened in Vietnam. They needed bodies and the Judicial Systems sent them them lots......"your choice boy....you is quilty of stealing a chocolate bar........you pick.....20 years hard labor in the sun or 1 year in Vietnam. A lot of African-Americans got there that way.
What ever happened to Justice and Freedom and innocent till proven guilty. It was tough back then for CDr's and TG's...society didn't want them, jails didn't want them , the Army didn't want them....has anything changes...We and our fore fathers did not fight wars for this. An instant reply of what was done to the Native Americans. Makes a mockery of the Statue of Liberty.
Dame Veronica.