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Out and what do you know

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
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Worst fears realized.  Out with a family member wearing my capris and scuh waiting for a store to open and right off the mark, run into two people we know!  One no big deal. Elderly woman friend who is very sweet. The other, a couple from a group our sone belonged to.  Very nice but the wife, she was looking closely. I know she noticed.  I was trying not to panic much.  Wanted to run and hide.

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
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Now that I am back on a computer and can type

Oh goodness, that was a bit frightening.  Not sure why.  This couple is nice and what I would classify as "liberal conservatives".  Kind of the "lets put on a good face in public" and the "not in my backyard" type.  The female of the couple was really checking me out.   I was dressed more like her than him.  I'm not sure he noticed, as he was mostly talking with my son, and I just locked eye contact with him so as not to let his eyes wonder.

These are not people we know really well, but well enough.  Sigh.  My thoughts are all over the place right now.  Not sure why I'm feeling so bothered by this.




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Honorable Member     South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Rebekah,

I bet that got the heartbeat going, you may be lucky and she may convince herself that she didn’t see what she thought she had or that if she had seen something it is not worth getting in a lather about it.  Be interesting to see if anything comes of it.  Either way will there be a significant impact?

Jessica x.

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Hi Jessica.  Yup, got the heart rate up a bit.

I'm not expecting any repercussions, but one never knows.   These are not people we hang out with in any respect.  Just know from a group our sons were in.  In fact they recognized him before me.  This town does talk however.  Especially among those who think they are more important than they are!

I know she got a good look, as I was checking out her attire!  A lot like mine!

Sigh.  We'll see but I don't think I'll hear anything.  If I do, or my SO does, that will be very troubling.


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So what happened girl do tell please

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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Last summer I was in Patty mode and decided to go out to do a few errands. I was dressed in my shiny pantyhose, platform wedges, shoulder length blond wig and mirror sunglasses. I decided to go to ATM first. It was the usual look around, wait for the right moment, get my courage up, get out of the car and go.

I opened the car door and stuck my legs out. They looked great with my pantyhose shining in the sun. I reached in, got my purse, shut the door and headed to the ATM. As I was doing my transaction, I wondered if anyone was looking at me. When the transaction was finished, I put the money in my purse and turned around to leave and head back to the car. I ran face first into someone I know pretty well. For a moment I forgot I was Patty. Then came that "oh no" moment. I just kept walking back to the car. I'm sure he noticed me. How could he not with what I was wearing?

I worried if he recognized me. At a social function soon after I was in guy mode and we met again. We greeted each other as we always had. I was waiting for some question, remark or comment. Nothing. We have seen each other several times since and Patty never came up. I guess I got away with it.

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
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Hi Jasmine,

I was in full hybrid mode, capri jeans, girl shoes (loafers), panties underneath, guy shirt but when dressed like this I tend to be a more feminine an it's definitely noticeable.

Ran into a couple we know fairly well.  They male was engaged in conversation and I,and the wife was giving me the once over.  I did the same with her, she definitely noticed and my hear was racing, and other than the shirt she and I were dressed alike!  She knew it, could see it.  I was wishing I could see her eyes, she was wearing sun glasses but she was definitely checking out my outfit.

They are part of a group our sons belonged to, we know all the same people and I know they socialize and talk a lot.  We ( SO and I), never really fit into that group and I think they guys definitely saw me as an outsider, as I never dressed like them.  That is the guy shorts, matching polo shirts, and matching athletic shoes, and the local sports teams are not my ivory towers, like they are for some many of the people around here.

Today however, I'm back in another pair of capris, my gurl loafers that I absolutely love, and will be out and about again.

This may happen again, but it's part of my "therapy" if you will, to get over being out and dressed to some degree.

Love and hugs,


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Reputable Member     Long Beach, California, United States of America
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Hey Rebekka,

What was your SO's thoughts on what happened? And you mentioned your son being there does he know?

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
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Hi Sabrina,

SO was not with us.  My son is very innocent (even at 20), and does not really take notice of this.

Or maybe he does, but does not say anything.  Sometimes he does surprise me with his observations.  Not necessarily about me.



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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
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Thata girl!!

Be you.

You have the right and aren't hurting a n y body.

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Eminent Member     singapore, Singapore
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Its awful to feel shy and want to hide but its what we all feel at first,and even later in the wrong situation

Woman are the worst they look critically at woman and more so at us Girls.Today i had to go to for a medical before a two week party starts..which is good but i hate blood tests the rest is ok...anyway on the way wearing my medium long wig...before i had on the long wig which is amazing but... A light blue linen short sleeve dress and flat shoes

So im walking slowly reading a message..when i looked up a woman with a boy friend were coming towards me he looked, just that as someone would look at a girl checking my outfit perhaps, undressing me in his thoughts ...she looked hateful shook her head new Girls should not be seen

I pasted so many people the taxi drivers smiled and made comments a few other men smiled but always in a nice way..for a new Girl.. but criminal comment if made to a woman...i dont mind a man suggesting we do something together or  commenting on my figer legs breasts dress i quite like it

Ive been dressing for years and its only woman that hate me men mostly dont react or make a comment but never hateful

Worst place a Girl can be out dressed is at home or with people you know,neighbors but family are the worst.Neighbors will have an opinion may question your sense but are fine again only woman hate it but wont say anything..much and so far ..wont say anything to your family when they are there..we have several houses

Once shopping at a local store the woman from our village came in we had the same nail varnish and lipstick same blue skirt side zip same shoes ... she just said how nice i looked the shop woman smiled that was it the first few months going out dressed is the worst i guess i was lucky as i was working in Rome Italy when transition was the fashion ..i still remember a male id seen often on the bus when a group of his friends got on standing up to show he had had MTF surgery he..she has very thin shorts which showed his..her form

Be brave start dressing in a large town or small city where you wont anyone from your family wear a skirt at first and your male top to wear a dree takes a lot longer even woman have to think a lot harder about what to wear with a dress

Think of a skirt as the male blue jeans...very very quickly you will have twenty thirty able to go in to a store and try them on from there eventually dresses...panties are another thing even in a general store checking out panties as i would a skirt is impossible

Enjoy the freadom and pleasure of being a Girl


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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
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As we travle the MANY highways on our journey, there are bound to be some speedbumps along the way. This may be but one of those. We know in our hearts its bound to happen sooner or later.

As we put ourselves out there time after time, it becomes a more normalized event in a ever growing eclectic society, thats a good thing.

Somewhere along the lines, Thousands of years ago, some guy decided it was a good idea to wear his ugliest and loudest colored shorts out to play golf. He got looks and likely scoffed at, but he kept wearing them...after a few hundred years they became the norm.

We're getting there, making a difference and hopefully making it easier for us and those that come after.

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
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Thanks Olivia!

You are so right!  Only a matter of time before this happens again, with people I know even better.  I'm wearing my gurl clothes again today, and we will be going to a crowded outdoor shopping center where locals love to go.  So.....


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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
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💋 Olivia

Have a great time Rebekka!

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I just started wearing Capris, because of the hot August weather, but so far, nobody has seemed to notice. All the GGs and about half the guys I see are wearing shorts of some kind. I don't think people bother to notice, unless something "odd" catches their eye. Been wearing ladies' tees for a year now, and no looks or comments from anybody.

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