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Picture taking advice

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I didn't look deep, so forgive me if there is already a thread with some pointers about taking pictures for cd/tg folks.

Please share your tips at any time!

- Makeup: Once you take a few pics, take a moment to check that your face is not looking too light/dark, in particular if you are using flash. You may need to adjust your makeup so you don't look ghostly.

- Try to have the camera at at least face level. If you take photographs where the camera is lower than you, it has an effect to make you look taller.

- If you are using your phone and a mirror for selfies, be nice to yourself and make sure that the mirror is clean.

- Be aware of the background when you are taking photographs. I have a friend who "outed" herself because she didn't realize that in her very nice photograph you could see nice and clear her College Diploma.

- Props are usually neat in pics. Flowers in particular. Or a glass of wine, some makeup on the table, etc.

- Look at clothes catalogs and notice of how the models are standing on the photographs. Sometimes some subtle changes in our posture go a long way in helping us look more feminine.

- Looking to some of my older photographs, I sure wish I had known then what I know now about facial hair covering. I can see the blueish shade... *sigh* corrector/concealer/foundation application should take care of that issue, so it is worth practicing.

- Tilting your head and looking a bit to one side usually enhance the looks for most.

- One of the nicest accessories for a CD... a camera with a remote shutter control. I had one once, but it wasn't very good... Most cameras with a remote are way expensive, but I just found an option... I just got a set of mini-tripod and bluetooth remote which works with my smartphone. Cost is about $30 usd at the lone remaining national electronics big box store. It sure beats having to rush and strike a pose when you only have 10 seconds with the camera timer.

So ladies, please add your own advice and happy photo sessions!

Gaby ♥

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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hi gaby. that is very good advice. when I took my picture, (just because I wanted to let people see what I looked like on my profile, rather than a blank image), I realised afterwards the background looked like a bomb had hit it, empty bottles in the background etc. it was rushed however, so I only have myself to blame there. I was also conscious of not having a full on facial picture so I turned my head the other way, showing my wig and what I was wearing. i'm sure if I would have looked at the lens, it would have cracked anyway! as my femme age is 16, I am planning to do a school uniform pic but I really need to sort out the background or it spoils the picture.

gaby, I am finding it difficult to use a timer on my phone and get into position fast enough to take the picture. also strangely enough when you use the front facing camera on the phone and take a picture with it, the image comes out as a mirror image, i.e when taking picture I am on the left, when picture is taken, I am on the right! weird eh?

love fiona xxx



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Don't forget Photo editing apps for you PC or laptop.........I know....maybe that is cheating....but pros and Hollywood do it all the time.

Dame Veronica

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Some things I've found so far while attempting to get those elusive pretty shots:

A flash can be rather cruel as can standing directly under lights.  All around lighting is usually better.  If in the house at night, temporarily changing the bulbs in a room to a higher wattage can help.

Move your head slightly forward as this can reduce double chins and may reduce the adam's apple (as can holding a swallow).   As Gaby said having your face slightly to one side works well, but try and keep your nose within the outline of your face.

Generally take loads of photos in different places, try different facial expressions and poses and see what works best.    Use the timer as selfies can be restrictive.  Then repeat those photos having corrected anything lying around in the background that spoils the shot!

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Thank you!  It certainly can be vexing especially to those of us who are a bit camera shy and have very little experience with taking photos.  I truly appreciate your pointers! - Hugs, Michelle

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One thing I did is a little roundabout but useful if you are alone and don't have someone to take pictures for you. I got myself a Handycam and a tripod so it takes decent quality video. Once setup, I take video of myself and then just take screenshots from the videos for still shots.

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if you google “bluetooth remote shutter” you will find out that they are available at very cheap prices. $5 usd. That way just set your phone in a good position and start taking pics at your heart’s content.


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1. Remove the background clutter. I see a lot of pictures with clothes on the unmade bed, make up bottles on a table or in front of you, toilet seat up, etc.

2. Don't face the camera face-on. Turn your body about 45 degrees and then turn back to the camera. Much more pleasant.

3. Hold something in your hands. See Scarlet398's pictures for ideas on poses, etc. Often she has something in her hands. She is a professional photographer and knows all the tricks.

4. SMILE! I see so many sour looks. A smile can enhance any picture.

5. If you are going to take pictures outdoors, look for an overcast day, or get into the shade. Direct sunshine gives too much contrast.


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- if you have your hands closer to the camera, they will look larger. If the camera angle is from a lower position, you will look taller (especially if you are next to a door/frame).

- Photo editing is usually a good allied. Cropping your photos or adjusting colors is a good thing to do. But if you are “enhancing” your looks (i.e. to make you look thinner) at least be careful so the rest of the background is not distorted!! 🙂

- if you are posting a “fantasy photo”, why not being honest and say so?

thank you all for contributing with other tips!


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Photo editing is usually a good allied. Cropping your photos or adjusting colors is a good thing to do. But if you are “enhancing” your looks (i.e. to make you look thinner) at least be careful so the rest of the background is not distorted!!

The first thing I do is crop most of my photos.  Especially if my legs look silly : I can chop them off and have a nice photo of my top half!  The only other things I tend to do is brighten or darken photos (as appropriate), and sometimes remove an unwanted item out of the background.  Yes, I know I should have noticed it before I took the shot...  As an example my "floral" photo had a few messy things on the floor reflected through the dark doorway in the mirror, which have now disappeared in the gloom.

I don't bother enhancing my looks.  I have played around with my paint package to see what I could do but the results always look wrong somehow.  It encourages me to improve my makeup and photography skills instead!

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Oh for sure, cropping can improve a photograph which otherwise would be... meh!

Most recent chance I had to have a “photo session” I started off by hanging the previous outfit back in the closet after I was done with it. It lasted for about 4 or 5 outfits! Everything else ended up pilling up on the bed! 🙂

and I agree with you on how I’ll try to do a better job next time instead of photoshopping the current pics. It may have to do that I don’t have advanced photo editing software and don’t even know how to use it.


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I use my phone and it has a timer delay and will take up to 3 images so you can move slightly between the pictures.

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FWIW: *Practice* smiling!  I had a brigade commander who actually took acting lessons to become more aware of what his expression projected.  I’m trying to become less dour myself—the current profile pic was a happy accident, no pun intended.



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I crop all my pictures to remove excess distractions and let Photoshop correct the contrast and tone. When I have too much hairy skin visible, I collect them with the Magic Wand and use Blur Gallery filter on 7-10 to make it not noticeable. I have smudged over outlets that distract the view. I have a good tripod and the camera has external flash on top. I can usually get by with 10 seconds, but can take control from my phone if the distance or pose is tricky.

Poses- stand 45 degrees to camera to minimize your width like shoulders. I like the over the shoulder pose (see my cover photos and posted pics) which shows the back, face, gives a nice angle to face, hides Adam's apple. Pictures taken looking into the mirror like doing makeup can be nice. I like to vary poses but many are standing in front of walls, but have done outside or on bed or couch. The leg lift is a nice pose to show off nice legs.

ProtraitPro has demo software that is great to try our makeup and see what can be done to improve your look. I have posted some like that but admit it is adjusted and often show before and after.

There are more, but that is a start...

Hugs, Ellen


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