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Good Morning Gurls!
God I love CDH! It is my one and only outlet to share what I'm feeling!
Major trigger this morning. That trigger, my black tights (silky panties too), but as soon as I put on my tights I was (and am) immediately aroused, in a major way!
These are the times I find it difficult to control. I want to walk like a woman, I want to show off. I was so, so tempted to divert from my normal routine this morning and head to the nearby open air mall, around the back side and just take off my gurl jeans and shirt, and strut around in my cammie (which is long and looks like a hot mini dress) and tights, but I had to control myself.
Still feeling it now. This feeling, these triggers make me want to take chances. It is an odd brain chemical sort of thing, I believe. I need to explore and understand this. It's so bad that this morning while in the bathroom getting "dressed", I realized I had forgot my cammie! So when I exited the bathroom (dressed with my shirt on), my SO came in. While she was in I grabbed my cammie out of the drawer and came into the family room. I knew she was up but I could not help it, so I took off my shirt, put on my cammie and tucked everything in after putting on my shirt, knowing full well she was up, and could walk right in on me.
For me, that is taking a big risk. Not as risky as the mall stuff however. I did realize in all my arousal, it was/is the feeling of having the tights on, panty hose too I'm sure. I'd bet women feel this too, at least some, and is partially why they look so sexy when wearing these things. I'm going to explore this subject. There has to be a "name" for it, and understanding it will help me control it to a degree lest I find myself in big trouble, trying to explain to some officer why I'm prancing around in public in a cammie and tights! (Umm, that could be an interesting fantasy!)
See what I mean!
Love and Kisses,
I cannot deny!