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Oestrogen & Testosterone

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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Quite simply, these have almost everything to answer for in our developmental lives.

But what’s your personal take on whether either of these (for we naturally have both in our bloodstreams) have significantly impacted your CD experience and endeavours.


(Edited to remove weblink, as these are not allowed in public areas of the site. Ellie x)

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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Nature does offer plenty of variety. For me, I've never taken any hormones of any kind and I don't believe myself to be intersex but I can see traits that seem different from society's typical masculine template.  I have no trace of an Adams apple, never been able to grow a consistent beard, have smaller than normal wrists and hands, narrow shoulders, and an excess of breast tissue such that I've never had to purchase forms. While I've not sought out medical tests to check hormone levels, I'm overall healthy, happy, and male in all the areas where it counts. I've found my situation has lended itself well to my CD experience.  

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@mkat3874 Some would consider this fortunate. 💚

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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I do now, but younger me not so much. I was a very insecure teenager and tried to hide behind baggy clothes and avoided sports in favor or music. 

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@mkat3874 music eh? Sounds like it was their loss and your gain. Given a straight choice between my guitar and my cd tendencies, my guitar would win hands down without a second thought.

Sorry that you were subjected to this. Must have been difficult. I sense you are now secure in you mind and thinking though. 💚

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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No regrets with music over sports.  I was a brass player and got a modest scholarship to play in college. So, it was well worth it to me.

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Honorable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@mkat3874 I am similar to you. I have small hands and feet. I have no hair on my legs. I can fit into a 42B bra. I have been a crossdresser since very young, but these features tend to heighten the experience. If my wife goes before me, I probably will explore feminizing myself further.  But I have gotten all these features and did not do anything to have them. Amazing!!

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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It is amazing as it further illustrates how genetically diverse we all are. Sadly, as we all know, society prefers strict boundaries with no room for middle ground.  As I alluded to in my previous post, many of my insecurities as a teenager stem from my own body developing breast tissue when other boys did not.  I faced ridicule at a young age from classmates which caused me to try to hide myself away.  Society and even the medical system would say that there was something wrong with me. In my 20's I had a Dr offer to give me a referral to a plastic surgeon who could "help" me.  This only caused me to see myself as even more defective and I was also terribly afraid of the knife. However, after finally accepting myself, and with the loving support of my wife, I've come to see my natural state as a net positive, especially when dressing.  Exploring the middle ground can be so much fun!

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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@valentina16 maybe I'm imagining, or just getting older, but I'm noticing slight bodily changes since I've succumbed to my desires. Mind over matter?

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@astridt Well, interesting. GG girls going through the beginning of their adult life will often wear training bras, which I guess will envelop and promote wanted growth. I admit that my perpetual use of bras has seemed to increase me to at least an A if not a B cup, to the point that I am now self conscious to go swimming without a T-Shirt on. I did see also that eating large quantities of peanuts (full of protein) can increase breast size. So, I’m destined quite soon with a veritable C cup clearly as I sit munching most evenings in my 44b brassiere… 💚

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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@valentina16 way to go, girl!

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@valentina16 Pass the peanuts please.

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Trusted Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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@astridt Maybe I’m a little crazy, I believe that I grew into a B cup😊

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@julie51 more possible than you might think, from what I’ve read. 💚

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Trusted Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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Maybe I will grow into a C cup💭

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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@julie51 I'm still playing in the minor league 😁

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@astridt And again, from what I’ve read, small is beautiful. 💚

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@valentina16 I've no idea what to make of this. 

I just have a need to wear feminine clothing that I can't explain and I feel very comfortable dressed en-femme. For me, I think this is mindset rather than anythign hormonal.

I'm over 6 foot tall but not heavily built. I can't hide my height so I do wear heels when out in public and like to think that I scrub up quite well.  From a distance I just hope people see a red-haired Amazon.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@annaredhead don’t sweat it Ms Redhead. Just relax and enjoy, either in secret comfort or outward extravaganza!! Take care. Valentina. 💚

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Female brain waves + testosterone = gender dysphoria

You could say I had a few tough decades.  Estradiol (HRT) fixed that.


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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@lizk ty for sharing. I have so much to learn to be the empath on this that I want to be. My preconceived notion (I will admit) was that dysphoria was an attempt by folks not sympathetic to the CD lifestyle, to label things too readily as a medical or psychological condition. CD dysphoria, gender dysphoria, anything dysphoria if it is frowned upon. My bad. 💚

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Do a search for 'The Gender Dysphoria Bible' to learn LOTS more.


