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Reputable Member     New York, United States of America
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Hi Ladies.

I was wondering with the cost of crossdressing/dressing full time does the amount of clothing, makeup, wigs, and all the accessories  matter to how much quantity or minimum purchases you make?

The real issue of this question is do you purchase a girdle, panty, hosiery, garter belt, half slip, and camisole (the quantity), or instead by a panty and pantyhose and forego the other articles of undergarments mentioned above (minimum purchase)?

Does time constraints or the ability for how long you have to feminized yourself go into your decision?

Does your favorite decade of fashion reflect in your decision in the numbers game?

Does money come into your decision, and/or where you purchase your female clothing make a difference for the number of articles you purchase and wear when you get into your female mode?

So ladies, what is your preference(s) on this question - what say you?





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You can spend as much or as little as you want and live full-time.  I have some luxe lingerie and foundations that I rarely wear.  The vast majority of my clothing purchases are everyday clothes.  They're cheaper and more comfortable.  I'm busy.  I don't have time for glam most days.  Most women I know are in the same boat.  My fave decade for fashion is whatever one we're in.  I like to stay current.


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Hi Emily,

Never gave time a thought.

Staying current means always knowing the current trend, but have to ask, does that mean you spend more money when the fad changes? Your comment about time also caught my attention - who has enough time - interesting!!

As we know the more things change the more it stays the same?




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Hey Brandi!

I'm hardly a slave to current fashion.  The vast majority of purchases are for casual wear.  Either something that catches my eye or is a replacement for something that's worn out.  I don't spend much on wardrobe staples because I don't expect them to last more than a year or two.

When I need to buy a nice outfit, I'll shop the racks at stores like Nordstrom and Macy's for timeless classics.  Or I might hit one of the better thrift stores in town.  A cute LBD will never go out of style.  I'll spend a little more for something I know will still look good in 5 years.  But those items are infrequent purchases.  Usually made because I'm attending an event that warrants a new outfit. 

I avoid buying faddish or trendy clothes that'll be out of style next year.   I'm also not into wearing retro fashions.

Time is ALWAYS in short supply.  I'm super busy on any given day.  There's never enough time to do everything I'd like.  I have to make choices about what's more important.  And I'll almost always choose doing something over fussing for hours on my appearance.  My life is like any other busy career woman.  Glam becomes an occasional fun treat.  You gain new appreciation for the opportunities.  It's one of the first things I discovered when I went full time and started transitioning.  I get glammed up less often now than when I was 'just' a crossdresser.


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Reputable Member     Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Brandi

Its most definitely the decade of fashion I love the 50's style of the everyday woman, and growing up in the 70's has a profound effect on my style.

Sarah xx

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@34sarah HI Sarah,

Brandi is also a 1950's gal.

Love everything this decade has to offer from the shoes on up to the way they there hair was worn.  The in between for all the foundation garments to the lingerie leaves a lady to behold. Also love the vintage aprons and accessories of the time.



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Brandi,what to buy and how much is a difficult thing. I have shoes and a couple of tops and a dress that I will never wear. Shoes are to big, the dress is to small and the tops are styles I now don't care for. 

I do buy from thrift stores, but also from Target where I used to work (I still get 10% discount), and a lot from Torrid. When shopping at Torrid I get a lot of clearance when it is 50% off.   I have more than once gotten 6 items for less than $140.


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Hi Cassie,

Just shop at thrift stores and quality of the purchase always reflect in the value of the cost.

Nice you have a discount at a major department store. 

It all adds up!!



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Honorable Member     Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
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I don't wear a girdle (you can't be serious), I don't wear slips (c'mon now). I'm a total panty hose girl.

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To each there own - come on man!


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@brandicd11 Most of the clothes that I wear every day now have been androgynous, maybe casual, women's clothes. Of course, I have dresses and skirts, but those are for at home, for now.

As for cost, I look for items on sale. There aren't many thrifty stores near me, but the choice in the ones that I have been in is lackluster and limiting.

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Hi Harriette,

Brandi lives in an area where Thrift shops have very good selections for the entire femine wardrobe - finding the value is the challenge.





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@brandicd11 In my case, apparently not. If I like it, I buy it. The fact my New Years Resolution was to cut back, and I donate bags of clothes twice annually, tells me I need some help. Lol

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Brandi,  a interesting, and yet a personal topic.. when I dress all the intimates are included with the addition of shapewear. My purchase criteria is within budget and must be “on sale”. Although retired my part time job helps pay for my feminine wardrobe lol..  Leonara 🌹

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@leonara HI Leonara,

The foundation on this gurl needs all the assistance it can receive. Shop at thrift shops can get quality with a cheap price!!



