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Just had a really hot summer day in Nebraska. I think it got to (or above) 102°F today. It is days like this where I wish I had access to a large swimming pool where I could put on a one piece swimsuit and enjoy the water without unwanted attention from those who do not approve.
I hear you. It's nearing 100ºF (~38ºC) here for the next several days with high humidity, and it feels like a sauna outdoors. It's not much better at night, either.
Temps like that are utter hell on makeup and make wearing wigs like putting on a wool hat!
Although I do not like makeup nor use wigs, I am sorry to hear that happening to you.
My house has no shade, so my A/C struggles to keep my it cool inside. I started to use a sprinkler on my roof to help cool my house down. So much water use, but it works a little bit.
Switch to Centigrade. The numbers are more sensible. It would only be 38 degrees.
Doesn't change the fact that it would still be really hot outside and that I wish I could put on a one piece swimsuit and swim in a pool without an unwanted audience.
I find the humidity the real killer. It took me several years to get used to the climate here in this corner of New South Wales after living in the crossdresser-friendly UK climate, and I can happily dress in temperatures well over 30C, so long as it's not humid as well.
On the plus side, the only time we get temperatures below about 10C in winter is if there's a wind-chill factor 🙂
Me too. I spent half of my day down in Arlington on a construction site. It was stinking hot and my jeans were driving me crazy. Later on, when I left the office I changed into my usual attire but halfway into my trip I got a call from the boss asking me to come to the shop, so I had to change again back into jeans. The Shop is about 15 miles past my home in the opposite direction. I was happy to get out of the shop and back into a cami and Capri leggings. When I got home I changed again into a bikini and sat out back in a lounge chair in the shade. It would have been nice to have a swimming pool..
The best I could put into my yard is sprinklers, but would be highly inappropriate if I put on a swimsuit and started running around in the spraying water.
Nearly the same temp here in Southern Ontario, and boy do I agree with you. I'd love to lounge around a pool in a bathing suit. Just bought a new one piece suit, but to use the title from that old song, "I can Dream, Can't I"
I thought about going out to the lake, but I just didn't feel like it today.