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Piercings. Got my nipples (re)Done.

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I'd had my nipples done several years ago, but had problems with one of them, so took them both out. Wish I had persevered.

I had my ears pierced a few months ago, and just thought what the hell, I liked had having the nips done, so lets get them redone. Wife has been quite blase about both piercings. (Hey she's a bit of an individual too, as her pink hair attests to).

Made an appointment and had them done this afternoon. I'm a wuss, and I like to play safe as well, so I had them done by a GP who specialises in piercings, and had a local anesthetic . (Note it still hurts like a bitch when the anesthetic wears off - but some heavy duty pain pills helps that).

Getting them pierced (in my experience anyway) WILL make your nipples more sensitive, and probably larger. They require after care and can take up to a year to heal.

But I like having my slightly different and a bit naughty secret under my shirt/or top.

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Very bad naughty secret  🙂 🙂 ):



I have big fake nipples that stick on, I run around the house with them on....


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I have been wanting to.Now you scared me lol.I have been wanting to do it for years for the same reason.I would like to feel the sensitivity as well as the hidden secret.I think I could tollerate the pain for the outcome though.

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Don't be scared Tammy, it is worth it.
You can get patches at the drugstore/chemist (usually used for overseas travel shots - the big ones) that will deaden even the local anesthetic jab. a family member used them for her shots.

I'm at day 2 - and its not painful today, just sensitive.

..And I love them!


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