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Most of my clothing comes from thrift stores. I have bought a few items at retail store but only things that were on sale.  All my wigs are from Paula Young and all were less than $100.  If I were more full time I would get something of higher quality or grow my hair out.


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Hi Kerri,

Thrift shops are the way to go.

What gurl would pass up a sale or bargain?



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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Oh gosh Brandi. It depends on budget and how much clothing you need due to circumstances and opportunities. It could be enough essentials to enjoy a quick moment in private or enough to have a few changes of look.

I used to buy  cheap when beginning as it gave me an idea of what my look should be. As I progressed more expensive purchases were made knowing my size and style.

As the opportunities grew so did the range. I am a 'careful' shopper looking out for bargains and what I need. However there are so many bargains out there and needs become  wants so my wardrobe is full.

Yes I am lucky to have spare income to spend on my wardrobe as there is little need for any mens clothes as they last for years and no fashion sense required as there are no 'wants' just needs, I'm sure you know what I mean...

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Hi Angela,

Starting to see the golden watch time Era clicking but still have some career left to conquer.

Strictly budget here as I adore the 1950's decade.




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For myself, I wouldn't qualify my wardrobe as "extensive", though it's all relative. I don't spend too much on any one piece because I go out 3-5x/month and so things get worn a couple of times/year.

I think I paid ~$160 for my gown and ~$90 for my knee boots - but those were splurges.

I think everyone finds their own comfort level 😉

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Hi Melodee,

Comfort is a great explanation - to each there own.



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Brandi =

First, for fashion sense I like the 50's early 60's housewife look but really anything in dresses, skirt/blouse combos. I do have jeans, slacks, leggings and capris which I wear on occasion. 

Second, as to time, I don't have much time to dress but do try and dress every day in the early morning (especially when I am on here). As a result I am able to wear bra, panties, sometimes pantyhose or tights, and a dress or skirt/blouse combo. On occasion a pair of leggings with a top on cold mornings (makes it easier to slip on sweatpants over them for warmth to take the dog for a walk). As a result I don't do make up or put on a wig.

Third, wardrobe is a combination of thrift store purchases, items bought in a store or catalog (online) and items given to me by my wife that she no longer wears. I have 2 wigs that I purchased from Paula Young for less than $100 which work well for me as I only dress at home. One of them (a shorter one) would probably work for going out if I were able to do that. 

Overall I have a pretty good wardrobe but what girl couldn't or wouldn't want more. Since starting to shop at Thrift Stores I find it to be enjoyable. So much to choose from (clothes, but also shoes, jewelry, handbags/purses) and the prices are great. Considering I still have to have a drab wardrobe there isn't too much in the budget for Suzanne so careful shopping is important. 


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Noble Member     Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
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Hi Brandi, I'll wear anything that I think that I look good in and my shape rarely changes.  I will shop at Kohl's, Macy's, Posh and high and low end resale for key items that I think would really work for me.  I can usually get ready for almost any event in about a half hour and my wardrobe reflects that.  I will also recut, dye and alter items to make a perfect fit and presentation.  I have a few undergarments, makeup and shoes that are stable pieces but most of my $ goes to out and about or daily wear and I'll just buy what I need.  I'm out and open so my clothes get a good yearly workout.  The glam stuff is for weekends and is treated carefully so that it lasts long and is ready for another fun time.  Unless somebody has x-ray vision they really won't know if my underthings are 1 or 5 years old.  I hope that helps,  Marg

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 Hi Marg,

Sometimes simple things Brandi never thought about is in easy eye sight. Alterations, adjustments to previous purchases, thanks for the heads up!!!



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I keep a well-balanced wardrobe that reflects my personal style more than it does fashion.

Expense wise, I shop thrift stores, Amazon, Shein, Temu, Torrid, as well as local stores in my area.  As any girl, I watch for clearance and sales. 

One does not have to spend huge amounts of money to look beautiful.  Although I know a few girls who buy only from high-end expensive brand name stores only.  Walmart sells Covergirl and Mabelline cosmetics for far less than most items sold at Ulta and Sepphora, but I do shop for high-end cosmetics too, as needed.   

I think it all depends on personal preference and experience.  Moreover, some girls are satisfied wearing a dress and wig, while others want to look as effeminate as possible. 

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Hi Peggy Sue,

Thanks for your reply.

A lot of various views and opinions on this subject.

Your response sums it up nicely - we all have individual likes and dislikes as life and time moves forward.





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