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I had a good conversation with my wife about my dressing. I think I was able to explain the emotional reasons behind it. She explained that she is "ok" with me dressing, but it just isn't her thing and she doesn't "need" to be included. She likes me as a man. She also referred to it as a fetish. I had to explain to her that it is not a sexual thing for me. It may have been in my younger years, but now it is more of a spiritual fulfillment. The switch that flips me to a special "happy place" where I feel a way I only feel when I'm dressed.
She asked why I have recently been looking for outings and group events. I told her it seems like a natural progression after 40 years. I need a purpose to this hobby of mine. The satisfaction of getting all dolled up and sitting in the house just isn't enough for me. Why do this if I can't share it with others. Also, the camaraderie that could be found with like minded individuals could be therapeutic. It would be so fantastic to talk and share stories, fashion advice and makeup tips. I would love to be in a group where we could compare talents and improve in areas we may be lacking a bit. There is no mentoring program for crossdressers. We didn't have a high school crossdressing team 🙂 She finally revealed that her biggest concern is me being "outed".
I am in a profession and social circle that would absolutely disown me if they knew of my "dirty little secret". Ridicule would be the least of my worries. I could actually see me losing my job. This terrifies my wife and she can't wrap her mind around why I would risk that. I told her that I only plan on visiting events over 2 hours away. She still sorries about a random meeting with somebody I know that would throw our lives into a tailspin.
I have bounced back and forth between this "hobby" being shameful and hidden, to being proud of it and embracing with all my heart. Now I feel that it can be a horrible curse too. Why should something that I love to do so much, put my livelihood at risk? I have to act like a covert CIA operative as I navigate even this site to make sure that the "real" me can never be discovered. If I remove my glasses, will everybody figure out that Clark Kent is really Superman (Supergirl)? I would love to share photos of me dolled up, but as we all know, the internet is forever. I think I look fairly different with my lashes, wig, bright lips and girl glasses, but the chance is always there. A quick glance or pass-by I may be safe, but if you have a few minutes to dissect a photo, you're going to recognize me. I couldn't give a damn about "what people think", but I really do like my paycheck.
I believe we all have that fear, but if you live in a big city the chances of encountering someone you know are almost zero, plus if you present yourself as a woman, making sure you are blending not wearing anything outrageous, chances are if an acquaintance sees you they will probably not recognize you.
Also, if anyone would be hanging out at a place, group, club with people like us, then they will probably have the same desires.
Last, I would not go to a public place next to my home or workplace.
Almost zero chances of being recognisd, but not zero chances. My wife and I have been in a crowded building ~20 miles from our home and she was recognised by a friend/neighbour. I quietly moved away and let them chat. However, this is not a normal occurrence.
I have also been in a local mall while wearing a COVID mask (yes, I still protect myself) and had my next door neighbour walk right past me two times without seeing me.
It depends.
Danni my wife is somewhat tolerant vis a vis Giselle but is paranoid about someone we
know learning about Giselle. If that happened ( someone we know learning about Giselle)
i fear our marriage ending. ( we have been married 40 years )
I feel the exact same way, I would love to venture out but my wife does not approve of me leaving the house dressed. Like others have said I would plan on where to go, not close to home, and in a friendly location. Hive thought about attending the yearly CD event for 3 days in a CD friendly hotel. Again, my wife does not approve. I am not so much concerned about being found as I have posted many photos in my profile because I really don’t care if someone finds me. They must be looking if they find me and I would ask “what were you looking for and why?”.
Anyhow, for now I’m stuck dressing at home when I get the opportunity.
Once I did venture out while on a business trip in San Diego, California. It was a great feeling to walk around but I avoided interacting with anyone. Maybe some day? Hugs, Traci
I can certainly understand you & your wifes concern Danni. This is coming from a single girls perspective who lives in a small town and goes out in the wild all the time.
