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Quite simply, these have almost everything to answer for in our developmental lives.
But what’s your personal take on whether either of these (for we naturally have both in our bloodstreams) have significantly impacted your CD experience and endeavours.
(Edited to remove weblink, as these are not allowed in public areas of the site. Ellie x)
Yes, even if your E levels are low, you may have been exposed to high E levels in the womb making your development more feminine. Science considers gender to be a spectrum and all adult humans should too!
There has always been girly boys and boysey girls and if you did a test on Estrogen and Testosterone I would wonder whether that has much influence. It's the brain, that bit that is affected by hormonal change shortly before birth which is where the feminine or masculine traits are impregnated and when the male and female physical parts are decided. ( Take the anomalies out and being general)
I have seen lots of reports and this is what my opinion is as knowing that I have more female traits than male is driven by the brain. Through hormones I can increase the Estrogen but it won't have an effect unless the testosterone is suppressed or negated. That should lead to some physical changes but still the brain would remain the same.
Labels proliferate and whatever you feel comfortable with is fine, they are a construct created by society like every other conformity. We are all human beings at the end of the day driven by biology and evolution.
The hormonal, that is testosterone had its effects at puberty and beyond, it didn't change my mindset. This mindset was active from about four years old and remained through the my life despite societal conformity and expectations which was duly adhered to, albeit reluctantly.
The enjoyment of womens clothes was part of the need to be female overriding the hormonal influence. I had to dress in full to feel 'right'.
An interesting test is to look at your hands, particularly your index, middle and ring finger. Males tend to have shorter index fingers than females and the ratio compared to the ring finger. Interestingly my left hand appears to be more female than my right hand. I noticed a similarity with my crossdressing friend. Google it to read about it and let us know your results.
To say it all comes down to eastogen vs testoeterone is a gross oversimplification of gender and sex. There are many factors involved, both hormonally and developmemtally, and no doubt many factors that we are not yet aware of. As an example, there are cis women who are 100% women in all aspects, physical, behavoiral, emotional, etc, with very high testosterone levels. Nothing in biology is ever simple, and rarely binary, but there is most often a gradation or spectrum of variation.
I don’t think there’s anything that deep to it when it comes to me. I like to wear pretty dresses and heels. As for actually acting or thinking like a woman im a long way off