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My friends and I have noticed distinct personality differences between my male and female parts. Lea is quite different than her other half, strikingly so in some aspects. Lea is much more extroverted, happy, carefree, fun, colourful, taste in music, more generous, detail oriented, even OCD about some things, much better attired, and so on.
Some of you don’t see much difference in personalities between your masculine and feminine sides, but those of you who have noticed a difference, I’m curious to hear what kinds of things show up. I really doubt I would ever find a similar forum full of men that has the same vibe as CDH so I know something’s different!
I am so much happier as a woman and your description is so very much me. I certainly have two different personalities and I would much rather show the entire world the true me but that is not possible.
For me it's a resounding yes to all of the above.
In drab mode I'm a bit of an introvert, but when I'm dressed my inhibitions disappear. I feel more relaxed, more self-confident, more outgoing. I'll chat more than I would normally, and dance the night away in the middle of the floor. My posture, movement and speech are all more feminine.
Basically, when I dress I take on a female persona who is simultaneously me and not-me. It's a form of escape, a brief respite from my everyday cares and responsibilities.
I generally think I have very similar personalities. However lately I have noticed that as a woman my feelings take precedence over my typical masculine rationality. I did not mean by this that I am irrational, but that I I tend to care more about what I feel than what I think, contrary to my masculine side, which is not as expressive with what I feel. I am more open to improvisation and more communicative en femme. Although I do not feel that I can be my best judge.
Maybe I have become my ideal girl. Ha ha ha.
Cinnamon kisses,
Gisela Claudine
Yes I’m pretty much in agreement with all of that Lea.
I’ve seen a number of quotes on here in the past mentioning being introverted in drab mode, so maybe there is a theme there.
But yes, I’m much more self confident and happy. There’s also definitely a feminine persona, and that growing as time goes on
Mainly dressing on my own, I've not had that much in the way of interaction with others as Fiona - yet. What I can say is, she's more impulsive than my rational drab self. As we get to spend more time, I hope to find she's also rather more outgoing too, as I'm normally very quiet and reserved when not on familiar social ground.
@leainvancouver My wife just told me this morning that I am not as grumpy and moreoen amd sensitive when in stephanie mode. She also commented on how I take on some feminine traits like walking and hand gestures when dressed. I asked if she was mocking me and her reply was no and she thought it was fun. She also said she looks forward to stephanie coming out in public when we travel to Denver in May. I obviously am excited about that.
Interesting thread...its hard for me to comment as no one has seen Samantha but Stephen has always had a feminine side . But i know the last few weeks has seen that increase...its now Thank You not thanks , changing my posture and even the walk !! One thing I've always done though is cross my legs when I'm on the tube (subway) . Hopefully won't be long before Samantha does rhe same xx
My wife says the same as I'm seeing on most of the reply's. I'm not grumpy, smile more, take more pictures and she enjoys our time together. as for style, my male personality is usually in a uniform or jeans and tee-shirt so as Emily I get to express all the style and colors I really enjoy.
Dressing as a woman it is natural to emulate the mannerisms to fit the female image. As for feminine emotions they are there already but mostly repressed but appearing female they are allowed out of the box and you and a partner will see the difference.
my wife told me the same thing when I am dressed that I am more calm and relaxed and much nicer, which greatly surprised me. As I felt I was more anxious and on guard worrying about who may stop by while dressed up.
I tend to be more outgoing and much more willing to talk about personal topics, feelings ...etc as Fiona.
I've always been the Alpha type. When in femme mode, my wife says that I appear more calm, more happy. She says that I lower my voice more.
She and I have also noticed that it appears my brain automatically puts me in to using more feminine gestures. For example, I will do the "limp wrist" when talking as one of my gestures. Also, when standing and taking a drink, I will take one foot, angle the toes slightly toward the other foot and then slightly raise my heel. I caught myself doing that one time and told my wife. We both had a good laugh about it and I constantly catch myself doing it.
My mother identified the female parts of my personality very early in my life.
When I crossdress, those female parts are free to express themselves. In male mode, it is normally not appropriate for me to express my female traits, mannerisms, etc.
On the days I crossdress, I tend to dress and act very effeminately. Moreover, I enjoy the validation I get when women compliment me on my appearance, even the rare complements from a male.
I am calmer, more helpful and considerate, and more good natured in my Sally persona than in her male counterpart’s. My wife has noticed it, and I think that’s one of the reasons she has gradually accepted my dressing. What has also interested me is that I like my Sally persona better too and have been consciously trying to adopt her behaviors and attitudes in all of my interactions, whether dressed or not.