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I once read that 1 in 10 men had experience of cross dressing.
It gives me a wry tingle though to look at a row of my and 9 other houses and muse, “Well, it’s me then!” And then having an even more inquisitive look at the 11th house, thinking “Well, I wonder who lives there?”
Anyone any better insight or statistics? 1 in 10? Seems amazingly few, especially if this includes the one-time experimenter (we all know, once tried, you never let it go!).
Any higher bids than 1 in 10?!
I would say higher. But to what degree is the question? Does it count if they tried on their wife's undies and bra while she was in the shower? Or home sick from work or school and just tried it once? In that case, I say higher. So many of us started off that way but it just seemed right and kept on doing it. Many keep it private and never tell anyone, whereas others might dress 24/7 with an understanding partner! I'm sure those numbers might be lower than .1%. So I would say maybe somewhere around 3% of the male population might have cross-dressed more than a few times.
Just my opinion, I could be totally wrong.
Not sure is a very interesting 🧐 question tho indeed
i think its higher. don't ask, don't tell. i'd say more than half. everyone has secrets and that one they probably don't let out. you probably see one every day, they are probably just underdressing like a lot of us.
I think you all touched on the issue - I’m pretty sure most men have tried women’s clothing at some point. When we were kids we did not always have the shackles of “men do this” and “women do that.” So for all of us we were just curious.
but as we got older a good percentage of those who maybe had a sister or tired on mom’s dress just found it less interesting or not exciting. No worries.
but for us here … well we were just getting started. 🎀🩷
As others have said, to what degree? And was it for bedroom role play, or something beyond?
This type of question reminds me of the movie Dragnet. At the end two cops come in on motorcycle, and it turns out a woman is driving with Bill Murray hanging on in the back. She asks him if he's coming over tonight, and he says something like "I have to. I'm wearing your underwear." 😉
If this counts as "had experience of crossdressing", even if it's plain cotton panties, then 10% (admitting it) isn't unreasonable.
Statistics show that somewhere between 1-3% of men crossdress on some sort of regular basis, but that kind of research is hard to define because so many of us are not visible or easy to find. Just because a husband once tried on his wife's panties doesn't really make him a crossdresser.
The style, location, and frequency will all affect this kind of data.
Would it be rocking the political boat too much to ponder if Trump dabbles? Now there’s a curing thought! 🤮
[For political balance, I should also ponder the same about Biden…😂]
i google how many men get their nails done at a salon and it was 30%