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Hey ladies, so I’m curious. For those of you who shop for feminine products online, do you use your femme name when you check out or your real name? I’ve recently had the problem where I’ve backed out of purchases because I didn’t want to put my male name under feminine purchases. What do you girls usually do in that scenario?
When shopping on line I use my girl name Sandy...my mail delivery woman knows me by my given name and Sandy now.
Online? Male name no problem. It's a legitimate retail purchase. Who cares!
Business is business. A sale is a sale.
Lee Ann
🦋🎀 I have an Amazon account under my girl name, 🌸 and with other retailers I use my girl name for shipping, but billing section has to be my boy name 🌼
Same for me.
I use my male name for all shopping. One reason is that most of the payments is with credit card and I have my male name on that card also.
And think about it, if your SO (whatever you have one or not) would like that cute dress, what is so strange if you buy it under your name?
My wife doesn't do much online shopping and what little she done we always used my account even for her purchase (and I get some extra volume points from some places).
You might want to put money on a pre-paid card and use it to shop.
For online (mostly amazon) and catalog purchases, I have always used the real name on my credit card (and used to feel nervous as I did it). Did the same when I began shopping in-person in drab. Recently, one of my credit cards renewed and sent an "extra" card with my wife's name on it. This is the one I now use, since Bettylou does all of the shopping, now.
I don't go by any other name, so I just order under my real name. In my case, I live alone, so it's pretty easy to not have anyone snooping around in my deliveries.
I've put my male name on everything, for all anyone knows or cares it could be your wife/girlfriend shopping with your card. But, depending on your living situation what you may have to watch for no matter which option you choose, is having retail catalogs or promotional postcards show up in the mail with your name on it. I think we all know the checkboxes for whether or not you want to be contacted aren't connected to anything. I went christmas shopping for my wife at a place that I like to buy from to help there be a logical explanation for why I get their catalogs every month.
Hi Jayla,
I like to buy my feminine products in person while dressed. It’s much more fun. I have a credit card in my fem name so quite easy to use at checkout.
Personally I order under my own name.
The seller doesn’t care, and I have my own bank account so no awkward explaining to do🤣
I order online with my male name on Amazon. I then get all my fem stuff delivered to lockbox and pickup while my wife sleeps. If had stuff sent to home address, I figure it could cause more problems even though wife found out about a month and accepts. She does not want to see me do it and see me receiving the items I am sure would also cause problems.
I have only ever used my real (male) name when ordering online. Like Alice, I try to get my Amazon deliveries sent to an Amazon Hub Locker, but only because I’ve had a package stolen from the front door to my apartment, not because I’m afraid to use my “real” name with Amazon.
For years I had a UPS Store mailbox, but I gave that up when it got to be just too expensive. But, still, I used my “real” name even when the sender was obviously from a women’s clothier.
Now, I just take the chance that my delivery might be stolen and have everything delivered to my front door. I’ve received packages under my “male” name from Vogue Wigs, ShopNational.com, Paula Young Wigs, Jodee.com, and others I can’t even remember. Of course, the “crossdresser stores” like EnFemmeStyle.com, GlamourBoutique.com, TheBreastFormStore.com, etc. all send out their products in “discrete packaging”.
I can’t say I don’t get a bit squeamish when the women’s catalogs inevitably arrive in my apartment mailbox under my “real” name. I know my mailman, and even though he’s never said anything, he’s got to be wondering what’s going on with that old guy in Apartment D. Or maybe not. Maybe he’s seen it all and don’t care.
So, it’s possible exposure that I’ll gladly continue to risk moving forward into my closeted, CD future. “Have credit card - will shop.” ….under my “real” name.
I only use my male name as credit card, bank card and ID are all in male name. Deliveies are not a problem since my mail carrier is the person who figured me out and convinced me to come out of the closet. UPS and FedEx drivers could care less. Get the package to the door and move on.