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One Foot Out of the Closet

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

Good evening ladies!

I've been thinking back on my teenage days of dressing when I first started buying my own clothes. I would venture out of my parents house in my first car and go to the gas station or walk to the ATM wearing a cute dress or skirt/blouse combo I bought from Goodwill. I didn’t even have ladies shoes or shaved legs ! I was in complete drab other than the clothes and did not pass at all. I would only drive 15 or so minutes from home and I drove a VERY recognizable vehicle!

Since then I took a long break from dressing and did not do it for a long time. Now in recent months I’ve gotten more into dressing than ever before in my life. I recently bought my first wig and lipstick. I shave my legs a few times a year and my wardrobe is much more complete. I haven’t figured out how to do my own makeup yet (still need some help on that lol).

Despite all this, I’ve lost all the courage to venture out of my house! I over think everything such as the stubble on my face being visible or me not being able to walk in heels confidently and end up talking myself out of it. I plan to bite the bullet soon and visit my old stomping grounds of the gas station and ATM lol but I really want some new ideas for outings. I need some places I won’t have to interact with anyone up close or speak but also somewhere a lady can walk in a formal outfit/shoes and not draw too much attention. Bars/clubs/parties are out of the question for me as I have way too much social anxiety for that. I'm not ready to be seen in the daylight yet or talk to anyone while dressed. 

I recently moved to California so hopefully even if clocked as a trans woman (I’m not transgender but that is what I would most likely be assumed to be) the reaction would not be negative. Any ideas? Sorry if this post is long winded or doesn’t make any sense. I never claimed to be an author, just a crossdresser Lol!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4015

@coloradog1 If you dress androgynously now, you can still wear nice women's fashions without drawing a lot of attention to yourself. That way you can have the experience of dressing more often, maybe not so flamboyantly, but you are dressing closer to how you would like.

For example, if you can find a pair of low-cut boots with not obvious block heels, they can be covered up with long enough blue jeans or other pants and you won't draw a lot of attention, at the same time, you can practice walking in heels. We do need experience to convincingly pull off walk in any heels.

Gain more from compromising.

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Estimable Member     Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Joined: 1 year ago

Make up takes a lot of practice. In my teenage years I decided to wear eyeliner, this was before I saw myself as a crossdresser by the way. I spent a few evenings in my room putting it on. Until I could do it well. Nowadays there are also many tutorials on YouTube. It is especially recommended to look up how to 'shape' a face with make up.

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

First of all, there's nothing wrong with going out in flats or kitten heels. Save the higher heels for more formal events. I venture out for a walk many days wearing a skirt, top (often androgynous) and sneakers. Depending on the temperature, I can be wearing tights, pantyhose, or just low rise socks.

I know you said that parties are out, but if you find an event for other crossdressers, you should feel less self conscious because many people there would have masculine voices and less than perfect figures or feminine faces. Being with others like yourself is a great confidence booster.

As to places to go when dressed up more formally, try going shopping "after work" or "after church." By this I mean when at a time when people are getting home from work or leaving church and perhaps stopping on the way home to pick up a few items from the supermarket. It is a time you will look less out of place in heels and a business outfit. If you're looking for more formal, try going to a play, opera, or ballet.

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Noble Member     los angeles, California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Could also try visiting places like museums,thrift shops,or busy stores like target or walmart and wear bloch heels with a skirt and blouse.

Posts: 152
Reputable Member     Denver, Colorado, United States of America
Joined: 3 years ago

I know it's kinda far away now, but if you don't work up the courage to go out by October you could always crossdress for Halloween! My first night out was on Halloween, and before we even left for the club I had to walk my dogs right out in front of our apartment, on a pretty busy street in Denver, fully dressed lol... And honestly, because it was Halloween and lots of people were out with costumes on, I wasn't even nervous! 


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