First, are you being honest with yourself, would any of your acquaintances recognize you if you are at a place out of context for you, and you do not engage them in conversation, or have any obvious tells like ink? Assuming you do a reasonable good job with hair, makeup, and outfit, you are not with your wife which would make the association obvious, i think not.
Plus, you live in a far, far, far more accepting area than i do. Me personally, you live six miles from Harrisburg.. i would have no problem going there for shopping, dinners, drinks. I live about the same distance to a small city, Fayetteville, and i just am careful close to my home. Up there, i could be standing in the checkout line beside one of my neighbors & they would never recognize me.
Of course, only you can make the choice of if the risk is worth the reward.
Additionally, Harrisburg, in mid March hosts a very large cd trans event, the Keystone Conference.. attendance exceeds 700 girls. You should give that some serious consideration. You would be lost in a sea of hundreds of girls, one of which will be me...
Best of luck
You may want to look for a CD group where you can change on premisis. This allows you to go en homme, change and meet with others, then change back before going home. This allows you to meet with others without seeing anyone else who is not a CD.
It is that fear of being outed which is the fear of an individual, any partner and not only to the what may happen to you but the knock on effect to her and wider family. Not only that is your livelihood is at risk. A double whammy of events for you Danni and a common thread. Every situation is different and if the partner has a level of acceptance and, from what we read of experiences, it generally has to be managed. being outed in error is a situation that cannot be managed and the fallout can be unpleasant.
There are suggestions as to how you can try and get to meet others and a few have managed to do that containing the situation with great caution.
There are ways through this and managed to limit any possibilities but that fear has to be overcome to achieve this and it may take time and a lot of negotiation and planning.
I hope you can achieve your goal Danni.
It seems with today's society we are supposed to act as people see us either as a man or a woman. I feel it is the fear of the unknown is why we are judged so harshly, I guess that is the nature of our society. Also I feel a lot of people don't want to understand , they are just set in their ways whether it is right or wrong. It would be so nice if everyone could accept people for who they are, and not who they think they should be.
Alexis Grace xoxo 😘
As a semi retired 68 year old, the worry about my crossdressing affecting my job is over. There was a time though when I would have been in the same situation you are in. At this point in my life I believe my wife is more worried about me being recognized when I am out and about than I am.
This topic is a perfect example of why this site is so important to so many of us. For some, like me, it’s the only outlet we have to share our thoughts, feelings, and frustrations. Big thanks to all who participate!
I disagree and think most of peoples objection is rooted in ignorance, just as it is with most LGBT issues. Sure, some is cultural and religous, but the reason for cultural and religous intolerance is ignorance. Once people truly learn about this types of issues and actually know such people their intolerance fades quickly. Once people got to know a few gay/lesbian people their intolerance usually decreases significantly.
My wife does not care if I dress as she knows it is really no big deal.
@dannydior301 I don't know that my situation is quite as dire. Most of me wants to tell everyone. The reason I don't is because they don't need to know and who am I to go pushing that on them.
Work is a little different, but only slightly. I don't think I would lose my job if someone found out - as long as I didn't show up for work dolled up, that could be problematic.
It is my feelings on this that give me the freedom to go to the mall or grocery store or wherever. If someone sees me and recognizes me (which is unlikely) then they know, not because I told them, but because of a random encounter. If they want to know more I'm happy to share. If they want to go telling everyone...well then they've kind of done my work for me. I don't really feel I can be outed because I already wanna tell people.
You both seek approval and acceptance of some sort just by going out. You’re happy to discuss crossdressing with anyone inquiring about it and yet you both say you don’t care what others think.
If I implied that, then I apologize. For me it's the opposite - outside of my GF, I absolutely do not need or seek anyone's approval or acceptance. I dress for me. My approval before I walk out the door, is the one that matters.
If anyone should happen to be genuinely curious or interested, then I'm more than happy to explain my own reasons behind it, though as yet that hasn't happened.