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What is different in your femme life?
Other than clothes & makeup, how is she different from he?
The differences I see whether my husband is present vs. my girlfriend:
he likes bourbon / she likes Chardonnay
he throws real f bombs constantly/ she occasionally says “ the f word “ to not sound offensive
he enjoys eating a meal/ she likes cooking
he lives in the house/ she cleans the house
these are the most noticeable differences aside from the visual ones, what about you?❤️
Interesting observations. I guess I see some of the same things. However the more time I spend as Emily, the more the differences fade and the lines blur. I am becoming more and more feminine all the time. Many of my male traits are disappearing or at least softening. But, I do recognize the differences and appreciate your sharing this.
Good question, Honey.
For me, my body language, my mannerisms, my emotional state, the care I take in my appearance, to name but a few.
However, as Emily has said, the lines are blurring, and my Femme self is rapidly encroaching on "him"
Yes the lines blur as we age and my fem self has taken over. Looking about my room I see flowers I bought on Saturday and plants along with stuffed animals on the bed and cosmetics filling the bathroom counter tops. And omg open the closet doors.
He is who I usually am, she is who I aspire to be.
He tends to lose his temper when frustrated; she never does. He is a slob; she is careful about her appearance and keeps her surroundings neat. His clothing is monolithic and monotonous - dark jeans and tees or sweats (and he changes them infrequently); she loves bright colors and picks a different outfit every day.
But the lines have blurred. He is rarely present, now; his clothes are rarely seen and most have gone to Goodwill.
He's into rock and metal she's into female fronted pop and hip hop.
He smokes full flavor short cigarettes and she loves her Misty menthol 120's.
Hi Honey,
I'm not sure. But on balance I'd say no. It's not so much either he or she mode. It's just essentially me. But then again as a man I never been overly impressed by the concept of 'manliness'.
I like to have flowers in the house. One time at a checkout, the cashier saw a nice bunch of flowers I'd bought, and said 'Oh, your wife like those'. I don't think my wife ever brought flowers into our house! it was my thing not hers.
Marti x
Hello honey....
I really thought about this....
and the more I do, the more It appears.... not a lot. I have always been neat, tidy, houseproud if you like.
I like flowers, throws, big cushions and so many other " female orientated" traits...
I guess I have always been a housewife, I just never realised!!!
Grace xx
Hi Honey!
First off, sounds like the two of you have a great relationship!
While I agree there is a melding and the differences blur. Denise enjoys:
1. Music (biggest difference) - Denise listens to Pop female (Lizzo, Haim, Jlo, Katy Perry)
2. Candles, flowers and other calming scents
3. Softer, and less aggressive, never raising my voice, listening more and giggling
4. Mannerisms
Great question!!
I am me, who is she, and she who is me. The only difference is me goes to work but she is always there too. At home we are as one.
Honey, darling...
I too have thought quite a bit about this over croissants and coffee this morning...
I have to admit there’s not a huge difference! I drive like a French woman and swear in French as well... saves using the ‘f-bomb’ as you so aptly put it. Otherwise, I am essentially a person who prefers negotiating rather than confronting and a smile rather than a snarl.
I have mentioned in another thread that my drab self is merging with Polly quicker than I imagined and that is as it should be, I think?
I would classify myself as a classic, competent woman of style and class. Romantic I am and those moments of niceness I love.
The only thing that has less of a feminine side is the drab carpentry fixit stuff... even that I can put down to a female farming background!
My music style is eclectic and colour choices vibrant. I love cricket but so did my mother who was a competent opening bat in her day!
No... I am myself, Polly
I love red wine. He liked beer,
I love to read romance novels and women's literature. He liked war and action novels.
I enjoy romance and drama films. He liked action films.
I am passionate about clothes and get excited about them. He just saw them as a necessity.
I enjoy a wider variety of music than he ever did.
I feel free to express myself any way I choose. He was guarded and felt he couldn't act certain ways.
I didn't know how repressed I was when I was him. I feel freer to just be myself. I just know I can never go back to who I used to be.
Has anyone else experienced this?
i have alot. male side has boring clothes and has not bought anything new in 20 years. my female side loves and buys new clothes weekly. pretty colors and sexy. male never wears white. female loves white. but the biggest difference is male side has no friends and works most of the time. doesn't talk good about different races. female side can make friends in a minute. loves people of every race and color. gives and gets hugs from them every week. i wound say she has friends from every race now. she is always happy and making people laugh ever time she is around. we both have a positive attitude and that's good.
I love crossdressing; he likes getting dressed up in women’s clothes, from wig to heels.
I have been in the closet since, well, forever; he respects that, but will sometimes enter without knocking.
I love Romantic comedy, period pieces, and CD/TG movies; he likes watching these too, but only when I do.
I love outdoor gardening in the Summer, but won’t do it while dressed femme; he likes gardening, too, but will only do it in drab.
We both hired the same housekeeper many years ago; but I will NEVER be around when she comes to clean.
I listen to and appreciate a very narrow range of classical music from the Baroque, Romantic, and Classic eras; he won’t listen to anything that pre-dates Bach or comes after Tchaikovsky.
We both love great movie Soundtracks and music from Broadway plays, but only I understand why.
I absolutely love the ballet; he wouldn’t get caught dead watching it unless I’m with him.
I hate cooking; he loves to eat, therefore he cooks.
I refuse to watch football, basketball, soccer, etc. on TV, in a stadium, or at all; he only talks sports with his male buddies, but since he has no male buddies, he never talks sports.
So, as you can see, there’s a world of difference between me and him. But I think if you look underneath the outer wrapping, you’ll see we’re one and the same person.