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Oh No, scared silly of a convention in Dallas

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Joined: 3 years ago

Hi girls, I have no idea of what to think or what to expect, but I have registered for a convention and booked a Dallas Texas this june!  TEXAS! The reddest RED HOT state in America!  There's bounty hunters trying to find crossdressers and trans people!  It looks like I will be sharing the room with my spouse.  We have been living separately since I transitioned almost three years ago but are still legally married. Lots of questions swirling through my brain about how to handle all of this...

HELP! I need your thoughts and input on all of this please, thank you.  🙂

Big hugs, 

Ms. Lauren M

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Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
Posts: 760

@reallylauren really, Lauren, Dallas is one of the safest places in the state.  Don’t believe everything you hear about red and blue.  I loved there for 8 years and while there are some conservative people there that are all very friendly and you won’t have a bit of trouble.

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Active Member     Springfield, Massachusetts, United States of America
Posts: 5

@jennconn I know, right?  One of those weird dichotomies.  I'm from the mid-west, and it would be against most people's values to ever be rude to someone that was doing nothing against them

(@Anonymous 98283)
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Posted by: @sharkbyte

@jennconn I know, right?  One of those weird dichotomies.  I'm from the mid-west, and it would be against most people's values to ever be rude to someone that was doing nothing against them

Lol they just do it behind your back instead!


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(@Anonymous 98283)
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relax. everything will be alright. your just another girl out enjoying the real world. have fun. and some memories. you deserve it.

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Reputable Member     Houston, Texas, United States of America
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Please take a chill pill! I live in Houston and we have a large, open and thriving LGBTQ+ community here and so does Dallas and the rest of the state. I don't know where you got your information unless from fear mongers. Sadly an awful lot of things were said last year in an attempt to scare people that just plain weren't true that have left a lot of people needlessly upset, but we can debate that elsewhere. And by hot diggity damn,  we even have them electric lights that work without a fire inside 'em and those new fangled horseless carriages in some parts too... LOL. We are not knuckle dragging Neanderthals, and there are not "bounty hunters trying to find crossdressers and trans people". Last year I was dating a lovely trans woman and I dress as femme as John Wayne can get and there was no place we had any hesitancy to go because of our appearance or our sexuality. Texas is known as the friendly state, and its reputation is due to its welcoming locals, "Howdy!" greetings, and open arms. The state's motto is "Friendship". Below is a smattering of links about Dallas that I found in a 5 minute web search. And with my apologies to Jed Clampett, I will leave you with "Ya’ll are invited to this locality, To have a heapin helpin of our hospitality, Texas Hospitality that is. Set a spell, Take your shoes off. Y'all come on down now, y'hear?."


Feel free to DM me if you have questions or need a Xanax. Kisses


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Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
Posts: 760

@sailor2000 thank you for the clarification Megan, I loved in Dallas for a total of 12 years on and off and Texas for almost 30 years.  It’s just a shame that there are so many bad assumptions that people have of a lot of places too, like my new home state of Florida.

(@Anonymous 98283)
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@sailor2000 sounds like a great place. like i said before, people seem to like CDs. i can go out in man mode and no one would give me the time of day. through on a dress or skirt and everyone wants to talk to me and give me hugs. might have to go to Texas someday. sounds like another friendly place. Give Love

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Estimable Member     Houston, Texas, United States of America
Posts: 107

@sailor2000 you tell’em !!!

We are call the GREAT STATE OF TEXAS for a reason,

We are the GREATEST State in the union…

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Relax Lauren, you will be fine, 

I've just been to New York in December and i was expecting guns at dawn with how they painted it, I had a really great time visiting all the sights and so did my 3 grown up children ,

One of the most solemn things we did was visit the 9,11 museum to pay our respects there were lots of people walking about all speaking in hushed voices and when we went into the room full of pictures of the people who died well my eyes were nearly in tears, 

Places are not what you expect when you're there in person, people are not what you expect after you get to know them, 

Love Roz ❤️ 

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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Ive been all over Texas. I've never had any problem with anyone. Conservatives tend to not be warm in the beginning. Perhaps its shyness or they just don't know what they can say to you. They will leave you be, if they think that's what you want.

Since i most always travel alone, i often eat at the bar in restaurants that's if its not a full house. If so, then I'll get a table. I have never had anyone who wasn't willing to talk it up at the bar. I might add that i usually seek out 4 or 5 star restaurants but sometimes you don't have a choice. I have also stopped in at pool halls in a dress to shoot a few racks afterwards. If I'm still not ready to call it in for the night.  I have no fear of Texas.       

I you are a fan of John Wayne his family has a museum just outside of Dallas.

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Reputable Member     Denton, Texas, United States of America
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Hi Lauren.  I live here in the DFW area and go out and about in girl mode with no problems. 

It will be hot here in June but you will have a nice time. 

Feel free to DM if you have any questions. 



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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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I love Texas. I was crossdressing there in the ‘70’s while a member of the USAF for crying out loud. I’m sure it’s WAY easier now. Conservatives crossdress too Lauren. I can’t wait to read the article you write about how great it was🥰

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Noble Member     Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
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Hey Lauren,  Do not worry.  You will do just fine.  Have a good time and enjoy the experience.  Just be yourself and Texas will love you.  Do be ready for heat and sun if you go outside of the air-conditioned areas.  Hugs,  Marg  

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Perhaps you should think along the lines of Gone with the wind,  and Rep Butlers statement,' Frankly my dear I don't give a damn' and go for it with your head held high.

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Joined: 3 years ago

Hi girls,

A big hug and kisses to all of you, you girls have certainly put my mind at ease and you have my gracious thank you coming your way! 

I guess I was paying a bit too much attention to all the negative stuff regarding trans people that the Orange Man and his morons have been spewing!

I am now looking forward to our trip, now all I have to do is book a flight that won't break my budget, LOL


Ms. Lauren M


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