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<p style="text-align: left;">I think outwear for mens should evolve and they should wear girls cloth only, mens dress should be abolished so that we don't have to face anyone while crossdressing. What do you girls think about it?</p>
Great idea Shreya! I believe you would get a resounding yes from all the girls here.
<p style="text-align: left;">Yes ofcourse michelle,</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">Getting positive response from all of you girls.</p>
Interesting thought. Wasn't there a time in our culture when all infants and young children were dressed in dresses? I recall reading this, but no details.
Yes i think you're right there was some thing like that.
To be fair, perhaps we resent not being able to wear what we want as we want, since many men only want to wear men's clothing forcing all men to wear woman's clothing would also force many men to be unable to wear what they wanted. What would that gain ?
Interesting thought though.
Ya even that true Autumn,
So there should be a middle way, everyone should be allowed what they want to wear no one should mind it.
Boys today are brainwashed by society, when they are born they slap A blue blanket on them, than good old dad puts A football in their crib. If they are lucky they may get A teddy bear. It's only the wise ones like us that see through their brainwashing and discover something better inside them and find the utopia of wearing the finer things like bras and panties dresses ect. Back many years ago boys and girls were put in dresses and pink was A boys color and blue was for girls. when boys started school was when they were put in pants called britching.
I like to wear some guy clothes sometimes and I don't like the idea that anyone should be forced to wear something they don't want to especially since that's why most of us are on this site.
One thing I do think about though is why some clothes are meant for women when men would benefit more from them and be more appropriate especially in a religious culture sense like cami tank tops or scoop neck shirts.
Hi nikki,
That's true no one should be forced to wear something but girls like us should not be stopped from wearing something. People should not mind about what we've weared. We should have full freedom to live our life as we want