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I finally did it.. a night full of first 😍
I'm staying at an embassy suites in portland, and I have never gone full gurl mode until today
First time wearing make up and first time fully dressed, it's amazing how comfortable I feel.
I just put on my big gurl boots, and walked around the hotel. Lots of people here, and the only time it was really awkward was while a was smoking a guy kept moving closer to me, so I just sashayed around the post.
Love you girls, thanks for just being there... i wish I had a friend to meetup with now, lol. 😘
Piper hon! So happy for you!! I'm in Wisconsin so I can't meet up, but wow it would be so much fun!
hugs and more hugs!
I’m so happy for you that you was able to go dressed how you enjoy. I just got to go into public dressed as Cinderella on Halloween I enjoyed it so much.
What a brave and wonderful adventure Piper. And you look great hun xx.
Piper -
How wonderful for you. Glad you had the chance to be you.
Well done, Piper. The first time is always an amazing experience.
If that's Portland, OR I don't think anyone would bother you if you went to the store. I used to live there and didn't have many problems when I went out dressed, but that was 23 years ago. People are much more tolerant now than they were back then, Portland has a thriving crossdressing community now and is pretty tolerant of alternative lifestyles. Good Luck
P.S. I live close to there and visit it quite often with my wife.
Well done Piper.
The first time is just an amazing experience.
That's let the genie out of the bottle now though, you're definitely going to want more !!
Piper, you’ll be doing it again and again. I’m so glad you had such a positive experience.
Dear Piper,
Congratulations. Mark this day in your diary. From me to you and all my CDH sisters, it's that FIRST TIME FEELING that WILL NEVER GET OLD. I STILL GET THE THRILL. In my heart, it's THE FEELING that will keep us FOREVER YOUNG.
Sincerely and With Love,
Don't worry about your voice, perhaps just soften it a bit in your first interactions, not necessarily because you might sound less masculine, more because it makes YOU feel more comfortable.
I love first-time-out stories.
What?? YOU actually went out in public dressed as a woman??
I imagine it was the most wonderful thing you had ever done!!!
Congratulations Piper, have fun.... Staci
Congratulations. I am happy you had such a good experience, and gave us one more example that the world keeps on spinning if we go oit in public dressed.
Don't worry about your voice, in fact don't worry about being clocked as long as you are in a safe environment. It just does not matter. So what if somebody realizes you are a man dressed like a woman. It is none of their business just like it is none of.my business if a guy wears a striped shirt with plaid shorts, black socks and sandals. It is his, and our chooce what to wear.
You go girl! What a lovely experience and now the ice is broken there will be more outings to come.
Good for you Piper sounds like a lovely time. I wish I had your confidence.