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Had a bit of a scare last week. I caught a bad case of the flu and went to urgent care for some Tamiflu to hopefully shorten the duration. It didn't agree with me and as I was sitting at the dinner table with my wife I got very nauseous and passed out. She panicked and called 911. I was out about 5 minutes according to her but I recovered enough before the EMT's arrived to change out of my pink satin panties that I was wearing under my shorts and avoid that potential embarrassment. The EMT's insisted I go with them to the ER to get checked out so I experienced my first ambo ride and a very long wait in the ER.
They decided to keep me over night for observation and after many long hours parked out in the ER hallway they found me a bed. I was very tired and when they asked me to put on their hospital socks I took off my socks without thinking about my burgundy red toes and gave the two nurses helping me a good look. I quickly put on the new socks but they had plenty of time to observe my brightly polished toes. Thankfully they acted like they hadn't seen anything and so life went on. Later that day two physical therapy ladies came to check me out and wanted me to remove my socks. I told them I preferred to leave them on which they did not understand. They said I could put them right back on and I insisted I wanted to leave them on. They probably were able to guess what was going on but I wasn't ready for another toe reveal with a couple of physical therapists that didn't have a need to know.
There is a part of me that feels I should be able to show my feminine side without embarrassment. However, there is another part of me that embarrasses easily and cares what other people think probably way too much. I think that is probably a part of my girly nature.
They didn't find anything to be concerned about other than some known heart issues so they sent me on my way later that day.
I almost had a similar occurrence in October. I almost always underdress with a bra, forms and panties while out riding my motorcycle. I had a serious accident and found myself on the pavement face up. I was transported to the hospital and released later that day with serious road rash and a broken finger. For some reason I thought better and did not underdress that day. Not sure why but was glad I did not.
You dodged a bullet on that one. I seldom underdress and did not even remember that I had on panties. I was changing because I lost my cookies when I passed out and I was getting out of my soiled clothes when I saw my pink satin panties with a cute white bow on me. Whoops, glad I got a chance to change before my ride.
Nobody in the medical field cares if your toenails are painted, or if you are wearing a bra. They have a job to do, and do it.
I went in for my check up colonoscopy. I undressed and folded my clothes, including some black panties and had the proceedure. The next thing I remember I was was home and fully dressed, including my panties. Whether I dressed myself, or if a nurse helped me, whom happened to be a client of mine, I don't know, nor do I care.
People have seen me with painted toe and finfpger nails. Usually with a fairly subtle color, but also with red or blue nails, and nobody cares.
I went for my last colonoscopy and asked the nurse what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen doing one of these? She told me it was 2 tattoos of eyeballs, 1 on each cheek. Female eyes with long lashes and liner, shadow, etc. I said that’s weird but not super weird. She says…”On a man?”🤣
I've been shaving my legs and chest for years. Every year I go for my physical and the doc obviously sees that I'm hairless in those areas. The first year I went like that I was anxious so much that my blood pressure was a little high. He was completely professional and acted like nothing was unusual. In all subsequent visits my BP has been normal and he continues to be just as professional as always. I wonder sometimes if he even notices?
It is nothing unusual, a lot of men shave their body hair, even those that don't dress.
I've just had HoLEP surgery and everywhere, apart from my back, is shaved and I'm sure that's not a common thing to see on a man in hospital, but, as usual, no one comments.
As far as getting embarrassed is concerned: oh, that ship sailed a long, long time ago. Because I've had prostate problems for over a year (nearly fully fixed now), I have had a lot of people looking at my junk, so many, many people—male, female, perhaps even the odd trans person. I've been poked, prodded and manipulated down there. I've had no end of things stuck into me—catheters, anal ultrasound devices, bladder cameras, a laser, a morcellator (a thing that chews stuff up), a colonoscope (at a different time). I've had x-rays, an MRi, a CT scan.
My body has been seen, both externally and internally, by upwards of perhaps a hundred and fifty people, if the only thing I had to worry about was them seeing a bit of toenail polish, I would consider myself fortunate indeed.
You have to bear in mind that while we may be patients and to each of us we are very important to ourselves, to the medical profession, no matter how empathic they may be, we are still bags of meat and water, coloured toes or not.
We should try not to read more into things than there actually is, this applies as much to going out dressed in public as it does to hospital visits; in the end, no matter how much it means to us, no one else can usually be bothered to care what we do, or what we look like.
Michelle -
Sorry to hear about your incident but am glad to hear you are on the mend.
As a retired nurse I can tell you there isn't much medical people haven't seen. They are professional and will act accordingly. It sounds like things worked out okay for you.
I went for a dermatology appointment one time with my toes painted pink and shaved form the waist down. Both the nurse and Dr were professional in taking care of me. The nurse did comment that she liked my toes.
There was one time my wife and I were away and went to the hotel swimming pool/hot tub. I had my legs shaves at the time. The jets for the pool stopped and the button to turn them back on was outside the hot tub. I was hesitant to get out as there were other people in the pool area. My wife said just own it, so I got out of the hot tub and turned the jets back on without incident. That made me realize it is mostly in our heads and that other people aren't paying attention.
Enjoy your painted toes.
I had something similar happen. After a bicycle accident, the ambulance took me to the local trauma center. I felt like an F1 car coming into the pits. Half a dozen people cutting my clothes off and such. But nobody said anything about the fact that all my body hair was shaved.