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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@lizk ty Liz.

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@valentina16 While I have never taken the steps to prove it, I feel that I do have a hormonal imbalance that affects my psyche in some way.   The effect isn't so much the fact that I have a feminine side, but rather how strongly I am drawn to it.   For me the draw is on something of a cyclical basis.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@lauren114 Thanks for sharing Lauren. For me, the purpose of such Qs (especially this one) is to help us girls get under the very skin of who we are and whether we have any control over our activities and desires. Is it just simply a desire for sensuality or something driven from something more hormonal.

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Estimable Member     Kentucky, United States of America
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@valentina16 For me I personally don't know, I've always been into all things women, as it could be one is stronger then the other. Anytime I have my blood done my levels are all normal, so it just may be that I love feeling like a women more then a man.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@closetcelt if it isn’t too personal, is it possible to check levels of hormones in blood? Thinks though, guess it must be to allow decisions on HRT for instance.

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Estimable Member     Kentucky, United States of America
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@valentina16 yes it is possible to have hormones tested thru blood work, it's a certain kind of lab test that's done, and most times you have to ask for it, this also depends on where you live

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@closetcelt ty 💚

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Yes, even if your E levels are low, you may have been exposed to high E levels in the womb making your development more feminine. Science considers gender  to be a spectrum and all adult humans should too!

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@leainvancouver A spectrum indeed. I did find during my research for another Q posed here that there are something like 42, possibly 47 defined genders. I find this quite amazing and comforting at the same time.

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Trusted Member     Iowa, United States of America
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@leainvancouver Hi Lea, I fully agree with you!!

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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There has always been girly boys and boysey girls and if you did a test on Estrogen and Testosterone I would wonder whether that has much influence. It's the brain, that bit that is affected by hormonal change shortly before birth which is where the feminine or masculine traits are impregnated and when the male and female physical parts are decided. ( Take the anomalies out and being general)

I have seen lots of reports and this is what my opinion is as knowing that I have more female traits than male is driven by the brain. Through hormones I can increase the Estrogen but it won't have an effect unless the testosterone is suppressed or negated. That should lead to some physical changes but still the brain would remain the same.

Labels proliferate and whatever you feel comfortable with is fine, they are a construct created by society like every other conformity. We are all human beings at the end of the day driven by biology and evolution.


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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 801

@ab123 Thank you for such a detailed contribution. Going on from this and in the context of CD, do you think this hormonal conditioning impacted your own CD (and/or) TG journey, or was it other factors (eg enjoying sensual attire) or indeed a combination of these and maybe other factors. TY again.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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The hormonal, that is testosterone had its effects at puberty and beyond, it didn't change my mindset. This mindset was active from about four years old and remained through the my life despite societal conformity and expectations which was duly adhered to, albeit reluctantly.

The enjoyment of womens clothes was part of the need to be female overriding the hormonal influence. I had to dress in full to feel 'right'.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@ab123 TY again. Perhaps my mindset was not so dissimilar to yours. If you read my article, you will see that at four there was something kicking in which I had no earthly means of making any sense of. No dammit, I was going to see the night through and wake up with my legs crossed and become a mermaid. Four, just four. 😕

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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@valentina16 Same here at four, it didn't make sense as understanding is zero but knew it was right for me and so it proved.

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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An interesting test is to look at your hands, particularly your index, middle and ring finger. Males tend to have shorter index fingers than females and the ratio compared to the ring finger. Interestingly my left hand appears to be more female than my right hand. I noticed a similarity with my crossdressing friend. Google it to read about it and let us know your results.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@leainvancouver will do, ty. 💚

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 218


Found this online. 

<1The ring finger is longer, which is known as the male pattern

>1The index finger is longer, which is known as the female pattern
=1The index finger and ring finger are the same length, which is known as the "B" pattern
Mine are identical or "B"pattern which is sometimes found in both men and women. 
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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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To say it all comes down to eastogen vs testoeterone is a gross oversimplification of gender and sex. There are many factors involved, both hormonally and developmemtally, and no doubt many factors that we are not yet aware of. As an example, there are cis women who are 100% women in all aspects, physical, behavoiral, emotional, etc, with very high testosterone levels. Nothing in biology is ever simple, and rarely binary, but there is most often a gradation or spectrum of variation.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@jjandme ty 💚

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
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I don’t think there’s anything that deep to it when it comes to me. I like to wear pretty dresses and heels. As for actually acting or thinking like a woman im a long way off 


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