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Reading the topic about someone's Dad accepting them for who they are got me thinking. Has anyone here discovered someone else who they are, oh, closely related to or good friends with that while they may not be crossdressers, they still fall somewhere in the listing above?
I'm a brother, father, grandfather, and cousin to a lot of people, and while it's possible, I know of no one directly in any of those relationships are anything but well, what some call 'straight'. But it would seem that the larger the circle, the more likely someone else is there. However!!! I do suspect there are possibilities from what our interactions have been and following their story.
And if the answer is yes, have you 'come out' to them?
No one in my current family or close friends that are in the spectrum - well no one that has admitted it or even suspected. There was one relative in the family tree that was gay in a time when it was illegal. he is talked about as a good person and was accepted within the family circle.
I did have a contact made through a friend of a crossdresser they knew. When we started to chat we were amazed to find that we attended the same school and knew each other! Alas he has now purged as he is after love.
I am not aware of anyone in my family who is on the trans spectrum.
My son has Aspergers, but from what I know of his mindset, I don't expect I'll ever come out to him. I've an aunt now in her late seventies, who only ever had an eye for the girls, she's rather cut off from the entire rest of the family (not because of the LGBTQ+) but could potentially be someone who'd understand if I were to talk to her.
I have a nephew who is a FTM adult. Fully transitioned at 22. I see him once a year but have never come out to him. We just are not close in that way. I also have a long time friend who lives in Provincetown Ma who transitioned, ftm, at 60 yrs old. I really would like to come out to him and thinking about it I feel like I should arrange a good moment to have “the talk”.
I mean of all people I would expect support from them. Food for thought.
I decided a little fuller explanation for why I asked, is called for after reading these replies, and posts in other threads. Before she passed, my mother told me that my father who died in a terrible accident when I was young, definitely had at least two male most likely gay friends. Today's world? Eh. late 40's early 50's? unusual. My parents met involved with theater in college. Today? Eh again, 1939-40, ok. He came from a family of 3. Other two, male and female, everyday people from what I could see, married, kids. His father? Well, 1 of 2, and the sister never married. Their father?, 7 of 8 who lived into their 60's or later. devout Catholics. only 2 married, the rest? male and female, no church involvement at all, just stayed single. Why? I have 3 adult offspring, two married with kids, the other? Single, has dated a lot, and today enjoys being single, and living in a very well known gay community.
I am who I am, they are who they are. i have no problems with any of that, people are people and deserve to live the life they feel comfortable, single, companionship, whatever. I love my kids all equally. I'm just suspecting there's more to it all then something in the water, or random choices people make.
I was born this way, when I popped out, the doc said 'male' which went on my chart and has followed me since. Since at least 4 or 5 I've known there was something different about me. I've been following the vlog of someone intersexed. Popped out, doc said female, on chart and done. However, years later, they found they weren't quite exactly what the doc said, because appearances can be deceiving. Yet, they were raised and continue to accept they are of the gender they have felt all along, regardless of anatomical differences. I just think in my circle of family and friends, there are likely more differences than people are letting on. I'm just wondering how prevalent that might be. Hugs to all who have read and those who have replied. ChloëC